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BC Chronic's 192 watt pc scrog

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hello everyone!!! I decided to go scrog this time with an AK48 as the star of the show...
hope you join me because this ones going to ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey all:) soooo glad to be back here...they may have stole all my stuff but they can't steal my heart for growing and all of you!!!
I've consistently gotten an 0 from all my grows in my pc, except for the clone where I got 9-10 grams dry, so I decided to try scrog...
so here is some info on my pc and everything else...
I am using a Lian-Li aluminum tower pc with exactly 1.35 cubic feet of growing space..
i have 3 passive 4 inch intakes with 1-80mm fan blowing on the top lights..

the intakes are on the right side of the pic
I have 1-120mm Nidec exhaust fan with 251 cfm's!!! its like living with a jet engine in my room but it works sooo well:dance013:
I have another 80mm Asus exhaust fan with 49 cfm so I have 300 cfms exhausting 1.35 cubic feet of space!! Crazy....thats why I can have so many watts im my pc...
There are 2 homemade scrubbers and the larger of the 2( for the Nidec) has an inch thick of carbon and the fan still blows air through like crazy:)

still some touch up to do:)
I am using all cfl's...2-44 watt philips 6500k 2000 lumens, 2-26 watt 6700k 1600 lumens each and 1-40 watt 2700k red for full spectrum ..these are my grow lights and the rest are blue..they total 180 watts for veg with 9,920 lumens..
for bloom I am using 3-40 watt 2700k 2720 lumens each, 2-23 watt 2700k 1600 lumens each and 1-26 watt 6700k 1600 lumens for full spectrum with total 192 watts and 12,960 total lumens...
The soil is my tried and true Schultz Organic with No added nutes, just beneficial bacteria already in the soil...its great stuff..
I am using PureBlend Pro grow and Bloom with BudBlood for early flowers, and BigBud and Carbo-load for added goodies..
And last but not least, the star of the show, an AK48 seed which should pop out of the soil by tomorrow..
here are some more pics...

scrubber for the 80mm exhaust fan...sugarbear style:tiphat:


this is the cola from the RockLock clone!! it weighed 48 grams wet and 9.5 dry..:wave: I let her go the full 60 days and she is curing still...

I made some big changes inside too..cleaned it out of all the extra stuff for more room and built the scrog screen custom size..its an exact copy of the bigger one in my new cab...there are pics in my albums...

the seed is in this 2 gallon tub filled to the top with soil..:dance013:lots of space to get big...

this is my homemade scrog screen..
so I really hope you all stay tuned cause it ain't the same without ya!!!!!
I should add thanks to the concerned people during this crazy time..They got the new cab lights but thats all..they can be replaced but the 100's of hours of work I have put into this cab could never be replaced if they got that...
take care everyone:)
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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Shotgun brother woohoo looking great mate crank that new cab, oops I mean setup :biggrin:
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BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Right on b00m!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to have you on board bro!!!that avatar is awesome!!
I should have the new cab up and growing in a month tops but I really wanted to see what the max amount of buds I can get from this pc before she turns in to a mom/clone machine...
take care


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Yeah bro my avvy is a pic of me looking at my DutchGrown plants hehehe :biggrin:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Not at the moment bro, will give you a heads up though when there is something to look at. :)

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks heater76!! Nice to have you on board!!!
I should mention I'll be going 18/6 untill the screen is pretty well full then switch over to 12/12
the AK popped out of the soil so now the fun begins!!!!!
please let me know what you all think of my scrog screen and if I need to fix anything..better now than when she's filling it out!!!
thanks everyone...
I am so glad to be back and growing a different way..Scrubs is back...times are good!!!
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subscribed ! That pc rox:bump:, no matter its not stealthy .
Might i ask some info on that scruber and how you close the door since its ducted the spot where the side pannels fit in( or im seeing wrong)?

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks Fuzz420!!!! yeah, i am hoping to get the max amount this time so we'll see how it goes...
Thanks archer66!! welcome to my thread...yeah, stealth went out the window a long time ago!!! my scrubbers are mounted on the very back of my computer so they don't interfere at all with closing the door...I did want stealth awhile ago but to get this many watts/lights, I had to forget stealth but my cab is going to be quiet, lightproof, smell free AND pump out the buds
I also found out that AK48 will produce nice buds scrog style so let the fun begin!!!
I get my lights replaced(for the cab) tomorrow so heat tests should begin ASAP...
Thanks everyone..
awesome stuff man, cant wait to see some pics of the seedling! what happened to you over the past while :p u were away!

anyways, im doing good, shoot me a message and we'll chat.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey christoh'sbud!!! welcome bro!!got pics for ya.....I explained everything in my pm bro...
Its now day 2 of the little AK's journey....she's above soil an inch since yesterday so I'm hoping for alot of fun here!!!
here are some pics of my new pll's and 1 I installed today...would have had this done awhile ago if it wasn't for those boneheads breaking in...


Here is the first pll to go in, the other will be mounted on the door of my cab for 360 degrees of light...those hole covers (above the light) are for sewer grates!! I just filed them down to fit...makes it look cleaner...:)I need to straighten them out I see...

the graph on the left side of the pic above, is the spectrum of the pll's I have installed..not bad for 28 watts and 2320 lumens.....:tiphat:

this is the brand of light in the pic above...a friend just uses a bunch of these lights to grow and nothing else...they work amazing...

I put her in the soil 2 days ago so she's pretty healthy..I hope!!
Love to hear your comments everyone:)

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
welcome aboard Breezy1!!!! glad to have you here!!
thanks micro420guy!!! I got the light from the hydro store but they do sell them online.Its a company here in BC that makes them and they are amazing lights.If you need any links or anything just let me know
pics tonight
take care
the link to sunblaster is above for you bro
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nice setup!!!im going to keep a watch on this1!!good luck.but have 1 question how did u make that scrubber? can u tell details? i have a big grow but im trying a pc1 too.looks kool