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BBC Documentary ~ Cannabis: The evil weed?


Active member
Its a BBC Horizon episode. You can either download as torrent or watch it on ninjavideo.com.

I thought it certainly had some really informative scientific information, however i really dislike the way it ended with the host perpetuating those old lazy, unproductive stoner stereotypes. If they were going to air his opinions on the matter they should have mentioned the tens of thousands of productive, healthy individuals like Carl Sagan, Steve Jobs, and countless other perfectly functioning, productive, healthy individuals who not only consume cannabis but advocate decriminalization or legalization. He should have kept his halfassed biased opinions to himself.

They gave way too much time to schizo case and really made cannabis seem dangerous for some, even though there are plenty of studies that point out that the connections between cannabis and schizo developement are coincidental and exagerated. The study they provide with the rats and early brain developement linking cannabis with potential for developement of schizophrenia seemed dubious to say the least.

What about the piece of shit, lazy sob, who blamed cannabis for ruining his life. I am sorry to say this, but what a f'n loser. Get a job, and stop blaming your shortcomings on a plant. They gave way too much time for his bellyaching against cannabis while he has a joint in his hand. That part was really poorly done. He just blamed cannabis, what a weak, weak, petty person. I was really offended by that part.

Also the host airing his opinoin on how pschological dependency one may experiance from cannabis is just as serious as physical dependence from the "harder" drugs like heroin was just plain outrageous, and unnecessary. He does point out the difference between the two but then goes on to say that they are equally serious.

On the positive note, I really enjoyed the discussion by the doctor on the cannibinoid receptors and their evolution.

Check out the doc. The Union if you already have not; one of the better films on the subject.


What about the piece of shit, lazy sob, who blamed cannabis for ruining his life. I am sorry to say this, but what a f'n loser. Get a job, and stop blaming your shortcomings on a plant. They gave way too much time for his bellyaching against cannabis while he has a joint in his hand. That part was really poorly done. He just blamed cannabis, what a weak, weak, petty person. I was really offended by that part.
Nice one. LOL, exactly what my wife said, also quit moaning when he does F**k all, & the state buys all his pot for him to get depressed on.
My advice to him,. Go help out at the hospital, you'll soon get to see the real world, you lazy f*****r.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yes I think "The Union" is by far one of the best Marijuana Documentaries and this BBC-The Evil Weed is alright too


The bit I saw was really bad all the tests seem to invalidate themselves and be pro prohibition tests set up to prove their theories. LOL force feed a rat smack and no woner it becomes a junkie and someone should drop that dizzy cow in a lake of foamy water to see how quick she can find a tree stump to stand on. Notice however the second she pointed to it the mouse was on it like jack flash so the reactions weren't that slow.

As already said I'm sick of the example people they use either lazy ass gits or teenies who are to afraid to tell mommy the extent of what they really did at the clubs. LOL most clubbers I know don't smoke they need the high buzzz man da croke or to get luved up on the MDMA. Also the pro cannabis folk need to learn when its appropriate to have a smoke you wouldn't down a bottle of whisky before being interviewed so why smoke the dank. Just gives them a chance to portray smokers in a bad light.

Just drivel as an informative programIMHO if it had been any good it would no doubt nave been on beeb 3 or higher and the fact it made beeb 2 was only because in the main it promotoed the government line abd I find ever since the blair witch poodle mascared the beeb they have been bending over backwards to appease the new labour dictatorship.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Also the pro cannabis folk need to learn when its appropriate to have a smoke you wouldn't down a bottle of whisky before being interviewed so why smoke the dank. Just gives them a chance to portray smokers in a bad light.

Amen to that! I get so sick and tired of cannabis smokers who think that EVERY place and EVERY time is a good time to hit it up. No, it isn't always a good idea and you can put down the joint for longer than an hour, I promise.