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BBC Documentary looking to speak to the cannabis community


I thought it was OK and better than most i've seen but i had to laff at them getting simple facts wrong like ecstacy being class b ? hmmmm makes me wonder how much actual research these people did for this prog :chin: ,

what they need to do is get someone like prof nutt on board from the start as an anti-bullshit advisor, instead of stabbing in the dark and making this ridiculous emphasis on the supposed negative sides of canna.

I was impressed by the lad who was smoking with his parents tho, and also a little envious because that is something i could never do with mine cos unfortunately decades of brain washing and propaganda means their minds will never be changed no matter how much good publicity cannabis gets on TV ,and i'm sure that there are plenty of other people like that aswell.


was ok ,made a few good points ,,made a nice divide beetween the home grower and commercial ,,was good to show whats happening in cali ,hopefully will open a few more eyes


New member
Who ever tries to help educate people on the benefits of marijuana is a blessing. There are so many people out there that are still in the mind set that this is very harmful to your health, where it is the total opposite. Good luck in your venture!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Overall I thought that the documentary was quite rounded and did show cannabis and it's production and use in a fairly accurate light.....

One or two pointers : The copper towards the end of the doc was saying that growers cannot grow without a 600 HPS, so get caught by the heat signature.....apparently they don't know about L.E.D's....lol

.....and that 14 year old kid who was saying he was addicted and suffered alot of paranoia about it is probably more paranoid about getting busted than anything else......and if he is such a paranoid person, how comes he goes out to party's at the weekend so frequently.......party's are not exactly a desired place for para-people no?

.....Professor Nutt (unfortunate name to take seriously)......came thru as the voice of logical reason and was ultimately convincing especially in his statement that the biggest harm with cannabis is the illegality of it.....

Seems to me that law enforcement would have alot less to do (or would have to put more effort into serious crime) if they were not running around spending millions of tax payers funds on a futile attempt at eradicating cannabis cultivation and use.....

* so in all 'cheers' to the doc-u-maker.....I reckon that you have done a sterling job and look forward to the next episode...

Thanks for the link cheesey!

**last thought......it would create a more balanced picture in the nations mind if they showed this sort of documentary back to back with one based on alcohol and tobacco.....so enhancing the obvious hypocrisy around cannabis being illegal and booze and baccy not....

Perhaps your next documentary could be called 'Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis.......what's more Harmful?'
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ICMag Donor
The documentary wasn't chronological in reference. One scene fruit n veg fowler was sat in a vapour-bar in USA watching people puff on volcanoes... and the next scene he's back in the UK saying he's never seen a vaporizer before.

Also the figures the narcs give per plant are WAY out!! If what they said was even close to the truth,,, then half the people here would be millionaires ,, kicking it back in Hawaii ,, not discussing the rights and wrongs of cannabis prohibition with the film-makers that just woke up to the subject :D

It's the little things that make a big difference in the minds of the people that actually practise the craft. Basically the editing needs to be more accurate in future if the film-makers expect us to believe what is being broad-casted.

Still looking forward to the next instalment :D It might be a giggle ,, the guy in the hoodie could be one of us :canabis:

>> PEACE <<
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
to be fair the only LED grower featured wasn't exactly busting out tonnes... I guess they don't want to be giving anyone any "bright" ideas :)


Un - Retired,
seen the first one

lots of good points already posted here, lets hope the take note of this for future programs
I also think a few here that posted negative comments before the show owe an apology to documaker


part 2 was ok .. but bart whats with all the kids smoking ?
part 1 had them same with part 2 .


Active member
You only have to look at his mum to see why that kid was fucked up, no guidance whatsoever. She looked like she was high herself. When James asked her what he was in trouble for she just causally said "oh, erm.. I think burglary or something" and gave a little laugh


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
some quite stark stuff in the second one but that's organised crime for you.

another good reason to grow your own.

overall a good documentary - the overall message i got was that it's the illegality of cannabis that is the most harmful thing about it - as prof nutt said.



