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Been Flown Yet?



My patch got a nice long hover last week while I was on vacation. My cousin said they were there for at least 5 minutes scouring the hillside and spending several minutes over my garden as well as the guy just up the hill from me who also grows. They were low enough that the noise of the blades woke him up from a nap He split shortly after and saw 3 PD 1/4 mile away on the only other side street for a mile. No idea if its a coincidence, they never came to the house.

Trinity Gold

Just came over my place again sooooo low..


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i live in the midwest usa, the corn belt, but up until two years ago my city had the same number of police helicopters as new york city and more than either boston or philadelphia thanks in large part to the efforts of several policemen who were also ex-military. for over a decade these things buzzed the city every evening and there were two aloft on some evenings, all in a small city with a population of approximately 150,000. five copters were ready to fly and there were a couple of others for parts, all former military gear, but thankfully they were finally voted out of commission due to the maintenance budget of over one million dollars a year. i know how nerve wracking these things are. here, it was about intimidation of citizens and had nothing to do with pot fields but the effect is the same. i am glad they are gone. and in many respects i think they are doing the same in caly and other places. they mean to scare and little else as it seems from the many posts here. they already know who to buzz from prior info is my best guess? and it is up to higher authorities to determine who is to be raided in the near future.

they do not need copters to gather information. better technology already exists. i would guess one airplane, a u.s. air force awac, could gather everything needed to know from the tri-county area in about three days. does anyone doubt this? peace-biteme


A week almost to the hour after the ground visit, they came in again by low and slow by chopper. I was able to see the guy hanging out the door.


This year I grew near a airport (last season I found out from a guy who works there that they have a no fly zone) around the airspace...Just BIG Planes... No eyes from above like i see above the corn fields....It must be a shit load in the corn this year...(I sure some of the farmers are in on it too....)


I live in western washington on a med sized mtn. I have had no flyovers yet, but I have been out of the area for 3 days now, and i dont go back for another 4, so im freaking out a little. Last year I had a fly over that was so close to my house that stuff that wasnt secured down or heavy actually shook (dishes especially).

I only have 4 plants, and I am a medical marijuana patient, do you think they will mess with me? I know they would never bother with that in cali, but I think if they saw something they would prolly send the local sheriff to check it out. I am just afraid for my family, I would not want them to witness a raid, and my arrest, especially for four plants.


There are planes and choppers that fly over head all the time, the only reasons I can think of is the airport thats close enough (could be a cover-up) or they're stupid, because I don't grow.

I am paranoid though, so I always think they're out to get me.


As reported in my "Outdoor helicopter evasion" thread I'm in the outskirts of Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, next to Ottawa in a semi-rural area near the "Gatineau Hills". I hope Canadian reports are welcome here and I hope to read some others.

I seem to be in a flight path but I've seen little helicopter action so far this year, and none that I felt was clearly pot searching. I did see one black chopper flying low (100-200 ft) in late spring/early summer, but no compelling evidence it was pot related. About 4-5 weeks ago I saw 3 black military choppers in single line formation, but they were at least 300 feet up on a foggy day.

4 years ago when I last grew in the back forest, I saw a black chopper about 100 feet up or so and he appeared to hover for a minute over my 7 medium sized plants. Nothing ever came of that although I did destroy my grow.

At least once in my 5 years here I saw a black chopper flying around 200-300 feet doing a grid pattern east to west, then some 10-15 minutes later west to east perhaps 400-500 feet away each time. I'm reasonably confident they were pot searching.

In rural Ottawa some 6-7 years ago I saw one of the Snowbird aerial acrobatic planes zoom over my street VERY low for a fast plane, some 80-100 feet above the ground (and with tall trees all around). I'm sure they aren't doing pot patrols but it was incredibly impressive to see.