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Bean prices are out of control.

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I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
The bottom line is..If someone wants to pay over $100 for 10 seeds..then that's the market. Sacrifice a run to make beans, I sure as hell will.
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OP, middlemen provide a level of security for seed producers. One plant can produce thousands of beans/clones/future plants, so a ten/twenty dollar seed can be turned into as much product/whatever as you like. Seems cheap to me.....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I got some of that on the way Hell yeah:ying:

i got almost 100% germ rate on all the seeds i popped from Kabookie, some tap roots showed in 6 hours!!!

did have a good amount of males, but im not tripping....

the agape grape is something VERY INTERESTING!!! grows thick, lush and super dark green with next to no side branching....

im sure it will grow a 12"-20" long, single cols, its so badass....


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
i got almost 100% germ rate on all the seeds i popped from Kabookie, some tap roots showed in 6 hours!!!

did have a good amount of males, but im not tripping....

the agape grape is something VERY INTERESTING!!! grows thick, lush and super dark green with next to no side branching....

im sure it will grow a 12"-20" long, single cols, its so badass....
Like I said..I ain't afraid of sex lol. I'll make seeds til they come out of my ass. But I'll always be able to grow


Genetic Resource Management
I gotta laugh at some of the posts in this thread.... yeah OK actual breeders should love the plant and sell the seeds "...for just enough over cost to pay essential bills and costs...". Give me a fucking break. :rolleyes:

I spent 8 years in University, take the risk of running a substantial op and maintain my backup stocks at 3 locations... so many people in this industry tell me we are crazy for even trying to do this work. People with my level of education make lots more than I do, and don't have to worry about the cops busting in their door daily, or have the stress on relationships that I have on mine as a result of my dedication to the plant.

I love the pursuit and the challenge, the exploration and the journey. I do guarantee you that most large growers maker MUCH MORE $$$ than I do, in fact if I were to switch over my operations to sinse production I'd be a hell of a lot more comfortable than I am today... but I'm not going to do that because making improvements and helping the species by teaching growers and breeders to work more ethically is something that hold an importance of which you cannot put into words.

The numbers you guys throw out are so far off the mark it's not even funny. I get maybe 25-30% of retail price BEFORE expenses. Only a single line of mine retails @ $100, and only then because they are in limited supply, the rest retail @$80. Then account for knockoff artists and re-hybridizers, unauthorized seedbanks selling fake seeds, members 'gifting' F2 seeds or sending them to the 'server fund' and cutting our grass, etc etc and the margins just get smaller and smaller.

On top of this, take into consideration employees salaries, expenses incurred travelling to far off lands to find new and interesting base stock to develop, sleeping on couches and in tents in god-forsaken countries, years of selections, countless lines that prove unfruitful and are never sold, charitable donations to medical societies, lab costs, lawyers bills and retainers in case of problems, costs incurred to travel to scientific conferences and stay current etc etc. Then add on competition from hacks who have no clue as to what they are doing, and just take any plant from a 10 packs and hit up an elite they buy for $10 at a dispensary and get sold on the same shelf with no differentiation between the truly worked line or the hackjob, because in the end the retailer makes the same amount on each seed and doesn't really care about anything but lining their pocket ... and the picture starts to become pretty clear that the amount of money that end up in the pockets of the people that are actually doing the work, is very little.

Sure, there are scammers and hypers that do very little to no work, and try to paint themselves and breeders while they brag about their expensive watches and fancy cars for nothing but having someone else knock up a few plants while they sit typing on the internet about how cool they are and all the work they've done to bring you seeds... and for those people I would have to agree that seeds are FAR overpriced. But to say that al seeds should be sold for a buck a seed retail and that we're all making millions from the process, is just plain ignorant.

Shit..... maybe I'll just take that job with the Pharma company and let them pay me a salary and play around in a legal lab, legal greenhouses, get my little condo and fuel efficient car and be a good little member of society and not have to worry about the pigs knocking on my door...

