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Barry Cooper-The Real Challenge


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I try my best and always have to try and stay as quiet as possible about certain matters......don't like repetitive threads....don't start many at all as most know.........but I recently read something which I think is the real point..........the true measure of any man who uses words such as "justice"......."right and wrong".....and on and on.....

I eagerly await the answer and response......as should many......

Let's see where it goes...

Note: Unless security in place, I would not suggest visiting straight through the link. An alternative would be to Site main page, then through community to forums to "Kop Busters" forum to "My Statement and New Evidence"
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Active member
I'll respond, havent watched yet, but saw your name and had to say HI!

haha k, I'll go watch now


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hey brother.....hope all is well....

What do I expect?...

I expect "supporters" to consider the most valid question he has ever had posed to him as "bashing him".....and respond accordingly....

I expect him to provide an answer which will fail to address the question......

But, you know.....let's see where it goes :smoke:...

Sure I am not the only one who has an interest :smoke:....

I'm kind of easy to spot even without the signature which I removed recently :smoke:

Note: Not a request to post......just to watch...

The less posting the better...(because of course the traditional approach in such a situation is the white noise buries the issue at hand :smoke:.......)

Lot of people have said a lot...........

He has said a lot...........

I see the above question posed as the only true issue that should have ever been posed from day one and no one has yet to.
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Active member
all is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.

I'm trying to let some things ride out, see how it all goes, before I put it all up on here. I dont wanna start a thread then let people down when I cant put new pics up all the time :biglaugh:

i've never seen buds forming this fast


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
An overview so clicking through not necessary, and, in case post disappears...:smoke:

Barry made a statement, which contained:
I use to work in your town. I chased gang members through your streets. I made record drug seizures on your highways. I worked side by side with Joe Commander as we tormented citizens with illegal raids and informant plants. Your offices trained me how to circumvent constitutional law and not get caught. Your judges rubberstamped our warrants and your prosecutors covered our illegal behavior. We constantly doctored videos and reports. We continually lied on affidavits claiming informants observed contraband when they didn’t. We terrorized Ector County men, women and children in over 100 home invasions. We took cars, jewelry, cash, guns and houses from the citizens of Odessa to line our own pockets. We were korrupt kops.

The following was a response posted to him:
Joe said:
I like you Barry.....I have defended you on numerous occasions against many....

I really can't any longer state the above unless the below is addressed, and find it interesting that it hasn't been...(or at least that I have not seen....)

I am well aware what implications it could have upon you and your family....well aware...

The "greater good"?....."justice"......well...such finds the below with only one option when standing by that claim...
Barry said:
I worked side by side with Joe Commander as we tormented citizens with illegal raids and informant plants.
Your offices trained me how to circumvent constitutional law and not get caught.
Your judges rubberstamped our warrants and your prosecutors covered our illegal behavior.
We constantly doctored videos and reports.
We continually lied on affidavits claiming informants observed contraband when they didn’t.

Which leaves us here:
Why has each and every case and incident not been documented and their counsel contacted and specific information contained above been volunteered to such?

The above insinuates there are people currently in prison and you possess the ability to quite possibly free them but have not done so.

(not to mention the implications to every case conducted by all officers involved throughout their career....as has happened in several cases and jurisdictions....)

There is no other question than the above.

There is no other answer(s) than to the above.



Why I am reading a very general post.....and victims and counsel not being contacted with new information on their cases and prosecution?

Poster has been banned.

Of interest since trolls and LE masquerading as growers never banned :smoke:

Guess now we have the answer......:smoke:
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor

And that poster was a supporter btw :smoke:...

Sure post will be removed.....or backlash how poster a trouble maker, blah,blah,blah.....

I think anyone from this point on who is a "supporter" who does not insist on the answer people with no.....well....

Let's see if answer (real answer, detailed answer, addressing only the question at hand) develops....

I'd rather see post deleted than bullshit evasive fluff......


ICMag Donor
Yea, but did Cooper ever answer the questions he gave him?

If Cooper is what he claims, shouldn't he throw his fellow Officers to the dogs and sign affadavits to this illegal activity? Shouldn't he do the same to the Judges, District Attorneys?

I think Cooper opened his mouth a little wide on this one. I'm glad you copied this before it was deleted. Anyone sitting in prison because of him could use this as grounds for an appeal....

I think I might just have to join Barry's site and discuss this issue with him......
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JJScorpio said:
Yea, but did Cooper ever answer the questions he gave him?

