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Bank of America Foreclosed On By Homeowner...WTF


Registered User
This is fukn beautiful... just priceless! Just beautiful... lockn down the branch!



weed fiend
I remember when North Carolina National Bank started buying other banks in the 70s. President Hugh McColl was regarded as ethical and was never in the negative headlines. (Unless one considers helping Clinton get elected for prez as negative, lol.) He went on to run Nation'sBank like a hometown bank (other than hostile, bank takeover-type stuff.) But back then, hostile takeovers didn't screw the customer anymore than inconvenience of taking on another bank, atm locations etc.

Not long after Nation'sBank merged with BOA, McColl was on the way out and his protege Ken Lewis was in. I don't know if it's Ken's influence that makes BOA what it is today but neither pre-merger BOA nor Nation's were shisters.

IMO, deregulation of the banking sector (removing the divide between investment and commercial) made profits so irresistible that ethical executives either took early retirement or were compromised.

I can't fathom foreclosing on a cash deal and then not paying fees per a judges order. Forcing the branch to doff at the point of two deputies is beyond bizarre. These bastards just don't give a shit.


Never had I had so many problems with banking than BOA, if its not one thing its another. Bunch of bullshit I could go on for hours about them just fucking me with a checking account.


weed fiend
Speaking of compromised, my pops got a letter from our state Medicare office. Seems that one of their laptops had disappeared (outside the office). They suspected theft and said the info was encrypted. But they couldn't guarantee that breach wasn't possible.

The bastards advised pop's to go to LifeLock and pay for their mistake.
This bank just continues to astonish me, again & again! It's amazing at how brazen they've become recently, I'll never forget they played a major role in the Bush/Paulson bailout heist, voters be damned! Anyone remember that shit? And to top it off, those fuckers had the nerve to give million$ in executive bonuses & throw oppulent parties after they stole OUR money!

I don't mean to go off topic on this but; shortly afterwards, my wife & I cancelled our accounts with them, after we hear what was going on. We were dissappointed with them anyway, at how they were sticking us with charges we never agreed on, & other nickel & dime shit they were popping on us. Enough was enough, and I told the manager that.

As far as this latest development going on, I just can't understand what they were thinking, (or more appropriately, not thinking) to try & foreclose on someone that owed them nothing. How can anyone hope to pull off something like that, & get away with it?!Are they diabolical thieves?...YES! But I think this is more an act of stupidity on someone(s) part.

In any event, I applaud the show of true justice, even though it such a very tiny amount in a very ugly, & corrupt world! :tiphat:


weed fiend
This bank just continues to astonish me, again & again! It's amazing at how brazen they've become recently, I'll never forget they played a major role in the Bush/Paulson bailout heist, voters be damned! Anyone remember that shit?

Sure do. Paulson threatened to cut BOA out of the bailout if they didn't absorb Merryl Lynch, the next investment bank expected to fold after Lehman Bros bottomed out.

Ken Lewis didn't want any part of ML because their books were so full of sub prime.

I think it's fair to say that the bailout was a government baby, maybe with the exception of very influential Goldman Sachs. Paulson, the former chairman of GS knew that GS was ready to explode.

IMO, (and I'll never be able to prove it) Paulson knew that trust was an issue and he rounded up the stanky seven to obfuscate the fact that Goldman was particularly vulnerable (especially if they didn't get $80 billion in the form of credit-default-swaps from AIG.) Were it not for Paulson, Goldman Sachs would have been bankrupt because negotiations with AIG didn't pan until Paulsen got involved and told AIG to pay their obligations, even though Goldman was busting AIG by continuing to sell collateralized debt obligations tied to AIG's credit default swaps.

AIG never intended for Goldman to bet against everybody and sell more CDOs than AIG could back with CDS. Goldman knew their buddy at the treasury would see to it that GS didn't fold, despite their unrivaled complicity as compared to the stanky seven.

To be fair to Ken Lewis, BOA wanted to forgo the bailout and allow Merrill Lynch to fold if that's what would have actually happened. In addition, the banks have paid the bailouts back to the taxpayer plus a pittance of interest.

I'm glad you canceled your accounts. I went with local community banks to get my 2 cents out of the hands of shisters. If more peeps would main-street-bank a significant portion of 74 trillion, investment banks wouldn't be as powerful and corrupt.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Gotta love BOA :bigeye:

They are on every corner it's like the fucking financial McDonalds or something.

Both are very bad for your health!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
It was gratifying to see a little bit of justice done, even though it wasn't me that got to bend BOA over and shove a forclosure up their ass. I enjoyed it.
I was also disheartened to see thousands of protesters on the streets, & NONE of it made it to primetime tv! Don't take long to figure that shit out, right?
kudos for that video it made my night i will sleep better tonight noing that a bank got the beating this time round .. like dude said sweet justice .. just wait theres prolly more 2 come ..