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Bees in the Pool


Well-known member
OK, I know we have some Apiarist here, maybe somebody can shed a little light on this.

Pool weather is here, and I'm enjoying my pool. I've noticed something strange, and I can't figure it out. I keep fishing Bees out of the pool. Just a couple hours ago I fished out 3. One was dead, the other 2 were still squirming around, so I put them on the deck to dry out.

I notice this pretty much every day. I'll be floating around and there are at least 2 semi-drowned Bees every time I have a swim.

Oddly enough, I see Wasps land on the water all the time. They don't break the surface tension, so they are copping a drink I suppose, then they fly off.

But the Bees seem to get water logged. I'd assume they wouldn't break the surface tension, as I doubt they weigh more than a Wasp, but I've never actually seen a Bee land in the pool. I just find water logged Bees.

Any thoughts on this? I'm stumped.


Well-known member
i went to school for beekeeping.you pretty much answered your own question.i assume they were honey bees?do any of your neighbors have an apiary?and if they are carrying pollen or propolis they very well can weigh a little bit more than a wasp


Well-known member
Yeah, honey Bees. None of my neighbors keep Bees that I know of, but everybody has fences so it's hard to know for sure. And my yard is pretty barren. It's not like I have a wildflower garden, so I assume the pool is the attraction.

So I guess Bees just get waterlogged easy? Does it have to do with them being fuzzy, unlike a Wasp?


Well-known member
the bees are probably attracted to the pool cause its probably the only water source.my guess is that the wasps have longer legs so they dont break the water tension.the bees do.got no idea if this would work but if you get a big bucket of sugar water they might leave your pool alone.but then you might get ants lol sorry im not much help.i havent had an apiary in ten years


Well-known member
I'm not bothered by them, in fact I kinda want to avoid killing them since they are beneficial insects. The sugar water would probably kill more than the pool. I already got ants, and Palmetto bugs big enough to crunch when you step on them. And they fly. A giant flying cockroach, you gotta love Florida.

But thanks for your information. I figured that was the case. I guess I'm stuck killing bees. I'd rather it be the Wasps.


Well-known member
yeah thats a great idea Roy.unless they drown the sugar water wont kill them.in fact thats what we used for our apiary.thats there food


Well-known member
Hey WelderDan. At least you don't have this problem. Also in Florida...


And I'm glad I don't. When I was a kid in Alabama, I was at a friends farm and we were driving the Tractor around the far end of their property when he ran over a giant underground Yellow Jacket nest. We stopped the Tractor and RAN. How we didn't get stung is a wonder. There were thousands and they were pissed off. Still swarming the Tractor hours after we ran off. His dad fixed the problem with a gallon of Gasoline and a match.

We do have Africanized Bees. I see reports of hives sometimes. Luckily the Bees I'm seeing are just regular European Honey Bees.

If one of my neighbors is keeping Bees, I'm going to suggest they put a dish with marbles and water that MicroRoy suggested near the Hive so they have water next to their Hive. Maybe that will help too.

I'm definitely trying it in my yard.


Seed Whore
Chicken coop waterer with stones. :woohoo:



Green Squall

Well-known member
And I'm glad I don't. When I was a kid in Alabama, I was at a friends farm and we were driving the Tractor around the far end of their property when he ran over a giant underground Yellow Jacket nest. We stopped the Tractor and RAN. How we didn't get stung is a wonder. There were thousands and they were pissed off. Still swarming the Tractor hours after we ran off. His dad fixed the problem with a gallon of Gasoline and a match.

We do have Africanized Bees. I see reports of hives sometimes. Luckily the Bees I'm seeing are just regular European Honey Bees.

If one of my neighbors is keeping Bees, I'm going to suggest they put a dish with marbles and water that MicroRoy suggested near the Hive so they have water next to their Hive. Maybe that will help too.

I'm definitely trying it in my yard.

Honey bees, bumble bees, some wasps are all bros. But fuck hornets! As a dumb ass kid my friends and I threw rocks at a nest that turned out to be Bald Faced Hornets. Meanest mother fuckers to ever exist!

Anyways, good call with the marbles and water. I would do the same.


Well-known member
Thanks Troutman! A picture is worth a thousand words. Can't argue the success of that. Looks like that's the ticket.

I knew you guys would help me solve this.

So Shithawk, are there any colors bees are attracted to? I'd like to steer them to this. Maybe some sugar water in it too, and set up off the ground since they have to fly over the fence. I might start keeping bees too. This is interesting stuff.


Well-known member
Bees are attracted to yellow, blue, white, orange but not red and black. They are also attracted to the scents of herbs like basil, rosemary marjoram etc. So having an herb garden is a great idea. If your gonna have an apiary check your city laws. If you need any advice id be glad to help but its a little bit more expensive than you might think


im having trouble attracting a swarm to a hive, iv sprayed the place down with molasses/syrups & have a water bowl which attracts them, but they wont stay in the hive, what else can i do?


Seed Whore
im having trouble attracting a swarm to a hive, iv sprayed the place down with molasses/syrups & have a water bowl which attracts them, but they wont stay in the hive, what else can i do?

You have to capture the swarm. If you catch the queen with it. They will normally follow.
If the hive is too crowded they will swarm out. So give them another frame and hopefully
they'll stay.

Watch these videos.




Well-known member
Yeah what trout man said is true but the problem is that we don't really know why bees swarm. That is the million dollar question. Scientists can't figure it out. Im pretty sure the shit farmers were spraying around my farm caused my bees to swarm but I can't prove it. The problem is herbasides and pesticides are killing every natural species of plant and animal and the bees are are saying fuck this im out of here. But the farmers don't care cause they only care about there crops, money and quotas. Im smack dab in the middle of ag country so I know what im talking about.


Hi ho here we go
Looks like the shit!

Looks like the shit!

Chicken coop waterer with stones

I get stung in the spa. I removed the flowering ground cover.

My son bought me a "Bug-A-Salt" to shoot down the bees. (Range 3 feet)

It's is a Salt Shotgun. :party: tough on flies, bees and small bugs.