If Cooper is what he claims, shouldn't he throw his fellow Officers to the dogs and sign affadavits to this illegal activity? Shouldn't he do the same to the Judges, District Attorneys?

I think Cooper opened his mouth a little wide on this one. I'm glad you copied this before it was deleted. Anyone sitting in prison because of him could use this as grounds for an appeal....

I think I might just have to join Barry's site and discuss this issue with him......

Please JJ do. I would if I had anything to offer in the knowledge of the law in these types of circumstances. Ever hear once a pig always a pig? Doesn't mean they wear the uniform but it does mean that they aren't going to go back on what they did. Admitting to all this would risk his own life and freedom would it not? He was involved with all the illegal activity and I have a feeling that the government no longer wants to give him a helping hand so unless he has A LOT of $$ for a lawyer admitting to all this would mean sacrificing himself for others, which highly unlikely, especially with all the money he is making telling stupid people not to talk to a cop when possession illegal substances. I can see it now the government could just say ok well you should be suing cooper for all his wrong actions that were in no way endorsed or supported by our perfect legal system.
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ICMag Donor
I'm surprised Cooper made comments like that. He's admitting to multiple felonies he himself commited without giving the circumstances involved.

If I were to join his site to ask these questions I would want to do it under this name. I would want to discuss this with GN first and get his opinion if it would draw negativity to this site.....
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
JJScorpio said:
If Cooper is what he claims, shouldn't he throw his fellow Officers to the dogs and sign affadavits to this illegal activity? Shouldn't he do the same to the Judges, District Attorneys?

I think Cooper opened his mouth a little wide on this one. I'm glad you copied this before it was deleted. Anyone sitting in prison because of him could use this as grounds for an appeal....
I would think there would be numerous sources at this very moment interested in that post......would think....

In my book the "what he claims" starts with being a man.

Can continue from there....

I would also not disbelieve that possibly such was offered and got buried and went nowhere....(but such a scenario would include details and parties matters brought to.....)

Kinderfeld said:
the government could just say ok well you should be suing cooper for all his wrong actions that were in no way endorsed or supported by our perfect legal system.
I would assume it would be: "Under the direct instruction of superiors"...." I was instructed by ____ to ___", etc...

JJScorpio said:
if it would draw negativity to this site.....
It would. (Extreme scrutiny there, US host, etc)Better left alone with as little mention as possible and if this/here in itself is too much I would understand reasons behind this being deleted.....completely.

See........My prior understanding and belief was that he was a good cop, who merely did his job, and, did it well, and correctly.

While we may disagree......one cannot hold that against a man....because the nature of this discussion in itself is about beliefs...principles...standards....(mine......anyones....his....etc....)

The world needs people (needs.......) who possess values...principles....and hold tightly by them....people of commitment towards many things....but....

Such people might consider me myself many things......but, the fact of the matter remains...would I step up?

To stay true in the analogy would I step up if I had wronged many LE?....

I would.

Personal matters against an individual is one thing...one who wronged you, whom hurt your family, etc.....for a purpose.....

But when a set of beliefs which one no longer holds supposedly affects so many innocents?.......

I know a little about "doing what you have to do"....:smoke:

That's why it's phrased as such....

Me?....I'd consider it an honor to sacrifice myself with such a gesture which would affect so many....

I would consider it a chance that most throughout history never have.

"Doing what you gotta do"

What people tell your families when surrendering and to begin their sentences...

To right your wrongs....

(I'd of course protect my interests, assets first for family :smoke:...)

Personally?.....regarding current business and objectives I think such would be the most profitable long term....

There's the real credibility :smoke:

In any case.......I would think such would have an immediate focus by some group interested....I also wish the interest it's due so that calls to appropriate agencies could prompt interest and force action.......

There is of course the possibility such is known wider.......and no secret how such things work sometimes unless right agencies and force behind it....such touches the right group or individuals?.....close enough to others who have power to kill the interest.....

The answer at this point is no longer of importance or interest.

The remedy is
.........and close to the remedy in significance is that people not let the questions posed go unanswered.

There are numerous innocence projects in Texas, but information required to initiate action is quite specific, and homicides and such a priority. (And requests accepted by mail only)


Texas Innocence Network
100 Law Center
Houston, TX 77204-6060

Texas Center for Actual Innocence
University of Texas School of Law
727 East Dean Keeton Street
Austin, TX 78705

Innocence Project of Texas
1511 Texas Avenue
Lubbock, TX 79401

Wesleyan Innocence Project
1515 Commerce St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102

I don't think the agency which should have an interest is even aware of if so, has one.
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so was he a cop or a kop? my point being, i cannot spell everything correctly, but this is reminds me of adam sandler winning a spelling bee. rock is not spelled "rok"

is this guy for real or just and idiot or a nark??


