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BC Big Bud 1000W HPS 12/12 f/seed


First grow ever. DWC w/drip. 240W CFL 6500K to germ./seedling. 1000W Eye Hortilux HPS to veg/flower. 12/12 light cycle from germination to harevest.

toke much

New member
nice grow man myplants are 4 days old on 20/4 after the first week of veg they will go 18/6 for another and then go 12/12.
so my plants will get 2 weeks veg and then about 10 weeks of flowering under about 300w of clf's



that's wicked. I am 12/12'ing because I want to force flower, clone and mum ASAP

It must take a lot longer on CFL's vs. HPS or CMH


Day 15 since germination for the oldest. 2 younger are lagging....Quality, thriving root structures for both mean healthy plant above!

Running at 800-900ppm. Lowering pH every few days back down to 6.0-6.5. Added 200mL of H2O2 today for healthy root mass and bacterial disinfection.

I estimate they are less than a week from showing sex :canabis:



Day 21 since germination:

One plant has seen better days but I am confident it will make it through this. Experienced some root rot and the side effects have been PH and nutrient imbalance...it will likely not get any better until the roots recover (which they are) but the rotted main stem remains in rough shape. I believe all the rot has stunted their development unfortunately these are the dangers of any DWC system.

Am hoping for sex on the two oldest by the end of the week! The largest is about 8"+ off the original rockwool :)

Can't wait for the main grow with 2 weeks veg after cloning. Should be able to push the envelope with 5ft main colas...we all hope!


Orcala what is the temp of your nute solution? I let the ph fluctuate between 5.4 and 6.0, usually around 5.8 in my rdwc.

Looking great, good luck! :pumpkin:

Later :witch:


It hovers between 17 and 22*C...I use 2L soda ice bottles to keep temps down...the future system will have a chiller recirculating 18 degree water hopefully. Working my way up the grow room food chain piece by piece. I actually dont mind single unit DWC...I could cram a dozen small net pots in a rubbermaid no prob. SOG baby....SOG.

pH is fucked because of root rot. I have to bring it down daily from 7.0+ to 5.0...it's a gong show but the plants are surviving...after mum'ing and cloning it will be all good next time round. Turns out the rot was from the H202 I put in the water...goddamn peroxide.

Cool ass pumpkin!