.. Yeah right. And miss out on this? I don't think so...... ;)


PS- KrunchBubble PM me lest I have to follow you around the board posting in every thread participate in. ;)


poppin' outta control
Here are the some proven amazing companies pheno after pheno for low prices.. get it while you can.. as the bean maker stays in the game longer and longer, they put more and more time into their genetics, backcrossing over and over, making it more stable, making it worth more money.. So the newcomers naturally will have a lower price, for less worked material

GRINDHOUSE- $60... $90 for their only IBL

Gage Green $40-75

I have never done cannacopia, but 35 for every strain.. what a deal..

Worked genetics are worth 100+ IMO, but there are plenty of awesome companies out there w/ awesome worked genetics for under 100, like:



BOG (for the most part)


Active member
Sorry for not reading the whole thread before jumping in on this, but... This is just stupid... if you ONLY buy one seed and grow it, clone it and grow the clones to maturity, you would have WAY more pot than that seed cost you. Holy shit man.. if you don't want to pay for quality, then buy those crap strains from the cheap vendors and be happy with mediocre quality product. The best pot I've grown has come from the upper priced seeds (without paying the elite prices) and the worst has come from the bargain seeds. I mean.. wtf.. weed growers are some of the tightest assed people I've ever seen, but the first to want 100 buks a quarter from their friends for the weed they grow in the spare bedroom. I grow for my own use and a few friends get the benefit of I grow more than I can smoke. I get to offset the cost of my electric bill and put a few bucks in the pocket.. If you don't want to pay the price.. just buy the crap (or worse yet, buy street pot) and shut up about it..

mgk :tiphat:


Genetic Resource Management
I have never done cannacopia, but 35 for every strain.. what a deal..

I spoke with them recently, and I'm not sure they are going to be making seeds any longer... just not enough people buy their stock to justify their time and expenses. The wives loves the seed crops for their hash supply, but kids, mortgages and bills sure put the pressure on them to grow nugs of instantly sellable sinse crop rather than waiting for seed dollars to roll in slowly....



Ya there are exceptions to the game chimera and a few others are the real pioneers, that have put the time in and the prices are well worth it but come on there are so many out there just using other peoples hard work to make the same amount as the hard working true breeders


poppin' outta control
shit chimera your C+ is only 65 these days.. never have ran chimera b/f but maybe its about time..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Mental floss for the win....

I have grown many from top breeders. You dont always get what you pay for.. If I unload any it's always $25 1/8 50 1/4 200 oz ......


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
every time I go to a seed bank and look there are about 100 different seed vendors and out of those maybe 5-10 real breeders..


poppin' outta control
whats the genetics of mental floss? i have seen it around but dunno the genetics, and it doesnt say on sb..

Kinda thinkin about Cannacopia BC RKS x DC now for 35 bucks if they are about to stop..

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
I started to post up a big rant but I'm not. I can count the true breeders on one hand. They are the only ones that would get my money.

Can I just get some true F1's? Especially if they have been tested thoroughly. At least then the females would all be keepers. Some good P1 stock would be good also. I would pay good money for those. These two items are the hardest to find. You have to be real careful when someone claims to be selling f1's. Most likely they are not. You can keep your poly-hybrids I can do that on my own.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Mental Floss
Flowering Time : 55-65 DAYS
Environment : INDOOR/OUTDOOR
A chunky, odorific prolific producer adored by commercially minded producers and hash connoisseurs. Strong sturdy stems make this hybrid an excellent choice for SOG gardens or bush style grows. Purple hued colas with a taste and nose reminiscent of sweet berry licorice and the finest oriental incense. Truly an outstanding hybrid of near miraculous medicinal value. - Supposedly a more couchlock sort of buzz, good for pain killer, anxiety, sleep

Simon Templar

Which are the ones you can count on your own hand? I'm looking for some nice info - don't want to fall on an inferior quality seed bank...

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