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Bc's RockLock pc grow..12/12 from seed


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Cat tested, Cat approved

BC where are you getting your clones?Are you medical and you just grab whatever you like, or do you have a buddy throwing clones when you need them.Ive been meaning to ask.


Active member
Hey Bc, looking awesome m8 I recon you will end up with 1 very big fat "nugget" out of that little girl of yours. Those buds are forming nicely mmmmmm.... hows the smell going, is she a stinker or quite mellow??


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks christoph!! That was nice to say bro..
Thanks Ghost my friend!! That cat is totally bizarre....love it though...
Hey cheese!!!! Thanks bro!!
Thanks PG-191!! Lots of work but also lots of fun to build my case...
Hey b00m!! Thank you bro!! those little musician smilies always crack me up!!You too Ghost!! Thanks
Hey Fuzz420!! All the plants I've grown were from seed..the few you see were cut off the plant(to concentrate the main cola) smothered in spit and planted as you see them..and they actually are growing!! I can get clones(cheese) but have'nt yet..
Hey johnny!! Thanks..I hope that "nugget" weighs an O!!!
She is bushier than the TW at the same day!! Thats from me feeding her every watering, not every second or so...
Its now day 15 of bloom and she grows an inch or so every day..LST has helped...

here are some pics for your viewing pleasure:tiphat:

she's starting to fill out but see how close to the light she is?there are still 5-6 weeks to go..looks like another ta
yet another shot from above:bump:



look at this little lady!! I cut her off 2 days ago( was'nt getting light anyways) so it was spit and dirt time for her too!! :)


here ya go christoph!!!

at 5 weeks of bloom the TW was this big:laughing: this strain LOVES LOTS of nutes and would grow huge in any other setting..really nice strain...
Look forward to hearing from you all..
thanks everyone
WOW man, just let me be the first to say, she is looking amazing!

thanks again for the picture man! its good too see how she is filling out the box :) she is definitely loving those nutes bro!

in that third picture, what is that little plant in the back in the clear cup??

im gunna grab a roll or two of aluminum tape next week, and get going on my new box, hopefully the stuff will arrive in the mail!

take care buddy!



Well-known member
wow them clones be looken good. and the mother is looking really great as alwase.

keep on rocking in the green world.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks christoph'sbud!! very nice of you to say...she does LOVE the nutes..the other plant is a marigold..after my horribly failed attempt at growing a snapdragon for my 18 year old daughter(she's always loved that plant!) I am trying this variety...adds some colour too!
Thank you very much cheese!!!
Its day 16 of bloom and she has almost doubled the size of her cola overnight..not kidding..


she is going (already is!) to be huge..sheesh..I wasn't expecting this at all...the pot she is in is only half a gallon too!! I truly swear by PureBlend Pro..Bloom and Grow...she is already to the lights and there's still 5-6 weeks...:thank you:


just a shot of the stem..pretty big..for such a short time..

this is what I've come up with to make room for more growth..I just moved a light over to the right but I don't think that will be enough..LST!!



she's really going now..Between the BudBlood and the BigBud and Carbo-Load, I'm hoping for at least 14 grams...hopefully more:jump:

do these look like they need food? the leaves are going yellow at the tips...Can anyone let me know..newbie:wave:see the pistils on the one to the left? Funny huh!!


alot of growth overnight...she is almost as wide as the case and 6 inches short of touching the top of the pc:tiphat:with 5 weeks to go..
So, what do you all think? help with my dilemna if you please:)
thanks for being part of this grow everyone..


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Those clones will need a light N dose bro, seaweed kelp or fish emulsion type nutes will be cool. Just a light dose to get those girls going.
Peace :)


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Also you are going to have to do some 45 degree LST on that main cola somewhere near halfway down the stem, imo, to stop her touching the roof.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey b00m! Thanks bro...nice to hear from you..okay, I'll give those babies a touch of fish emulsion..I have that sitting around!! Yeah, you are also right on tying the stem down farther..it is tied but the stem at that part is too woody to bend..I'll move it up a touch..
Thanks again b00m
hey bc, plants are looking good, its awesome that ur growing flowers for your girl :p

ide say you should let her dry out, alot, and then try some lst, stem should be alot more flexible. i think since your just going for a single cola, that there is gunna be alot of height issues this run :p

im here to support you tho bud! so stay optimistic, cant wait to hear from you.

sent you a pm, awaiting reply :p



Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
BC, I went to see a friend and he turned into the nutrient fairy and hooked me up with some stuff he wasn't using. Mostly one liter opened jugs not full jugs, but I'm not complaining. There was some Advanced Nutrients "Sensi Grow" part A and B, and Botanicare's and General Hydroponics "Alaska Fish Emulsion", "Diamond Nectar", "Liquid Karma", "Cool Bloom", and A few others. It should keep me going for a while. He's gone to using only Advanced Nutrients so he gave me almost everything. I started the girls on some of it last night. I'm hopping the Sensi Grow lives up to Big Mikes claims. "Growers Underground.com" "Go in a good way my friend"

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey everyone!!thanks Ghost and christoph for your replies..
its day 18 of 12/12 in bloom..she's coming along quite nicely plus the clones are as healthy as can be...
I did some major LST on the side branches(whats left of them!!) to get her growing in the direction I want..its clear sailing now..




she's getting pretty wide:) After feeding her ph 6.6, the runoff was 6.2!? I have to flush alot of nutes through now to get her back up..


the case is quite full now:thank you:
hope you enjoy the pics and look forward to hearing from you all...
i only don't suggest growing into the lights because of what happened to me:
i was growing into the lights, temps were fine, bulbs were cool. one of my fans fell off during the day while i was at class, burnt the shit out of both plants. :(

vigorously LST that sucker...check out what i did to mine!


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
It's all looking really good BC. I have my biggest girl heavily LST'd also, it was the only way to keep it out of the lights and get light to all the flower sites. I had to top it twice before that so now it has two double tops.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks thehappyguy!!Nice to hear from you! I once again was'nt on top of the LSt but, thanks to movable lights, everything should be okay..
Thanks Ghost..I'll be by to check out your thread ASAP...My daughters aunt just died of a heart attack at age 29 so I've been totally absorbed in all that lately..
Hey christoph!! the cola is about 6-7 inches now so, hopefully a little bigger!
Hey all...its day 20 now of 12/12 of bloom...she was really backed up with low ph soil due to me being away dealing with Tasha's death..
I flushed her heavily with just water and now the ph of the soil is 6.4...better than 5.6 before!! sheeeesh..

right up there huh!! This will be fun:)

she really slowed due to the soil but now lets hope she gets back on track...

the cola is coming along but its behind a bit for sure

she is as wide as the case now:)

the clones are all doing fine but 1 stands out for sure..I'll post some pics later..
sorry I have'nt been around much or to visit your threads but I'll be around more now...
thanks and take care


Hey BC sorry to hear about your loss.

I've been lurking on your threads for a while but this is my first post. Good to see a fellow BC'er kicking ass!

What I find useful for LST is solid copper wire like in 14/2 house wire. I strip off the outer sheathing, cut a piece about 7 inches long and bend the one end into a hook with needle nose pliers and force those little branches down wards.

Awesome job on those cuts BTW. Your PC case, as well as a few others here has inspired me to make a case of my own. Just waiting for the lights to arrive.

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