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what kind of deadly games did you old stoners play?
Well, rock fights, firecracker wars, and in 1957 S.F. was blanketed with snow & the kids went crazy for a day.Every year we'd have freight train races on top of the cars while they were moving.

A time when a having a tattoo or riding a motorcycle, actually meant something.


Active member
"Also, anyone ever pick up the old "pull" type beer can tabs and make chains out of them?"

Those were very popular. I visited many "crash pads" back in the day that had chains of thousands of those hung over a door acting like a self-closing door. "Far out." :tiphat:


Active member
"I think the banning of dodge ball began the pussification of youth reinforced with bicycle helmets. Dodgeball was the bomb."

I'm not the one who said that was unhelpful. Anyways, we had a gym teacher when I was in the 3rd grade that had tried out pitching for some pro baseball team and didn't make it. He was definitely pissed. When we played dodge-ball I remember him playing and drilling little kids actually smacking them so hard it would throw them and pin them to the back wall. We used those rubber gym balls and the occasional volley-ball. I loved that game. Let you really get frustrations out. I thought that was a good thing, isn't it? Even for little kids? :tiphat:

Homer J Pimpin

no no no these days we have to channel the energies inward, while we walk our kids on a leash to yoga class with guru fulloshit.......He teaches us that reverse axl triple quad downward dog opens our chakrahs and releases all the negitivity we channel inward during our time on this plain or until we explode and go on a shooting spree.......whichever comes 1st


remember when trespassing and climbing on the rocks even though the signs said not to was possible? i mean without going to jail

i don't know how many times the "park pigs" told us not to do that shit "or next time i'm gonna call your parents"! ..... but they never did it.

now there are 200 assholes with cell phones calling the real cops and colored concrete blocking all the cool climbs ......... at least at Red Rocks ....... any of you old stoners been on the stairway? or seen the lovely cement plugs they "nerfed" those climbs with?

we dragged a pony keg up that with ropes in the 70's and nobody said a word to us. it seemed like back then nobody thought they were the safety patrol for the general public

pussification ....... <<< that shit is gaining speed


no no no these days we have to channel the energies inward, while we walk our kids on a leash to yoga class with guru fulloshit.......He teaches us that reverse axl triple quad downward dog opens our chakrahs and releases all the negitivity we channel inward during our time on this plain or until we explode and go on a shooting spree.......whichever comes 1st

we just smoked a bowl. 5 finger ounces for for $35 cuts down on the $200 an hour shrink later down the road
lmao, i read some of these and wounder how i survived! my kids never had the chance to do some of the things i did (thank goodness). i remember jumping in the Delores river in Colorado. with nothing but a long stick to ride the rapids. CRAZY man..