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BBC reports on Advisory council stance.

Open Eyes

The one thing i wanted to hear in Nutts' statements was the fact that cannabis does not do as much harm as alcohol and tabacco.He alluded to this point but never put his finger, or mouth rather, on this fact.

Jaqui needs to get sacked for ripping the taxpayers off for starters. I am voting greens when we finally do get to decide who runs this country. Fuck labor and fuck conservatives too.


To quote Vivian Westwood, "The government gives us Nationalistic Idolatry, Non-Stop Distraction and Organised Lying" Lets be honest, I dont think that a UK government is going to change the laws on Cannabis. We can only expect more oppression, more legislation, more control. I smoked pot since the early seventies, & the sentencing for a roach end, the stop & search, & the families & homes broken up by heavy handed drug squad officers seems to be a lot worse then than now. I run a successful bussiness, have a loving wife & family, & choose to have a puff on a spliff or a drink if I get the time. I have accepted the fact that what I do is illegal, but I will never accept the fact that I am wrong. To this end I grow a few plants, I have escaped the world of drug dealers & criminals & class A's, & get on with my life. In the end it dont matter what they say. Just grow some blow, its free & not so bad, really.
Hats off to Proff Nutt, but those who pay the piper calls the tune.



Take A Deep Breath
A couple of advisors on the council have now resigned in protest.

Maybe this has got more legs than I thought, especially with The Nutt calling Gordo out on his "cannabis is lethal" quote.

daddy fingaz

Active member
There has been some very good articles in the guardian of late, it does seem from the majority of comments etc that the general public seem to be quite supportive of Nutt and his views.

Caught some of the parliament coverage yesterday -just a show of sheer arrogance from johnson. (but what do we expect)

Lib dem mp's seemed quite up for an adult debate on drugs etc, with Johnson typically avoiding answering any legitimate questions by spouting irrelevant bollocks.(again about what we'd expect)

Did make me laugh when one of the labour back benchers asked johnson 'how he would feel if cannabis went down to class c and its usage increased'!!??
...my god were has this man been for the last two years, go back to bloody sleep!!!

seems from what Brown is now saying they're going to get even tougher on drugs!

it just beggars belief that these people run our country!!!

Wheres Guy Fawkes when you need him!!!???


Nice post Pangolin, yes it was Huxley.
Tolerance & understanding, I'm with you all the way, but politicians dont have those words in their vocabulary. If you cant have a pint & a fag & a pub, what hope for dope?


I'm very interested in how this will all turn out. Nutt is voicing these beliefs with scientific fact, however parliament refuse to accept the scientific findings based on the fact that they want to have control of us all (not to be confused with some sort of government mind trick) and the ACMD advised last year not to upgrade herb to class B but UK government didn't want to "let go of their grip" so to speak.

The Government need to start learning the facts of cannabis, that its been around for 5000 years, nobody has ever died from cannabis therefore there is no overdose worries unlike that of alcohol and some other available drugs. And why do they seem to think that cannabis users have an "addiction"? Like its a bad thing? I smoke weed because i enjoy it not because i'm addicted!

Oh and this was recently posted on bbc news website:



Take A Deep Breath
Breaking News on Sky:

Three more advisors have quit following a meeting of the Council.

What was left of the Govt's credibility has just been flushed.

Open Eyes

They resigned AFTER talking with that twat Johnson so obviously he is holding steadfast with his misguided and twisted idea's.


More here from professor David Nutt (the author of the recommendations to government).

He's a very down to earth bloke who shares his views honestly and openly...... Thats why they sacked him! I wrote to Gordan Brown expressing my distaste, and got a letter full of 'phychosis this and addiction that'. These people just don't fucking listen!!