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Bear Grylls vs. Les Stroud,who is the real survivor man


Active member
i have heard so much contraversy about these 2 men.i have a question,who is the better survivalist?i dont mean who has the better tv show,i mean who would survive the longest in the oudoors in any enviornment?i say hands down bear,he is the youngest man to evr climb mount everest,which is a massive feet on its own,he ha some record crossing the artic in a dinghy or something,and he was in the special forces.i say bear would survive longer and be more comfortable than les straud would.im not knocking les,his show is verty unique and i personally think that he does more in his show than bear does.being alone in the bush and filming it must be tough.for ultimate survival i pick bear.the guy is totally hard core.any comments?


none of them, Ray Mears for me he is chubby which tells me he
knows how to find food.

plus Bear always has his little hunting knife and kit when he chucks
him self out of something,which no one would have if you were in
the type of situations he puts on the tv.
and he is always eating the most rank food he can find.
Ray Mears would school him and put something worth eating on the plate.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I would have close to what bear had. i always have a pocket knife and a fire source with me. at all times.

I bet ray would win though. the best survivalist wont carry around camera equipment, so they would not have a show


^I would have close to what bear had. i always have a pocket knife and a fire source with me. at all times.

I bet ray would win though. the best survivalist wont carry around camera equipment, so they would not have a show

thats the other thing Bear always seems in a hurry to get
from point a-b like he knows he aint got much time where as
Ray takes it in his stride and even manages to point things
of beauty/intrest out whilst strolling along,like he has all the time in the world.
im sure Ray schools the british army or has done in the past
which would mean bear is a student not a master.
i can say just by watching the two i know i would rather
go with Ray if the party split up.

another guy i used to watch years ago was the "bush tucker man" im sure he set the standards for suvival shows?


Active member
ray meyers is awesome!i saw a documenary with him on the fur trade in canada.it was an amazing watch,very interesting.you can tell ray mears has a special connection with the wilderness.he looks chubby,but he must be in great shape to do what he does.man,i totally forgot about him.i pick ray!


ICMag Donor
Bush Tucker Man (Les Hiddens) would eat them all up on a camp-fire for breakfast,, he's hard as nails.

That Bear Grills is a TV fraud,, a sensationalist,, and a idiot (drinking water out of camel's shit)! He wouldn't last 2mins without his film crew!

Ray mears prides himself on holding the ability to light fire ANYWHERE in the world. He teaches bushcraft to private groups, boy scouts, and the British Army.

Must fess up to owning most of Ray Mears books,, including the first one. Ray's full of wisdom... and a positive representative of Brushcraft and Woodlore.

"Take memories , leave footprints" [Ray Mears]

Space Toker

Active member
Les seems like he is always whining how hard everything is and that he may need to be rescued, or am I thinking of someone else? It's not Bear that's for sure.

Hank Hemp

Active member
I've seen that boy Mears he's pretty good. Les has a good concept that's hard to do you know camera on a stick and all. The bear strikes me a bit phony.

Cookie monster

Bush Tucker Man (Les Hiddens) would eat them all up on a camp-fire for breakfast,, he's hard as nails.
[Ray Mears]

Les was a cool dude and the only guy I'd have to guide me through the outback but anywhere else I'm going for Ray and that crazy old guy he brings with him.
That old guy knows an insane amount about edible plants.

Bear is just a jackass.


Active member
neither of them have taught me anything,. they are both fun to watch. i grew up camping ,hunting hiking and learned survival skills young.my old boyscout troop leaded was better than both of em.i learned fires and traps and snares when i was like 13 .

Space Toker

Active member
Dear Sir,

"Dick" Proenneke.

Your's &c.
The Federal Farmer.

now that guy was impressive! I enjoyed the way he talked and how he seemed to be able to make anything he needed. I have watched that on PBS again and again and would watch it some more.

Space Toker

Active member
haven't heard of Mears, Grylls is a bit phony maybe but more entertaining than Stroud. Not sure who know more though.


ICMag Donor
The ultimate survivor is a guy called Brummy Stokes (not his real name) , ex-SAS and survival guru. He did a program called "Lost in the Woods"

The other is called Lofty Wiseman (again not his real name) the author of the 'SAS Survival Handbook'.

Otherwise,, I'd probably take Ray camping since you could eat him if you got hungry.. lol


The ultimate survivor is a guy called Brummy Stokes (not his real name) , ex-SAS and survival guru. He did a program called "Lost in the Woods"

The other is called Lofty Wiseman (again not his real name) the author of the 'SAS Survival Handbook'.

Otherwise,, I'd probably take Ray camping since you could eat him if you got hungry.. lol

i had a signed copy of his survival hand book,
John Wiseman i dont think i still have it-done a lot of moving about.
but i will have look and see.

great handbook

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