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Beer pong


So I am these people's house and we start playing some beer pong. A lot of people were there.

while we were playing one of the girls tells the other girl that her baby doesn't look like her boy friend at all. So they start to fight and they are breaking up they house. They tip over the beer pong table so us guys thought we would go outside and smoke some of this hash my friend has that was supposed to be the bomb. It was. After a couple of hits we were zoned. One of the guys hadn't smoked anything in a long time and just stood on the rail and puked on some guys car below. That guy was sitting on his porch and come running up the stairs so we all went back into the apartment. We had to physically bring the guy that was puking back in because he was out of it. When we get into the house the girls were still fighting and totally messed up the house. One of the guys told them to stop that they both had ugly babies and they turned on him. One of them got a pool stick and started beating him with it and the other started throwing full cans of beer at him. I suggested everyone smoke some hash and they finally stopped. The guy did have to go to the hospital later because he lost a tooth or two. We managed to fix the beer pong table and were able to finish the game. But the hash was the thing that got everything back in order. I managed to score a quarter oz of the hash for $100


Active member
to be young again..



Active member
i always had a problem with how the beer pong balls would end up under furnaces and other dirty places in peoples garages, then go into my beer, then i gota drink that warm dirty beer thats in a beercup thats been used the whole night already....


i always had a problem with how the beer pong balls would end up under furnaces and other dirty places in peoples garages, then go into my beer, then i gota drink that warm dirty beer thats in a beercup thats been used the whole night already....

Oh we have rinse cups for the ball. And we added some advanced rules like if you do not catch the ball on your side before it hits the floor you have to drink. We are not your average beer pong players.


There is a pit bull there too. He likes to play. But if the ball bonces off the table he eats the ball. We have to have plenty of spare balls on hand.


What's ironic is that baby didn't look like the boy friend. He is like a typical california blond surfer guy and the baby looks like a dark hairy monkey. I would have never said that though. I have spent a ton on my dental work.


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
You need new friends.
Girls with babies playing beer pong sounds like one of those Teen Mom shows on MTV. Tell them to grow the fuck up.


Everyone's Unemployment check come a day late because of the holiday. Looks like tonight are the semi finals. We set some new ground rules. Nobody is supposed to talk about anyone's baby no matter what, or the way their hair looks. I think we have it all ironed out. This is the semi finals for gods sake


You need new friends.
Girls with babies playing beer pong sounds like one of those Teen Mom shows on MTV. Tell them to grow the fuck up.

We don't approve of nursing mothers or those that are currently pregnant to play. Not that you can stop these crazy bitches from doing anything.

A couple weeks ago they were all on the balcony daring each other to flash traffic. Like we need that kind of heat around to mess up the game.

rick shaw

Just sounds like a wannabe Yummybud. Swing and a miss.The unemployment checks were a nice touch though.

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