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Baseball 2010 thread


Active member
What ticket to game 6!!! (saves me a grand) We are world champs, I will take a win when we can get it!!! World Champion San Fransico Giants!!!!!! This is just the beginning everybody, wait till we pick up Worth in the off season.


sounds like all you out there in frisco have some partying to do yet, very very cool. everything from the airport greet to the ticker tape parade, a party @ every bar and smiles on everyone's faces wherever you look. wtg and enjoy the feeling.


Active member
damn SF was crazy tonight...i was at civic center and the streets were flooded. people were jumping on top of muni buses...non stop yelling and honking. i met up with a bunch of friends over at the end of market st at the waterfront..for a good hour or two 40 of us were blocking up traffic. we had people ghost riding, all sorts of crazy shit. GOING NUTS OUT HERE!!!....yall dont understand how hungry SF was for this. i still remember watchin 2002 and being so dissapointed about that shit. alot of people had given up on SF....some of us were sure we would die before SF got the world series...but it fucking happened this year WE FUCKIN GOT IT!

i was rocking my "LET TIMMY SMOKE" shirt and was surprised how many people had the same t shirt....we were smoking blunts in the middle of the street poppin firecrackers poppin bottles yelling and screaming...havent had that much fun in years..rolled up a triple B legit..

also heard there was a mini riot on mission street tonight...a few muni buses got stranded in the mess and ended up getting destroyed pretty tough...riot police came and shut everyone down but we were still out there...i havent seen SF streets so party packed ever...it was nuts...wednesday is gonna be insane too people are gearing up for that one since tonights win was kinda subdued compared to what would have happened if they won in SF>...


Wow though we didn't win it was a great ride. A big thanks to the rangers and Nolan Ryan! Thank you Giants it was special to watch Lincecum pitch. Hope we get to do this again!!!


Active member
Wow though we didn't win it was a great ride. A big thanks to the rangers and Nolan Ryan! Thank you Giants it was special to watch Lincecum pitch. Hope we get to do this again!!!

Next year we will do this all over again, hope to see you guys in the series again. Your team has a lot of class, much better than dealing with the Yankee's or the Philley's. Texas = class.

Go Giants, and who is going to the parade tomarrow? I will be there all day.


Active member
anybody in SF today....holy shit it was insane...never seen anything like that ever. at one point there was a crowd of a hundred people marching down market st behind this boombox on wheels, and i remember seeing at least half the crowd all smoking blunts.

every 5 feet you walked you could see someone smoking a blunt, rolling a blunt, buying weed, selling weed, etc etc.

what a crazy day...prop 19 fails yet everyone comes out in force with their timmy smoke Tees and blazes them up.

we smoked a few blunts but always made sure that no kids were around.....although i guess a few other people werent as courteous..



Active member
You are not kidding Yes4Prop215. There were so many chicks there wearing not much at all. It was great. I was one of those guys smoking joints. It seemed like everybody was smokin even though prop 19 went down. So many "let timmy smoke" t's around, I orded one that night.

Great great time, I wish we could do this every year. I heard the estimates for the crowd was on a low side 1 million, high side 1.5 mil. Crazy stuff.
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ICMag Donor
Congrats to Buster for the NL Rookie of the year award!too bad Boch missed out on manager of the year. whoooo cant wait for next season. We should have a icmag day at the park!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Best thing about superbowl sunday .... theres 10 days left till spring training starts :)


ICMag Donor
Went to see the trophy the other day...it was very cool! :dance013:
