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Banning gay penguins?


Active member
Censorship sucks in any form..... I can't stand it, and have bumped heads with a couple mods about it in the past.
In fact, the very mods that have shown up in this thread.
No hard feelings here..... I learned that if I want to participate on this site, I have to keep my TRUE feelings to myself or suffer for speaking my mind...

Gay penguins!???? Who cares?....really!

I'm glad that everyone can get along when discussing the issue...:joint:

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Censorship sucks in any form..... I can't stand it, and have bumped heads with a couple mods about it in the past.
In fact, the very mods that have shown up in this thread.
No hard feelings here..... I learned that if I want to participate on this site, I have to keep my TRUE feelings to myself or suffer for speaking my mind...

Gay penguins!???? Who cares?....really!

I'm glad that everyone can get along when discussing the issue...:joint:
Please, no mod bashing
we are flogging censorship oh and Gay Penguins

heavy dank nugg

joe and brneydbvr are 100 percent correct........ its actually quite amusing watching the power hungry trip over themselves and contridict themselves.

if your on their friends list you can pretty much say what you please..if you think freely...

and speak accordingly............lookout.

that aside .yea who really cares about gay penguins .......

censorship is wrong......no if ands or buts.

coutdown to deletion has begun.10..9..8.


nothing wrong with a cheery disposition...

nothing wrong with a cheery disposition...

don't we want penguins to be happy? Why harass penguins for being in a jovial mood?

Let the penguins be happy and free!


ICMag Donor
joe and brneydbvr are 100 percent correct........ its actually quite amusing watching the power hungry trip over themselves and contridict themselves.

if your on their friends list you can pretty much say what you please..if you think freely...

and speak accordingly............lookout.

that aside .yea who really cares about gay penguins .......

censorship is wrong......no if ands or buts.

coutdown to deletion has begun.10..9..8.

Keep posting stuff like this and it will happen real fast! Maybe you all should start your own site and run it how you want?!?!


Cannabrex Formulator
Asshat Neo-con goatfuckers hate books about gay penguins because such books show that homosexuality is a normally occurring behaviour in a certain small percentage of any given population of many many different species, and that inconvinient fact ruins their homophobic argument that "it ain't nacherl.."


lol school libraries suck anyways. Anybody who would try to get a book worthy of reading from a school library would be seriously dissapointed. Doesn't suprise me that they would not allow any viewpoint into a school, other than one that they officially sanction, screen, process, and form into neat little cubes.

The only things in a school library are books about how bad drugs are, how much women and african americans had to fight to get rights, and how people with disabilities have tougher lifes. But it's not constructive - they try to get you to feel guilty about yourself, or look down on others. Have you ever read a book that your kid has brought home? It's a damn joke. Especially since they try to force you to take books out nowadays.

People that choose to put those books there are tools... Propoganda for the masses...


"..but you see we have to try and keep the attention on the site in and around cannabis" -gypsy

wtf does this thread have to do with cannabis? delete this mother fucker


"..but you see we have to try and keep the attention on the site in and around cannabis" -gypsy

wtf does this thread have to do with cannabis? delete this mother fucker

toker's den says it's about whatever.

pay attention.

why do new people talk the most smack? I have always wondered.


Active member
joe h. has buttons...dont push the red ones.

i got sum beef w/ the censorship too....im gonna bite my tongue for now tho.

x-cept to say that a few yrs ago anyone who signed on here and had anything to say was welcomed.

now the sheep herders are sending them out the gate...sad.

who butters your bread baby?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have what is called in laymans terms a Napolionic/Mussolini/Pol Pot/Idi Amin Dada complex.......I'm working it out with a good shrink as I type.....so I am getting help....

....You will all have to bear with me for a while untill the therapy prooves sucessfull and I can get back to being an Anarchist that embraces the politics of an autonomous collective.....

.....Is Disney gonna make this Gay Penguin procreation book into an animated film soon?

The Uncola

This is just an example of the ~30% of the homophobia that exists in the US today. I don't want to talk to them- They don't represent me. They do have a lot of cash. Let's talk about reality. Gay animals are all about what I am about. Let's talk about reality!!!


Active member
I have what is called in laymans terms a Napolionic/Mussolini/Pol Pot/Idi Amin Dada complex.......I'm working it out with a good shrink as I type.....so I am getting help....

....You will all have to bear with me for a while untill the therapy prooves sucessfull and I can get back to being an Anarchist that embraces the politics of an autonomous collective.....

.....Is Disney gonna make this Gay Penguin procreation book into an animated film soon?

lets get it goin.

heavy dank nugg

with all the other stuff aside id like to say on the record that i love ic mag....there simply is no better forum for "pot people" and or genetic selection...or overall knowledge.....anywhere in the world.....


:joint:"Gay" pengiuns cannot procreate. I thought you guys were talking about pengiuns being happy:nanana:.......................and don't PO Mrs.B.:noway:

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