Active member
I thought it did 'Not' bold too well for the cause at all, pissed me right off. Most of the people followed were either Idiots or Kids who should be in care, smoking Cannabis at 10, now 14(doing burgularies to fund Cannabis addiction lol), & his mum, well, What a complete Retard, she looked like she should be in a mental hospital, well, no thinking about it, both the Kid & his mum should be in care. As for that ICENI project, OMFG, what a bunch of complete Retards lol, most of them looked like they were on other Medication, & the propriator didnt have a clue what she was talking about at all, What a joke! I dont think Blaming Cannabis for peoples mental state is fair, if your unstable in any way, & MJ makes you paraniod'(as the lady was saying), then they shouldnt be smoking it in the first place. She mentioned a lady had been in touch with her that had not been out of the house for '20 years' because she smoked Cannabis, i was thinking OMG ok that old chestnut'lol what complete bollocks. Same goes for that born again christian, he was putting Cannabis in the same bracket as all other drugs, it was a fkin joke imo. The only positive that came from that programme was the dipiction of Organised Viet & other Major Criminal Gangs making Millions out of Cannabis Farming & Importation, but im not sure the general public would see it the way we did. Overall it did not portray cannabis in a good light, it wasnt completely truthfull & seemed one sided. Imagine if Top Pro Canna Activists had their say, which is how it should have been, would of been much fairer & closer to reality than the programme was making out. I was not impressed at all! The First programme wasnt soo bad, but episode 2 was not in favour of our cause & just strengthened the 'Enemys' case for prohibition imho! Pissed me right off!

(i watched it twice!)

People with mental issues should not be getting served up Cannabis, they end up going to councilling & programs like that Bullshit ICENI peoject & blame Cannabis for their mental issues, this doesnt do the 'Cause' any favours, & as long as retards like that have access to our beloved herb then we have little chance of ever seeing it de-criminalised. I wish dealers would see this is not good marketing & stop selling Cannabis to retards that then go & cry wolf to the authorities. Its easy to blame Cannabis when your soo retarded you dont know whats going on.! Its always the Herb that gets blamed. Oohhgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Makes me soo bloody mad!!!!!!
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Convicted for turning dreams into reality
My exact thoughts!

My exact thoughts!

I thought it did 'Not' bold too well for the cause at all, pissed me right off. Most of the people followed were either Idiots or Kids who should be in care, smoking Cannabis at 10, now 14(doing burgularys to fund Cannabis addiction lol), & his mum, well, What a complete Retard, she looked like she should be in a mental hospital, well, no thinking about it, both the Kid & his mum should be in care. As for that ICENI project, OMFG, what a bunch of complete Retards lol, most of them looked like they were on other Medication, & the propriator didnt have a clue what she was talking about at all, What a joke! I dont think Blaming Cannabis for peoples mental state is fair, if your unstable in any way, & MJ makes you paraniod'(as the lady was saying), then they shouldnt be smoking it in the first place. She mentioned a lady had been in touch with her that had not been out of the house for '20 years' because she smoked Cannabis, i was thinking OMG ok that old chestnut'lol what complete bollocks. Same goes for that born again christian, he was putting Cannabis in the same bracket as all other drugs, it was a fkin joke imo. The only positive that came from that programme was the dipiction of Organised Viet & other Major Criminal Gangs making Millions out of Cannabis farming, but im not sure the general public would see it the way we did. Overall it did not portray cannabis in a good light, it wasnt completely truthfull & seemed one sided. Imagine if Top Pro Canna Activists had their say, which is how it should have been, would of been much fairer & closer to reality than the programme was making out. I was not impressed at all! The First programme wasnt soo bad, but episode 2 was not in favour of our cause & just strengthened the 'Enemys' case for prohibition imho! Pissed me right off!

(i watched it twice!)

People with mental issues should not be getting served up Cannabis, they end up going to councilling & programs like that Bullshit ICENI peoject & blame Cannabis for their mental issues, this doesnt do the 'Cause' any favours, & as long as retards like that have access to our beloved herb then we have little chance of ever seeing it de-criminalised. I wish dealers would see this is not good marketing & stop selling Cannabis to retards that then go & cry wolf to the authorities. Its easy to blame Cannabis when your soo retarded you dont know whats going on.! Its always the Herb that gets blamed. Oohhgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Makes me soo bloody mad!!!!!!

