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Beans in your MJ bags


Is there any way to tell if the beans in your MJ bags will yield good quality product? I am asking this because some of my friends smoke what we call "Regs" (Regular, $125/Oz)) in NY and in their little baggies are beans of different sizes. I am wondering if these is bad MJ because of the way it was grown or because of the genetics of the plant. The beans do sprout but I have yet to grow them fully out and test my theory. Has anyone else done this before and if you have what was your personal experience? Also does the size of the bean help identify how strong the plant will be at all?

lost in a sea

people do start bag seed.......with varying results, some better than others, but still there is no reason why they will be bad or anything...apart from the fact that the parents may be hermi's, meaning that your plants may quite possibly grow up to be hermi's as well...which is the worst pit fall of starting bag seed..

if the ganja around the seeds was good then in all likelyhood the beans will be similar to that...but not as good as growing anything off the bay/boo which is just way more reliable....

if your up for learning then bag seed is perfect, but i personally suggest you check out adventure mix by spice of life, its cheap and awesome! and imo everyone should grow out a pack of adventure mix in their lifetime..

the size of the seed doesnt indicate anything....


What up JB!
Tons of people grow bag seed and most of the good stuff doesn't have seeds! I just got done with a bagseed plant a couple months ago. I beat the shit out of that little plant being as it was my first grow. I went hermi on me (typical for mexi bag seed but probably my fault), but it was pretty good smoke nonetheless. Flavor was crap, but it was a really nice trippy sativa high so no complaints.

Most here will recomend that you start with bagseed to get your grow room/cab up and running properly and not waste paid-for genetics. To answer your question more directly, it is mostly the growing-drying-curing techniques that make your regs suck, but the genetics are not great in most cases. Some people have found awesome plants in bagseed!

If you are in the northern part of the world you probably don't want to grow that outdoors because it is probably Mexican weed and was not bred for short growing seasons. That being said, a friend of mine who is about 6 hrs south of Canada grows a couple every year outdoors and gets smoke off of them. the plants never mature however, and he gets low potency and a small yield. YMMV

Do a lot of reading here and ask a lot of questions. you will get lots of opinions and mostly good information. If you are going to grow, then run those bag seeds before you go out and buy seeds. This growing business isn't as easy as it seems until you get things dialed in on the first couple of grows. Maintaining proper temperature, odor control, and ventilation are the tough parts of the grow area, and understanding what nutrients the plant needs is the tough part of the grow itself. I would highly recommend an organic soil/soil less medium and organic nute recipe that will allow you to mostly just water the plant from start to finish. Nothing is foolproof, but that is easier than trying to mix and adjust fertilizers when you don't understand the plant. Obviously this is all based on my experiences so far...
Here is a bud from my mexi bagseed plant. It was a hell of a lot better than the bag it came out of!

I'm actually growing out some of the hermi'd seeds now just to see what happens. I have been working on real genetics as well, but why not right? Variety is the spice!


Fred el Gato

Hey JB, Had some beans from some nice regs here in the midwest, not high dollar and not brick. Popped 7 got 3 different phenos, a female of each. Nice quick growing, christmas tree stature. First pheno had large fluffy buds loaded with red hair but no trichs, 2z's. Second pheno had med. sized tight dense nugs, a decent smoke, 3z's. The third was a cross between the two as far as buds, also a decent smoke, 4z's. Needless to say I kept a couple of the 2nd and 3rd. Basicly you just never know until you try, I ended up with something anyway so it wasn't a waste of time. Those #'s from my little 400. Good luck and have fun doing it.


Definitely grow it out , 3 of my mothers are bag seed .
Pick the healthiest looking seeds .