Get two birds stoned at once
He has ALWAYS struck me as a business man, he has never shown any remorse clear to me. Sure he says he cried over the things he did as a cop, but I don't see any emotion on tape, just words.

On his two vids I have watched he seems like he's in cop mode all the time, which makes me think he is hiding how he really feels since thats what cop mode is for.

He's an ex cop out for money if you ask me, not penance.


Well-known member
Julian great thread was unaware of this comment before you brought it up. I knew it would be worth taking a look at when I saw your handle.

Playing Devils Advocate- Not trying to diminish the severity of his actions or his claim of action.

Although I agree with what you are saying it goes with out saying that no matter what kind of a person he is a good deed is a good deed if pulled out of context and looked at just for the merit of the action. There are many people through out history who if were judged as a person rather than the contribution to humanity would be very very bad role models. In fact we have some horrible people to thank for some very important advances in medical treatment to humans. So if he does bring to light things that cops are doing illegally and by these actions procedures, laws or regulations change than it’s still a good thing even if he is a hypocrite and a destroyer of families and lives.

By no means do I agree with the things he said he did (I wouldn’t want to be the poor bastard sitting in jail as a martyr.) or think that his actions may change any police tactics just throwing a second version out there not necessarily my view.

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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I changed this post up a little for reason below :smoke:
Deft said:
On his two vids I have watched he seems like he's in cop mode all the time, which makes me think he is hiding how he really feels since thats what cop mode is for.

He's an ex cop out for money if you ask me, not penance.

He has ALWAYS struck me as a business man, he has never shown any remorse clear to me. Sure he says he cried over the things he did as a cop, but I don't see any emotion on tape, just words.
See, now, what always amused me was to look over his resume......well, that was definitely (to me...from what I know about people) never a cop in the first place.....

Into other things (many) then couple years cop, then right back into other things.....

If he was a cop...."was supposed to be"........if it was "who he was"...well, then he'd still be one (simple rule of life...)

Would we consider someone a "grower" who in 30 years did a couple years and never grew again?.....I wouldn't...and we know that people who drop out, well, they weren't in the first place either..

Personally, of great interest because supports what I stated many places years ago: That he did it to do exactly what he said.

Translation: Breaking all the rules?.......well...sorry....pocketing money isn't a stretch at that point....

Note: I have known many dirty cops throughout my life........none ever took the position "I will break every rule but never take money....not that" :smoke:....

Just speculation...my own opinion........he hasn't replied, so....(since posted was banned within 3 minutes of post, well.....post has been acknowledged, just ignored....)

hamstring said:
Julian great thread was unaware of this comment before you brought it up. I knew it would be worth taking a look at when I saw your handle.

Playing Devils Advocate- Not trying to diminish the severity of his actions or his claim of action.

Although I agree with what you are saying it goes with out saying that no matter what kind of a person he is a good deed is a good deed if pulled out of context and looked at just for the merit of the action. There are many people through out history who if were judged as a person rather than the contribution to humanity would be very very bad role models. In fact we have some horrible people to thank for some very important advances in medical treatment to humans. So if he does bring to light things that cops are doing illegally and by these actions procedures, laws or regulations change than it’s still a good thing even if he is a hypocrite and a destroyer of families and lives.

By no means do I agree with the things he said he did (I wouldn’t want to be the poor bastard sitting in jail as a martyr.) or think that his actions may change any police tactics just throwing a second version out there not necessarily my view.

Well, let's be clear:

The poster did not demand such be done :smoke:

The poster merely asked why it was not...:smoke:....

Let's then be realistic:

Many years have gone by....and it very well may be the case that the majority have served their time......I mean, the angles are endless, and just as one cannot presume to know what I am thinking :smoke:, well, I/we cannot be as such to do the same.....

While many may have many opinions.....one thing is certain:
Ex law enforcement, with counsel, would not make such a statement unaware of the implications of such...

He may no longer be law enforcement.....but it seems many co conspirators are still currently :smoke:

Someone authentic could have quite a bit of fun :smoke:

Since poster was banned within 3 minutes of post......well, acknowledgment in itself :smoke:
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