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Barry Cooper - Friend or Foe?

Barry Cooper - Friend or Foe?

  • He is our weed saviour, and will personally change the US position on weed.

    Votes: 6 8.1%
  • He's a mercenary, but at least he's helping.

    Votes: 39 52.7%
  • He's a cop - was, is, will be. Treat all of his "info" with care

    Votes: 26 35.1%
  • He deserves life, in the wing where they house the really sadistic mofos that will core him new orif

    Votes: 3 4.1%

  • Total voters


OK - whats your take?

Barry Cooper, ex-leo drug, good at his job. Has epiphany, drops out of official leohood, and starts campaigning a dvd (for$) showing pot users how to hide, transport, etc. weed.

Laura Kush

Personally hes never done anything to me. So, he busted a lot of people who I don't know. At least hes made a 180 and his doing serious good by putting out information that can seriously help people. What more can you ask of a man? Do you damn him for his sins without giving him a chance at forgiveness especially if hes turned over a new leaf and repentant?

Life is like a river. Its flow sweeps up people in events during their lifetime. Maybe as a narcotics officer he was totally ignorant to the injustices he was committing and that was just a job that excelled at. At least now hes seen the consequences of the War on Drugs. A lot of people are totally blind and refuse to see...

Lucky 7

Active member
Having known many cops, both ex & otherwise, hard to believe one can leave the life altogether. Experience has taught me to be cynical, especially anybody in this field. What are his real motives here?

Perhaps he's beaten the odds & really got out . . .

Once a cop always a cop


rat in reverse...i would show him my grow (dripping w/SARCASIM).

he busted ppl u didnt know because u werent at the right place at the wrong time. i mean dont u think now that leo is watching and learning. hell i bet leo put the dvd out and are still paying him for propaganda spreader. think about it. u and how many others will use his advice and play directly into the trap.

once a cop...man the other leos would have busted him on day 1 of that dvd. and dont think they couldnt...

Laura Kush

The_Leader said:
rat in reverse...i would show him my grow (dripping w/SARCASIM).

he busted ppl u didnt know because u werent at the right place at the wrong time. i mean dont u think now that leo is watching and learning. hell i bet leo put the dvd out and are still paying him for propaganda spreader. think about it. u and how many others will use his advice and play directly into the trap.

once a cop...man the other leos would have busted him on day 1 of that dvd. and dont think they couldnt...
Just answer me this. Have you watched said DVD you are commenting on?
And don't say you don't need to watch it to know that blah blah blah....


668, Neighbor of the Beast
I haven't seen the vid but have had first hand experience with plenty of east Texas cops and possibly Barry himself. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some of the info on the vid wasn't learned by him from me or someone I know. It was my first hand experience that they didn't give a flying f**k about your rights and would do whatever it took. It was a business to them plain and simple, they wanted your money, your vehicles and anything else they could lay hands on.

His "job" was to illegally profile individuals and then find ways to violate their rights to achieve his goals. I think the only persons interest he has in mind now is his own and getting paid, which isn't that different from what he used to do.

That being said, I wouldn't trust him or 90% of what he has to say other than the common sense issues which I already knew. Any new information that the vid could contain is now tainted as I'm sure LE has their copy as well.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Laura Kush said:
Have you watched said DVD you are commenting on?

I've watched it.. Arguably sketchy information, in my opinion. Some of it great stuff, but nothing we didn't already know.

But about Barry Cooper personally:

He tells you to give consent for searches "but hide it good."

He tells you to put deer urine on the tires to distract the k9 dogs - but then proceeds to tell you how the cops can make the dogs false alert, and if they go crazy on your tires, the cop will just say he was alerting on your car.

Claims on his website that nobody will debate him, but regularly appears on whatever show will have him, usually with a DEA agent or cop to debate with, in fact. He proceeds to get flustered every time and can't maintain his arguments, raises his voice at the hosts and whomever he is debating. Perhaps on purpose to actually undermine the message he is spreading now?

Now he is running for Congress. Still on a power/fame trip, imo.

Hey LauraKush - I find your words about life being as a river elegant, but they do not match the facts in this case unfortunately.

