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Barney Frank Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana


Active member
US congressman Barney Frank has submitted a bill to Congress to decriminalize possession of small amounts of cannabis. It would eliminate all penalties for possession of under 100 grams of marijuana, and make the fine for public smoking $100.

Let's hope this bill goes somewhere. I'm not sure how this affects state laws which for the most part are more restrictive. I assume it would supercede them and require states to change their laws to match the feds.



New member
Technically state law supercedes federal law, but they just reinterpret the interstate commerce clause to take that power away.
This is not the first time this bill has been introduced,it will not pass this year I don't believe,but hopefully with each introduction there will be more support. I already contacted my Representative over this. He said he would not support the measure,I told him I would not support him. I have never been a single issue voter but in his case I will make an exception.


This is one issue where lawmakers seem to be out of touch with voters. IMO the best way for this to happen is one by one the states decriminalize until the Feds have no choice. In the past 10 years we have come a long way with this issue and the momentum has never been stronger. Just a matter of time.


New member
I agree, decriminalization state-by-state seems to be the most realistic way to get the job done. It seems to me that suspending or reducing federal funding for states that incarcerate non-violent drug offenders might motivate state law makers.


stone fool
The wall must be hammered and torn down from all sides, large hammers and small, all are important.


It will neve pass, Frank seems to forget that it is a sched 1 controlled substance. So either he is an idiot, or he is not sincere in this effort. Why would congress pass this while cannabis is a sched 1? Tell me any other sched 1 substance that possesion of any amount is legal.
If he were sincere, then he would be pursuing an effort to remove cannabis from the CSA, until that happens, everything else is talk.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^yup. He might be doing it for votes, and attention, but I still like it though. The more positive national attention on the subject the better.

We should all write him and see if he will help organize the 1 million man smoke out/ march. I'll find his e-mail.
It won't pass,but Frank ls neither an idiot or insincere. The fact that he and Ron Paul are bringing this measure up for discussion should be applauded by us not denigrated. The fact is that we should be happy that any politician would take a stand for the legalization of MJ.
While I may not agree with him on all points I am happy to support him on this subject.

Respect bass


Active member
it was not the only bill introduced one was to make it a sched 2:
This bill would prohibit federal interference in state-run medical marijuana programs. It would also move marijuana from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule II drug, recognizing marijuana's medical value and making it possible for the FDA to begin setting up a regulatory framework for its use.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Keith Stroup of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws said he hopes the bill can lead to hearings and spark more support from lawmakers.

But Frank told The Boston Globe he doesn't see his bill passing anytime soon because his fellow lawmakers aren't yet ready to take a stand on the issue.

He's not a moron. He's trying to work for your rights. He doesn't believe the bill can pass, but believes it will spark discussion and possibly encourage other politicians to feel safe proposing similar legislation.

Good job, Barney!
Keith Stroup,now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. So he's still around huh? Just goes to show how far out of touch I have been. There's a man who should have some interesting stories to tell. Think I'll google him and see if he has written any books since Reefer Madness.

Respect bass


He's not a moron. He's trying to work for your rights. He doesn't believe the bill can pass, but believes it will spark discussion and possibly encourage other politicians to feel safe proposing similar legislation.

Good job, Barney!

Fuckin right. If you cant do anything to change the laws at this current time you might as well start working in that direction. We would be in a real bad place if we did not even have someone in office willing to introduce these kind of bills. Courage is key to success and he has the courage to be shut down which is important.


Hey guys: this doesn't just happen 'cause these mostly rich, mostly honky motherfuckers we call 'Congress' sit around and decide for themselves -

it happens because we tell them it's what's right.


Now, I'm not naive; some points raised by the naysayers in this thread are valid, as are many points cited by the pro-legislation peeps too.

Either way though...

they respond to what they think their constituencies want.

The ethics, motives, and all that are almost irrelevant at this point.

There's nothing hidden in the fine print that'll come back to fuck us (that I can see anyway, but have a look for yourselves to confirm that)... so whether you think Frank is doing this for the stoner vote or for the principle, this is still a no-brainer for us.

Contact your representative via this link below and tell them what's up. Tell your friends to do so, and tell your friends to tell their friends. :1help:


And most of all, don't be the stereotypical apathetic pothead the Biblethumpers say you are. Make the effort to make this happen... as many times as necessary until it's reality.

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