After i watched it i just smoke myself into sleep. It was one of the WORST docs i have EVER seen and man do i watch them...
On this second show i can´t recall a simple scientific fact being stated :moon: just biased opinions from people with serious problems not due in any sense to cannabis. But it´s easier to assume that you are addicted to cannabis then that you are a bad mother, a little thieve or a lousy dealer :moon: so i guess will have many more guys&girls with weed problems in future...wankers!
That ferking show really got on my nerves. And the interpretation of what was being said done by that twat of a presenter was to bad to be true. What a stupid and ignorant little man.
I better stop because i was just supposed to second ScroggerMan post but i needed to take out of my chest:ying:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I thought it did 'Not' bold too well for the cause at all, pissed me right off........

you make some good points scrogger, but i think what you and many others here are looking for is a documentary that is biased towards cannabis, just as all of us are biased towards cannabis.
it's uncomfortable to see kids smoking cannabis when their mums should have control over them but unfortunately that does happen - just as kids abuse alcohol etc - and it has been shown to effect the developing brain in a negative way so it is an issue that needs to be considered in any balanced program - i thought it was pretty clear that it was the circumstances the kid was in that was the problem and not so much the weed anyway.

. people will abuse drugs - including cannabis - it happens.

there were examples of people who used cannabis in a positive and responsible way )like to two guys from a band.

i still think that reading between the lines of what was said and shown, it was pretty realistic and demonstrated that cannabis would be much better being legal or decriminalized. the futility of weed being illegal was clearly shown imo...



Active member
you make some good points scrogger, but i think what you and many others here are looking for is a documentary that is biased towards cannabis, just as all of us are biased towards cannabis.
it's uncomfortable to see kids smoking cannabis when their mums should have control over them but unfortunately that does happen - just as kids abuse alcohol etc - and it has been shown to effect the developing brain in a negative way so it is an issue that needs to be considered in any balanced program - i thought it was pretty clear that it was the circumstances the kid was in that was the problem and not so much the weed anyway.

. people will abuse drugs - including cannabis - it happens.

there were examples of people who used cannabis in a positive and responsible way )like to two guys from a band.

i still think that reading between the lines of what was said and shown, it was pretty realistic and demonstrated that cannabis would be much better being legal or decriminalized. the futility of weed being illegal was clearly shown imo...


(ive edited this, i forgot about the two guys at the beginning bro! sorry!)
But-still,No-way mate! It wasnt fair, it was all one sided imo! where were the pro cannabis portrayals, it was all negatives, idiots that blame cannabis for there mental health issues, bullshit addictions, criminal activities ect ect etc ect. people that dont even know what addictions are about. Everyones entitled to an opinion of course my friend but i just didnt see any positives. your not going to get positives from people that have had nothing but negative experiences from using Cannabis. thats how i saw the doc. A load of neagative bullshit with no acctual sceintific facts or positive expeirences from users like me n you, medical Users" yeah>? Do you get me bro? where were the positives? There should of been a balance of positives & negatives, pro's & cons, for & against, 50/50, yeah? not 10% pro & 90% con, it was unfair!! Thats why im angry!!!!!!!!!!

As for that Kid, his mother has no control over him because you can clearly see she is mentally unstable because of her personal partnerships/relationships. Both of them should be in care. at 14 he is a minor & if the parent has no control & he is using drugs, including cannabis(i think other stuff too btw) & constantly commiting crime, then social services should have that kid in care, full stop!

Sorry the only positive was the two band members at the beginning, ok sorry ill give you that one but it was at the beggining of an hour programme, the rest was unfair negative, lets hope next week they have more people on the show that portray cannabis in a better light. personally i want to see an end to prohibition.!

Again, what i will say, is the general public will 'Not' see that de-criminilising cannabis will put a stop to the Criminal gangs growing & importing, Joe Public just wont see this, We see it yes, but how many general public will see it how we do. We knowthe truth yes, but they dont,they see it as drugs & us as druggies!
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