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Batman the Dark Knight, anyone see it yet?


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Sorry mexicanmafia. I was attempting to be clever and my joke would only register with those that read the comic... what a nerd I can be. I wasn't questioning your taste. The movie does look faithful to the comic.

Jack Crevalle

I heard that Batman talks gritting his teeth and the movie sucks...


Sorry guy's Heath destroyed Jack as the Joker and this movie kicked ass


its abvious to anyone that teh predecessing BATMAN movies were all jokes, there wasnt even that much cgi to make the whole thing come together, too cartoonish and all those guys that played batman were all jokes because that whole series was done with too much fanfare. jack nichalson did the job that jack nicholson would have done and thats fine by me, HE did a damned good job

now with this series you get more into the dark horse comic side of things, more sinister, phsycological, mental dimentia, and dark spirit of the characters in order to get the proper emotion across

BATMAN BEGINS- was what it was a setup movie, you cant get to technicval cause they have to introduce it to many who dont know, but repsect the already existing fan base. they did a damned good job when they introduced raz algoul and the sandman. did it piss off those of us that are in the know? ofcourse it did, cause we wanted and expected more, because. . . . we already know!

BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT- not only the best batman film to date but can go right up there along with some of the best movies this year. the way they portrayed batman at the end is EXACTLY HOW THEY SHOULD PORTRAY HIM ALL THE TIME. although hes a knight hes a DARK KNIGHT a vigilante, his end justifies any means no matter who gets hurt. if he has to save you from a fall to get something from you he will, then hell fuck you up and drop you from the roof.

JOKER-by far heath ledger did an awesome job, cause he brought out the really psycho aspect of the joker which is what the joker is . . . a PSYCHO. he knows that everyone has a dark side and tries his best to bring that out of them, he jsut doesnt want to blow you up, he wants to mind fuck you so that you can hold a trigger switch for one of his explosions, or inspire you to be anaarchistic in your own way. bringing out the dark side in others just to see what happens, even if it means possibly his own demise, a true psycho. i am sure when he read for that part, real comic book fans that were there for it, were in awe. and yeah his make up had to be fucked up cause hes friggin crazy. everything falls together in this one.

i jsut hope they stay the course if they make another one, if they introduce robin or any other characters that is. stay the way of "DARK HORSE COMICS" !!!

*** and yes the guy that played venom, was better suited to play carnage instead
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Got mixed feelings about the Batman movie:

1) Great action.....what I've come to expect.
2) Not ENOUGH Batman.....lots of Joker...
3) Lucius Fox: too much of a "moral" anchor for Batman.....Batman historically has made decisions that other heroes have excluded as an option (like holding out some kryptonite in case Superman goes rogue....keeping dosiers on every other hero's weaknesses...so he can take them out if necessary)....Fox putting the kibosh on the technology that gives Bats the ability to "spy" on everyone is bogus. If he needs to...he will undoubtedly create it again.
4) The Batman "Voice"....yeah...more than a bit overdone.....it always sounds like Bale is taking a dump that just won't come out even with a laxative.
5) The dame that replaced Tom Cruise's broad: holy crap....she was all blown out looking.....crow's feet.....jowels like droopy dog.......generally "dour" looking appearance....I'm glad they blew her to hell.
6) Joker was portrayed exactly the way he SHOULD be portrayed...the way he's always been displayed in the comics: totally insane with motivations that don't necessarily make sense. He really played the "cat & mouse" action up with Bats...because that's what makes the Joker "tick"......
7) Alot of "setup" for subsequent movies: ie-introduction of "two-face".....showing Barbara Gordon as an abductee......even the technology that Fox puts the kibosh on is the precursor to the "oracle" database. Making Bats the "vigilante" hunted by the law.....too much hype for upcoming movies in the franchise.

If I had to give it a rating: I'd say it was a solid 7 out of 10. It certainly wasn't the homo-erotic Batman movies that were coming out prior to this new franchise...with Jim Carey and Schwarzenegger (nipples on Mr. Freeze's suit? Comeon man!!!)

I just can't wait until the third one comes out.....because that will be the signal for the production of the Batman vs. Superman movie that Warner Brothers keeps talking about:

2 Origin Movies; Batman and Superman (which have already occurred). 2 subsequent movies for both franchises as a double trilogy.....all leading up to a vs. movie that was eluded to in the background of that movie "I am Legend".....if you look at the billboards in Time's square when Will Smith is driving around...you'll catch the movie promo poster prominently displayed. If you're slick enough, you'll also catch the "Green Lantern" promo poster displayed in the video store he keeps going to.

Of course....none of these films is going to trump the JLA movie already in the works. The only think that sucks big time is that they aren't going to enlist the people already in the upcoming or existing movies: ie-Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Batman, Superman, Green Lantern.....all movies coming out relatively shortly...but they're going with all new talent.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
I guess one issue that I have with a very real batman (some people say dark for some reason) that lives in a very real world with all things plausibly explained is the rest of DC universe is eliminated. I can tell you Superman and the lot do not live in Nolan's world. Nolan has said no to Robin and to some of the unrealistic villains in interviews. Bale has said no to the other movies needed a batman. So we get to watch more plausable batman. At what point is this too real too real for a comic movie? It is a comic movie right?

To each their own.


Just got back from seeing it - Heath was terrific. Everybody did great job, but 2Face was a little fake looking.

Lots of cameos by semi famous celebs/athletes.

Bale does decent job, but his "angry voice" is a little over the top.

Mr. Caine must be huuuge dude - he towers over Bale, and is twice as wide at the shoulders...

My kids recognized the guy who was gonna out Batman as an actor that appeared on "Thats so Raven"...

Some funny lines too - me and another guy there howled out loud several times together.

And I have no weed, so I saw it straight... :badday:

Lune TNS

I've heard nothing but good things from people I know who have seen this one... going next weekend to go see it on IMAX :joint: :joint: :joint:


Batmans voice is annoying and very put-on, cant listen to it without cringing. why cant the bloke speak normally !?
well he has to disguise his voice.. other wise gordon , and everyone would know bruce is batman..i think the bat voice made since..it would be kinda stupid to talk in your normal tone around ppl who know you.none of the other batmans really did this.they used the same voice and it wasnt very believable.it just made the character more realistic..in real life if you were batman would you worry about sounding cool or hiding your identity. i actually appreciated the bat voice when i heard it, i got where they were coming from...


Active member
loved this movie! saw it for the 2nd time last night and it was amazing again! definitely the best movie i have seen in a long long time. can't wait to see what they do for the third one.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
tuco said:
You'll love this then. Bale has already completed the new Terminator film...he plays a scummy futuristic John Connor.

On the upside, it is a completely new franchise so might be worth a damn...but probably not.
i really really hope this terminator does not suck..the last one really sucked balls. I hope they went back to basics just like the new predator vs aliens movie and it wasnt that bad.


New member
too poor to pay 10 bucks to see a major motion picture film. not to mention the 5 dollar drink and $4.20 on popcorn..but <3 batman since a youngin' and i plan to see it 4 sho'!1?


Custom User Title
lol, when I want to see a movie right when it comes out I go to the drive ins so I don't have to listen to idiots cheer and make noise during the movie, but if I want a real theater experience I go to a matinee, usually pretty quiet.

That's gonna be one of the things I miss the most when I move, the drive ins. It's too bad there aren't more, I'm lucky to have lived near one or another my whole life.
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i like batman ,but i'm skint!!!.....i dont know whether to pay to see this or wait till its on satelite,i do like fantasy/sci-fi films......so whats everyones top 3?..,mine would be 1 Robocop......2 The Terminator..3 Day of the dead:D

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