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Bean prices are out of control.

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It's just like anything else; if you have to have that one great thing, you're gonna pay the price for it.

There're plenty of affordable beans at the 'Bay; I just ordered a pack of "Mystery Mix"; 20 seeds for 30 bucks. There's nothing like popping seeds with no idea what the end result'll be, and chucking a little pollen just makes for more fun.

I've grown $100 packs, bagseed, and everything in between, including my own closet crosses. From where I sit, it's all the same; the end result is jars full of smoking pleasure.

Of course, I won't be able to join in the threads raving about growing the great new "Chocolate Ultra-Purple Kush Thunderblast blah blah blah" strain; oh well, I'll have to find some other way to prop up my self-esteem.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I wonder how many people make bids on Seebay, and then never follow through and pay. Any statistics on that?


well they only charge these prices cuz they know there are actually people retarded enough to pay that price

Well, they were/are auctions so nobody is charging anything, that price was offered.

what gets me about those beans is, they are multi- multi hybrids, pollen chucked to the max, no selection, and its a strain that is not in demand/ nobody even knows what it is so its not like the growers that get them will be offing units at record prices too, probly get low balled on em actually cause nobody knows wtf 'starfighter' is, assuming they live in cali that is...


Female Seeds.They are in my book GREAT
You know it mate!
As for 4k for a pack of beans,theres an old truism.....A fool and his money are soon parted,what a total rip-off!More fool the buyer!


Active member
that definately makes sense.......i got mad respect for alien but im not to friendly with some of the mods over there they run a tight ship and any kind of discord against their ways gets you banned...

i really wouldnt be surprised if some of those bids are cooked...because 4k is really ridiculous for a grower in TODAYS market to pay...maybe back in the 5-6k a pack days....but even if that stuff is better then the best OG and best chems...its still not selling for that much more a pack..

makes me think its either a collective or group of growers who are all pitching in...or maybe one of those super ballin colorado warehouses that wants something unique...

and i agree with panic mode that even thogh alien has some fire genetics and awesome picture taking skills...that is just a polyhybrid that is UNTESTED! thats pretty crazy.....


Active member
now they are talking about starfighter hitting 4 per light in a vert setup and how its ready to harvest really quick..

im all for big claims like that BUT LETS SEE SOME FUCKING PICS!! all we ever see are isolated cola shots....i feel like those claims wouldnt be taken so seriously on ICmag people would become unrestful until pics/proof......but when you got the mods in your pocket like that shieett you can pretty much do anything you want, no one will speak up against him for fear of ban haha..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
thats just as bad or worse then those 750$ Armageddon x Sirius Skunk Feminized beans. im sure most of you have herd of these, I have never seen a grow thread or any info on them....


Active member
now they are talking about starfighter hitting 4 per light in a vert setup and how its ready to harvest really quick..

O Rearry??
Big claims indeed.
4000 for some beans is a fucking joke.
I'm about to pop my bubba seeds fuck these fools.............

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Do you guys really care what someone else spends on seeds?
Good on 'em, they won't be competing for seeds that I want! :dance013::yay:

I also don't care how Logic runs his site.
Lets be honest, it's a business.
Business 101, make money or FAIL.
There is a sucker born every minute.... very old cliche that still holds VERY true today.

I'm going to worry about what's in my tents! :ying:

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Don't take this personally but...

I think fool is an appropriate word to describe anyone who sends money to that douche bag. So many people have been cheated its unbelievable.

With all due respect.


Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Not taken personally at all.
I do not send my $$$ there, you do not, many of us do not.

All I'm saying is, I DO NOT CARE, who does.
Why would anyone?

Peace and respect.


Beans are free when you make your own, and I for 1 dont spend over a hundred on any seeds i need for more seed projects, there are plenty of gems under that amount, PLENTY!!!!!
And when I find keepers, I grow em clone em and hand em out for free/cheap(electric aint free you know) in my area!!!!
Hell over $4k for seeds is nothing, nothing if you have a bottomless bank account, and mine sure isnt so it aint my business and it never will be, good luck to those that can and do though!!!!


New member
The alien thing is out of hand. It's hype.. whatever makes you happy though. Without saying anything about the quality of the breeding or the lines he used, it's kind of lame that this guy is only putting out 75 seeds total when he knows the demand is off the charts.


Well-known member
took 13 pages for the actual reason of the post come out. if the op had said as such in the beginning it would've been a lot less confusing.

and you be tripping
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