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There is a few Libertarian Ideals i disagree with. Like Many say the civil rights laws were unnecessary because it was going to happen in time anyways. To me that is hypocritical. Why should one person be denied their rights for one day. Why should people have to wait on the ignorant to come around. The idea of liberty is to protect the minority from the majority.

I am also starting to think healthcare and education are necessarily for a level playing field, and if we would cut the illegal wars we could pay for all of it, create a top notch system, and have money left over. Just gotta keep out the religious crazies, and the bull shit sellers. Basically impossible. How can People born sick and dumb compete with people who are healthy and intelligent their entire lives. You would at least think the healthy and intelligent could have some common sense compassion to this point of view but many don't.

Thumbs up. Propaganda and control operate on ignorance as well as disinformation. Disinformation can be more dangerous than ignorance (lack of knowledge), because someone feels they are even more justified in the positions they hold. Although, Lack of Knowledge allows people to be easily manipulated and led by others who they trust for information, sometimes in an unquestioned way.

“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” These “invisible governors” are heroic elite. “It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.” (Continued) "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." -Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

“None are more helplessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Also here are some insights into the Propaganda model created in the 1920's used to mold peoples characters through beliefs and perspectives given by the media.

"The general public, are ignorant and meddlesome outsiders who must be put in their place. They are to be spectators of action not participants who must be regimented to abandon any ideas about controlling their own lives. Their task is to develop a philosophy of futility and to follow orders while focusing their attention on more superficial things which comprise much of fashionable consumption." - Walter Lippmann (Pioneer of Propaganda) (1922)


Active member
heres a good short film i came across that sets a good base line for political and economic structures,in a comparison of the united states to other countries and civilizations.it helps highlight the symptoms today and their causation in the past forms of government.
if it helps to be more PC,replace the word religion with morals.morals is a good replacment i think because they are essentially the the same in describing the conduct one displays, and only the source may be subjectivley different, in a free society we are free to choose to adopt them or reject them individually.

if you think this approch is fair please watch the film in its entirety.






Active member
The John Birch Society does cover some issues of corruption. However, they don't cover a lot of the really big issues, and focus more on how the world is trying to kill religion? Over the years it quite clear that corruption in the positions of power are the people who write the laws - regardless of what JBS claims as "God given liberties" the only way we can preserve those liberties it make sure they are protected. Not thinking that some external god source is going to step in and protect them for us. Look at the Patrtiot act, Military Commissions Act of 2006, NDAA and all these other losses of liberty. IMO, there is no ghost like force watching over us - making sure things are ok... (Look at how many years cannabis prohibition has been going on.. is that gods will?) The laws around us are written by humans, whether influenced by religion or not. It is up to us to create a movement where the politicians realize they could lose elections if they do not support deregulation and a hands-off approach to medical cannabis. Look at Oregon - the Attorney General who took action against medical marijuana was voted out by a politician embracing MMJ as one of their main issues for the race. =) Obviously there are still pressures from big pharma, the prison industry and other industries who benefit from cannabis being illegal - but hot topic issues and influence stances of politicians. If they sway in the wind - we need to create the wind that makes them sway towards realizing how important supporting cannabis is for votes...

There are much better videos out there: For instance check out this Information packed 10 minute video:

Absolutely incredibly information 10 minute video: Check this out:


So important to watch - it really covers a huge portion of the big picture.


Active member
good video bio.i agree with you on most if not all points.its not that i beleive in god. it doesnt matter because this applies to all people.when those legislators are making laws it comes down to what constitutes that persons morals,weather to take that bribe or not.that means maintaing the reistrictions on government by voting in moral people reguardless of religion and that is usually a result of the morals of us. so again your right,it takes the people to do it.
but the philosophy is that the government cannot regulate morals/freedoms/rights of free individuals.thats how we wind up with oppresive laws today,we didnt care as a nation who was voted for.our rights were taken or regulated through loop holes and loose interpratations by judges and popularity contests,and now we have to beg for the government to get out,for somthing illeagle it did.
that is democracy destroying the rule of law,with permission from us through apathy.
the only thing the government should be protecting is our rights with our permission.
if it does anything beyond that,its guarenteed to fail and use force.
heres a video thats pretty easy to understand that i hope covers any gaps in my explination.sorry its getting a little late to cover to many aspects.i hope i made sense.

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Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
so what planet are you going to go get this gold from? there isn't enough gold on Earth to pay off all the fething DEBT, let alone sustain an economy

i still don't get why everyone is so misinformed about the gold standard that they believe the only way it could work is if every dollar must be fully backed by an equal value of gold. willful ignorance perhaps?

a 100% gold backed currency is not the only way. Or the most popular choice generally espoused.

money backed by something prevents the phony printing of money to fight wars we cannot afford and bailout banks we don't need/want to save.


There's no way a bank can violate the reporting deposits in excess of ten grand rule without knowing what they're doing. That shit's standard operating procedure.

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