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B'Cuzz Bloombastic..


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i got some trim from my boy's grow to make butane oil, he used an sensi a@b with bloombastic. the YIELD with this trim was 9.5 grams per tube, ALMOST DOUBLE what the norm is at 5 grams a tube. done this strain(og kush/gdp) many times in my tubes and this time, WOW! no pics since is was not my garden. :yoinks:


if your buying it in the U.S. from a grow store your paying 200 plus for the big bottle, I have used it for the last two runs and like it, however I run perpetual and have found not to use it before 3 weeks in flower unless your running real minute ratios.

See, thats the thing.
yeah its 200.00 bucks, but at 1-2ml. per gal. starting at wk. 5, a large bottle lasts forever. using just GHflora base nutes w/ this small amount of Bloombastic, and doubling trich production, seems worth it to me.
As far as I'm concerned, anyone who tries this stuff will quickly see its value. I noticed the difference right away, at even half the dose 0.5ml per 1000ml.
Believe me, i was more than skeptical before i bought this stuff, but for me its proved to be worth its weight in gold.
I took a chance w/ it, and I'm glad i did.
I just want to offer my opinion to anyone who might be thinking of trying this stuff. I've tried my share of different bloom boosters and i agree that a lot of them are "hype", but I'd have to strongly disagree that this stuff falls under that catagory.
I'd like to hear more, from people who have actually used this stuff. I know there has to be others among us, that have been having positive experiences.


i got some trim from my boy's grow to make butane oil, he used an sensi a@b with bloombastic. the YIELD with this trim was 9.5 grams per tube, ALMOST DOUBLE what the norm is at 5 grams a tube. done this strain(og kush/gdp) many times in my tubes and this time, WOW! no pics since is was not my garden. :yoinks:

I hear ya,
I couldn't believe how much more plentiful the resin was, and the overall size of the heads appear more full and swollen. I guarantee allot of people are gonna read our posts and think that were grossly exaggerating. But those of us that use it know different. I've only been growing for a couple years, and i'm far from an expert, but i know what works and can guarantee that if you love bubble hash, and wanna see more at the bottom of the bag, you wont be disappointed taking a chance w/ the Bling,Bling:2cents:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
in my group of growers, we do side by side comparison of products with every single grow we do. this was the first time we ran bloombastic. we did a side by side comparison to dark energy. absolutely everything in both rooms were identical except for the bloombastic and dark energy. the bloombastic room yielded twice then the dark energy in butane extraction ammount, but the dark energy room yielded more then the bllombastic room......


Registered Cannabis User
nice test idea man. How much more weed did the dark energy yield than the bloombastic?
Was it significant?
When you did the experiment, was the plant count, veg time, strain, grow method, lighting, and environment etc,,, the same in both rooms..?

Seed Buyer

There are pics in my gallery of some LUI treated w/ bloombastic. Just kicked down $2400 for a case....and I dont use Advanced either!


New member
Hi, used it for my last grow and it is nice product IMO only disadvantage for me is that it makes much scale (water stone) so it basically ruined my pump and plumbing so I reverted back to Green Sensation fm Plagron which has same results. I´ve got PH 6,5 fm tap so it may be related...


I hope this get's somewhere,and i'm not being funny or anything,it's just good to know what really does work.
Keep it up guys,especially side by side testing done in the same enviroments on clones,that'll sort it out.

high road

At the risk of opening myself up to critisism, here's a few.
People can say what they want about this product, but all i know , is that my bubble pretty much doubled since using this product. The trich coverage is thick even under the leaves and they run down the actual stems of some of the leaves. Unfortunatly, these pics are the best i can do right now, as mt digi. dosent take good macro's, always blurry. When i get a good camera, i'll show you what i mean.

No offense...but those are the only pics I've seen of bloombastic 'results' on IC
and they are not very convincing. You would think that you would have to see dramatic differences to warrant the extra cost. So you doubled your bubble yield. In my experience, I've noticed that stressed, deficient plants often will produce a bit more in the trichome department. Looks like that could be what happened here.. Those plants are not the happiest and healthiest I've seen. They don't look any different than your pics in your old gallery...where's the results?


Active member
Hi, used it for my last grow and it is nice product IMO only disadvantage for me is that it makes much scale (water stone) so it basically ruined my pump and plumbing so I reverted back to Green Sensation fm Plagron which has same results. I´ve got PH 6,5 fm tap so it may be related...
you need to keep a pump running in your rez to keep the clay aggitated, it hasent hurt my pump in 2 grows.


New member


Well my dear fellow grower . I have started the use off bloombastic from week 3 flower . With my NPK ratio of 4 27 28 And with just 2 weeks to go the resalts are out standing in coco . Will post pics when done . Start with Half mill per litre for 2 feeds then bang it up to one per litre then every 3 days feed. ..Process looks like they been in there 7 weeks when they have omly been in 5 Crazzzzy
Take care


i,ve used PK boosters along w/ bloom stimulators, but still never seen results like i'm getting w/ Bloombastic. I've used liquid Kool Bloom w/ Floralishious 3 times in a row and got pretty consistent results. I can only speak from my own personal experience (which hasn't been long at all) W/ this product. I'm growing the same strains as last run, under the same conditions, only this time around, i've noticed faster onset, faster trich production along w/ the thickest coverage of trichs i've experienced yet- hands down. To me, I'm thinking there's a little more going on w/ this product than just a combo of PK boost/flower enhancer.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that it's expensive but i'm willing to bet the results would be noticable at even 1 ml. per gal., half of w/ the bottle calls for. Thats a whole lot of happy grows for 200.00 bucks. (many spend more on seed's)
I'm not tryin' to argue w/ anyone, but i keep hearing that it's just hype, which contradicts w/ what i'm experiencing.

I totally agree w/ Asher1er on this, that it's a different "breed" of booster.
You said you've used b-cuzz bloom, but have you tried Bloombastic?
I can inform myself till i'm blue, or believe the "hype" all i want to but believing in hype is not going to change the outcome of a grow. Seeing is believing and as far as i'm concerened, this stuff stands alone.


Sativa Tamer
Ha...the real problem with bloombastic isn't the overpriced hype. The problem is that all the goof's that are in the market for hype are already buying advanced nutrients.


I'm very skeptical of these so called "bloom boosters".



New member


Just started my 1st grow using the stuff in 14 ltrs pots Have 2 weeks left and is feeding 1mil per litre evy 3 days is this correct. They are looking amazing can anyone help please
Kind growing regards
Greendog 0069


Active member
you need to keep a pump running in your rez to keep the clay aggitated, it hasent hurt my pump in 2 grows.

theres a new product coming out, i have a case as a sample to try.. its bloombastic....but without the clay:joint: side by side test being done as we speak:abduct:


I just bought me a bottle for 90$ from my local grow store. I must admit the guys sware up and down that they got people demanding this stuff an d that the results will be very apperant. It helps resin ,potentcy and flower size.

I cant wait to start using it and see if it really works.


To Have More ... Desire Less
yep i'm an old skool grower.....10+ yrz and countless cropz.......
most recently i waz talked into spring'in fro a bottle of theis stuff and
HOLYMOLLY.....does this stuff EVER do what it sayz.....biggerbudz....tighternuggz....more defined budgrowth in every aspect.....just ca'nt go wrong...with this cshit.....A LITTLE goes aLONG way.....i'm runnin 1/2 tsp per gal and workz like a champ.....
worth the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:2cents:
and smellz like the most wicked african gumbo on earth.......


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
ya, the smell is indescribable, i can smell it after i put it in my res throughout my house.

but the results are well worth it, this sh!t rocks!

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