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If you guys only knew what it cost to put a chopper in the air in fuel, money and impact on the environment.


Active member
central trinity has been pretty mellow. only hi up spotters flying loop patterns(individual patches) instead of grids(total surveilance). its still a little early though. most of the folks where we are at are in total compliance and then some. we heard rumors of a raid up the valley, but i heard it was an un-scripted(no-docs) garden and may have had meth ties.
either way we'll keep you posted on our area...
happy trails


Active member
If you guys only knew what it cost to put a chopper in the air in fuel, money and impact on the environment.

enlighten us. i don;t have it retained in my memory, but I did recently read what the cost to my county was, how many hours it paid for for the year and how much of that was being subsidized by the federal drug war slush funds. just like making any other kind of war, the pricetag is exorbitant.


My boss was offered a company Helicopter to commute with. He said it cost as much as 15 employees in operating cost. I believe that was just to get to work and back each day in a regular work week.


i dont know about you guys up north but i down south i get a lot of very low small possibly private planes that will go low and swoop over i see them do it too distant canyons too. who knows they are always small all white plans no bigger than a 4-6 seater]
EXACTLY those little annoying things are always zippin around. THey are at least once a day down here!


Active member
Just got my first chopper flyby...White and Blue. i was driving back from a mushroom farm and saw the chopper heading through the canyon towards my house. It did a half circle and buzzed off, but i saw it really doing some seriously low flying including over the farm fields near me. Isn't it a bit early for this kind of non sense?


all day long they are flying over my house and half the night.i dont do any outdoor growing so i have no worries but i do have my med card.the bad thing is that they wont honor it in my town


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Evidently Lake County Ca is in some sort of unholy alliance with the feds, who annually pay for the helicopter program.

This is why Officer Garzoli got drummed out of the Lake County Sherriff's office. He took it upon himself to get flight lessons on the helicopters while doing surveillance flights. Why? To boost his pay, more skills, more worth, more bonuses. Then he crashed one of the helicopters and the whole sordid affair came to the public light.

To put it mildly he broke all sorts of laws...and got fired.

We have more blatant corruption here in Lake County than you can shake a stick at!

Now this a-hole is planning on selling insurance locally and was quoted as saying he would use his experiences as an ex-public safety officer to instill fear into potential clients and force them to buy his 'insurance.'

Isn't that just like the Mafia???

BTW - This is all published in the Lake County News and other sources, it is public information.


PG and E has been flying power lines around Nor Cal for the last month. They are in a white and blue chopper flying very low. They pretty much just stick to the power lines but it still freaks out people who don't know this is a yearly thing. Last week the DEA was doing their flight school in nothern Mendo and southern Humboldt. They had two small choppers and a plane. They were flying very low. We have also seen two very large black hawk style choppers over so hum twice in the last two weeks. There was also a news article from ukiah this morning that the DEA is in mendo but they wont say for what. Usually several large busts result from the DEA flight school trainings.


New member
Our grow is near a airport so we have constant flying, about two or three passes over by a helicopter a day. I've known for helicopters to get too low were they were counting the plants and actually broke branches off the plants from the propeller.
I've came to the conclusion there is nothing we can do about this problem for they are in the sky and we are grounded so my best advice is give them a wave and do a dance.
For the gorilla growers or those who dont grow legitimately you still got to run.


Active member
this reminds me of the c.l.m.p. broadcasts in so-hum. lets keep it moving and up to date as its always good to know exactly where the fox is within the henhouse. its a great tool and a great thread guys!!


Solid Black, smooth looking, fast moving. Deep in the triangle.

Although I am sure with outsourcing and the military subcontracting we will see some other style/color copters.

Saw them flying about a week ago, then a couple days ago they mounted up on ground, sheriffs, marshall, forest service, and headed out to get some guerrilla crap.

Best bet is to bust out a video camera, they will leave fast. They fly under the legal limits in order to count the plants. Waving is cool and all, but best is to get evidence of them breaking the law.

Also heard if you have a horse ranch they have to fly even higher, so they don't spook them.

I would prefer a compliance check now rather then later. Staying under the plant limits should be no problem; problem is if/when the plants get so huge you end up harvesting to much.

Question is, you stay under the plant limits, but end up with to much medicine by luck/gardening skills, what the hell do they really want you to do with the extra medicine? Burn it?


Active member
i sit in between two minor airports but they just opened up the runway a one for larger aircraft... I have seen a ton of choppers lately and the 2 blackhawks the Humboldt local was talking about passed my house 2 times in a weekend. Once going northbound and then coming back south after the weekend. It's pretty clear when they are up to something.


Active member
Distribute it amongst your collective. That's the whole point. Keeping your numbers right is one level of "being legal", but belonging to valid collectives and distributing only within the "closed loop" of those collectives is what the local municipalities are looking for.

I have heard the Horse Ranch thing too. I really wish I had shot video with my cellphone.


Active member
that is my concern med researcher.

my plant numbers are fine even with the morally challenging 6 mature 12 veg...

but are they going to come and check on people who yeild better then others?


classy grass
Been Flown Yet?

Morally challenging? More like legally challenging. SB420's 'limits' are out, it's going to be interesting to see if they still try to count.


Active member
what's clmp stand for?

its the "civil liberties monitoring project". when i first moved up here i was amazed at the resources that local radio(un-corporate)
could provide you. one of those recources ( i think they still do it)
was a twice a day user generated report of the "goings on" of the "leo " in the area. as i remembered it they had it pretty dialed in. and they would read these reports on the air twice a day. people like us called in and reported, and the reports were re-read on the air twice a day.
almost as goos as having a well dialed"$$$" scanner. they would tell you where they were last seen , which direction they were goin in , how big a convoy , and where the heli-coptors were at. totally valuable info to the locals.as well as encouragement to film them breaking the law and report and such.
im not in broadcast range for the station anymore. but this here is very similar. its a valuable tool.
thanks again for the cool thread,


Active member
i love it. my intent with this thread is along the same lines. a clearing house for monitoring data on this subject. thanks for the post.

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