From Barry's website:

"I knew what I was doing was wrong but my need for fame, adrenaline and peer acceptance overrode my good conscience." - Barry Cooper

I think the same motivations could inspire a person like that to continue doing bad things. In fact, sounds like just the guy I would tap on the shoulder if I was running some government false flag operation targeting the cannabis community.

Anyways, I'm not absolutely convinced the guy is doing bad work, or is not genuine about what he is doing now. I just think, based on the facts, that there is a reasonable chance that is not the case.


I don't know. It seems like this guy is caught up in hype, money and advertising at the moment. Perhaps he's done a few good things and maybe his little tips helped somebody somewhere but I don't see it as anything seriously beneficial to the legal advancement of cannabis The police will just use new tricks, new technology and good old fashioned lying to get what they want. Want to not get caught with weed in your car? Here's a tip: don't drive with it in your car. I should make a DVD myself, eh? It'll take a lot more time for him to convince me he's anything more than a High Times poster boy. Hopefully he'll do something other than release DVDs and "run for Congress." His angle ("how not to get caught") is a strange one to throw out there publicly and I can't understand how he hasn't been busted, investigated, etc yet. Just seems a little strange.


ICMag Donor
The rat threw people in prison for pot and now decides to use the same people to make cash off by telling them what most people already know.

He's a reverse snitch as far as I'm concerned. He needs a good old fashioned ass beating......


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
He's a cop - was, is, will be. Treat all of his "info" with care


Listen to me jerky
I'm interested to see his newest video about hiding grows in your house. His first one had almost no information that isn't obvious to most of us. Wonder if he'll have any information that is actually useful. Doubt it, either way he's a dirty mofo.


I guess I am in the minority but I feel at least he has changed his ways. Would I call him and ask to check out my grow, I dont think so. Would I watch his video to see if there was anything worth watching? yes and I have. There were a few good pointers in the video.

Whatever the reason, at least he has changed sides? Better him doing this than still being on the road busting people


I trust him. He fucking looks like a pot head. He was pretty much brainwashed, tried it, decided he spent his life fucking over families. I was the VERY same way. I flushed my mom's stash down the toilet at a point. I never thought I'd touch the stuff. As an adult, I looked around and saw all my buddies toke and they weren't schizos, losers, etc...

i have a lot in common with Barry and I think he's doing a service for people who carry small amounts of herb on them.


He is not just in it for money. He is a major political figure for marijuana legalization and has appeared on fox news which was very funny to say the least. He barely mentioned his DvD, most of the time he was learning those fools about nugs. The lady he was arguing with looked like she was going to shit her pants.
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Active member
I know for a fact hes not about the money... he would obviously like it people purchased his DVD however he stated he doesn't mind if people share it or download it for free.

Yes, once a rat always a rat... but at least he's trying. I think he's been pretty sincere. It takes a lot to admit you were once wrong and that you've wronged a lot of people by being a rat bastard.

I saw i video of him smoking bud with marc emery... i doubt he's still affiliated with the police. Considering most police officers hate him now he's got nothing to do with them anymore. He's even testified under oath about certain profiling tactics officers use. Now how in the hell would he still be a cop? I swear, some of you guys are just a wee bit paranoid.
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Raistlin Majere

i dont trust the guy
once a cop always a cop
who buys his DVD's ? potheads
who downloads his DVD's ? potheads
who is keeping records of that unknown to the potheads ? Barry Fawkin Coopers ass buddys thats who

"yes i would like to use my credit card to order barry coopers latest video, i here this one is full of common knowledge stuff the other ones are full of, that we all already know anyhow"

one more thing
a quote from Laura Kush
Personally hes never done anything to me. So, he busted a lot of people who I don't know.

what a sad thing to say :badday:
all growers are on the same team and all cops are on the opposite team
we are all brothers and sisters bound by this plant
and everytime i read something like this i feel dirty inside
when i read of a innocent person jailed for growing my heart goes out to them and their familys
i appreciate your other words on forgivness and all that other fancy shit
but these words i read first eclipsed them all
geuss thats all i have to say :redface:
I also think its great that hes not busting people. But hes still a rat. being a rat is like being a child molester just because their not doing it at the moment doesnt mean they are not capable of it at anytime.