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Basement Buddies

Here's a few pics of my tropical fish aquariums in my basement. I have 6 aquariums of various sizes if you count the old corner bath tub that is being used as a winter pond for my goldfish, they live in my backyard pond the rest of the year.. I've had aquariums for the past 6 years and it has become my 2nd favorite hobby after horticulture. I also have a Mississippi map turte that was rescued from neglectful owners, he lives in his own 55 gal tank in the colder months and hangs out in the pond with the goldies the rest of the time, his name is urkel the turtle he is super chill and laid back, no stress let's smoke another fatty and think about it type of attitude, when he's done toking and taking hits from the bong he's workin on his tan under his own nice basking heat lamp, he is from the south and gets a bit chilly in this freezing winter wonderland. I have some Discus fish there awesome and very colorful, always fun to look at while getting baked. I have a couple of angelfish, they're always doing it and when there not getting busy making some eggs, they're usually fighting, it's a love/ hate type of relationship, kinda like many of us I guess, just cause they're fish doesn't mean they aren't somewhat intelligent and capable of having different emotional behaviours. I have a couple of Pearl Gouramis, they're actually roommates with the angelfish couple, They're also very interesting, the male is always trying to kiss the female, she isn't really into that and usually tries to get away, and if he's not trying to kiss his girl hes usually picking on the other aquarium inhabitants especially the angelfish, hes smaller but he isn't easily scared he's quite the hyper trouble maker. I have a 75 gal with a single Oscar fish, he's big and he's bad, my biggest fish. He mesures about 10 inches and isn't done growing yet. He cannot be trusted with other tank mates and is kept in the left wing in solitary confinement, he is a known bitter and likes to thrash his jail cell, he cannot have decorations or plants as he is destructive and uses anything he can get a hold of as a weapon or a chew toy depending on his mood. He has destroyed his fair share of aquarium heater's and filter pipe intakes and spray bars. He is also a known jumper who will jump for food or to get your attention when you don't pay enough attention to him, hes like a big puppy dog who will pout or ignore you if you do something to offend him, he's the smartest fish I have and has great memory and these guy can actually be trained to do tricks with ling pong balls and stuff. Well that's it I guess, I just wanted to introduce my basement companions, being a basement dweller does get lonely and boring so I have something to look at and entertain me while I'm not busy gardening, they give an ordinarily quiet and boring basement some life and make those cold canadian winters go by a tiny bit faster. Also my girlfriend is a neat freak/control nazi and yeah obviously there's no way in hell she allows any of my things in the rest of the house, my weird tropical hobbies and interests are confined to my personal 1500 square foot basement/ dungeon.. It's a deal I can live with ;)





This is a male and female Discus, they do it all the time and are laying eggs every week, I think I interrupted one of those special moments, they're not impressed with my paparazzi intrusion, they think I'm after the eggs..

The discuss have the most numerous and different color morphs of all the tropical freshwater species with over 60 morphs total, they are big thing in asia and are being bred by discuss breeder worldwide and all kinds of discus shows and competitions.. They are usually 5 to 8 inches and shaped like a disc. They are also smarter than the average fish and will try to interact with their main caregiver, I can hand feed these guys and they let me touch them which is rare for most aquarium fish, but weirdly they are very easily frightened and I have to be slower and calm around them or they freak right out and some swim straight up and will jump or smack into the glass, they have issues... They took a plane from Germany to get to my basement, they are world renowned Stendker Discuss from Germany. So I know the Germans can be a tad bit up tight but they're alright I guess.
This is Urkel, he is a Mississippi map turtle because his markings resemble a map.. They are some of the smallest aquatic turtles and they stay under 6 inches diameter usually. The most common pet shop turtle was the red eared slider's and when they reach maturity they get over 12 inches diameter and are quite fat, sad that pet shops were selling thoses to kids without the proper care and habitat most of them were destined to a slow agonizing death in tiny plastic bols without filtration or basic care or flushed down the toilet or released in the wild.. That's why red ear sliders are considered an invasive species of turtles, they are everywhere from southern USA to up here in Canada and taking over the ponds, just like goldfish.



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