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Bangladesh Sativa


Well endowed member
Thanks for the invite Billy, I have relatives all over the continent and am planning a trip possibly next year. So you might hear from me on that. There's nothing I'd love more then to experience a well done tropical sativa grown in Oz, I daydream about it often bro.


Hello I am from Bangladesh but currently live in North America the land of the mounties. So I am no stranger to good crop. I go back to the native country every year and have been acquiring the herb from one source from a long time. Recently I have acquired a second source both with two different kinds of strains or effects.

Source 1: Very few seeds one or two in the whole bag, seems like they separate the males. Buds are compressed because they way they are stored, handled & transported. This stuff is not pretty no visible thc glands. However the stone is good it is very indica like, the peak lasts 20 minutes at the most and leaves you with a very sedated feeling. Alot of my peers from back home alleged that this is laced, but i doubt it.. In terms of the stone this definetly feels more indica and smell is very chemically fuel lemon type, almost like a chemdawg. **Source 1 definetly lacing his stash, people who are close to him get bud that dont put you in deep slumber, it may be that he is lacing with afim a form of opium**

Source 2 is a recent procurement, I heard from alot of people back in Dhaka raving about a strain named "Deshal". Desh means land or country and "al" may imply "from the " hence from the land or landrace. The bud structure on this was compressed, it was long spear type buds the buds were not dense and lots of seeds and small thin stems, there are no visible trichomes or any smell , it has no smell, realistically the buds look very immature and harvested early. It is brown and dark however the high which doesnt last long at all produces a very clearheaded calm high. This growers stuff has alot of seeds almost one third of the bag weight is seeds and stem by the time your done picking through it you barely have any herb. Thank the lord the herb is cheap back there. The deshal high feels very similar to the high one experiences from Mango Zamal, which is the only pure sativa ive tried..

I have been collecting and saving seeds from these two sources in hopes one day ill be able to grow them in their native environment using modern grow techniques. the quality of the herb is very bad in my country, the growers are most likely subsistence farmers who use very primitive technique. One good thing about Bangladesh is i believe the gene pool is untainted it has been preserved in its natural state since time.
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New member
Sativa landraces from Bangladesh

Sativa landraces from Bangladesh

Hi guys,

I am from Bangladesh and am happy to be here.

I am interested to know what you thought was the THC and CBD % of this strain? Here in Dhaka city, we get two kinds of weed now. One is Indian Industrial, nowadays often mixed with god knows what to make you feel sick when you smoke it. The other, Which I believe are Sativa landraces from Bengal, are totally different in their look, feel and effect. Both the above we think are in the range of 2-8% THC. About CBD, we have no idea, but I think it might be quite high.

I am growing some of these BD possible landrace seeds(just started outdoors) and will keep you posted.




Well-known member
Hello RMMowgli. Welcome!

Do you get weed from Tripura there?

They are very thin leafed and heavily branched plants.


I guess the weed that make you feel sick is high in CBD. And the one which has a good high has no CBD.

Nice to meet you!


Dr. Narrowleaf
Bangladesh or Bengal strains are not well know in the west. Apart from this thread I haven't seen much info. It has been speculated that Bengali strains were among the most exported varieties back in colonial times so I would be very interested in seeing a real Bengali sativa. I've grown Manipuri, east from Tripura. Both seem different from the Bangladeshi so one could expect to find lots of diversity in this part of the world. As a general rule I would not expect to find cbd in these ganja strains. The Manipuri in particular is a strong variety, thc in the high teens most often.


New member
Thanks for the input.

Ahortator, we r often not sure about the origin of the weed we smoke. Surely some tripura stuff trickle in being so close to BD.

Thule, Yes, this seems like the only place BD strains are discussed. What we smoke here is rarely above 10 thc- what we feel from the taste.

Here, i attach some photos of the weed i am smoking now, the better one. All three buds might be from the same plant/harvest.

Have some seeds from this lot growing on my roof. Will post photos of those in my next post.




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Well-known member

Don't worry about %THC. There are 8% THC strains with a much better, uplifting, soaring psychedelic high, than all the new superpowerful strains in the market. Also keep in mind that high THC levels are in most cases exagerated as a marketing strategy, so most, if not all are simply a lie.

Your buds seems somewhat compressed. Do they use any special curing method?


Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
Strange buds...one brown, one black and one green?

Don't worry about %THC. There are 8% THC strains with a much better, uplifting, soaring psychedelic high, than all the new superpowerful strains in the market.
I second that!:)

Have some seeds from this lot growing on my roof. Will post photos of those in my next post.
And i'm eager for your next post Rubai! :)


New member
Thanks guys,

Here are some photos of the ladies(hopefully) about 10 days old (since germinated). The 2 photos of 4-5 month old plants are from an year or ago. I gave away to my uncle in the village and they grey very tall but sadly both turned out to be male. To be honest, I have tried to grow 3-4 times in the last 15 years with seeds from the weed we smoke but never, ever harvested anything worth in any way. Also, I really never stayed with the game till the end due to the long aging cycle of Sativas in our climate. Always had to go work away from home in dec to feb.

I have ordered some white haze and diesel autoflowers this month from SensiSeeds. Want to experiment with that in the next months. Has anyone tried auto in perpetual summer(humid though) that is in Bangladesh?

Made some cannabutter and then a cake from the weed in my above post. Was very very potent.

Life is good.


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Well-known member
Hi. Your plants look really great! If you find difficult to grow them until you get the crop, try to germinate them late in the season so they will begin to flower before, and you will get the harvest sooner but in smaller plants.

Be careful growing Western hybrids there. If they cross with the weed you have there then it will be far less less potent and very tiny plants.

This is what happened in Jamaica. Also in Mexico, Colombia, Morocco, Swaziland, South Africa,... Once the strains get contaminated it will be almost impossible to find seeds of the original true strain




Well-known member
I have ordered some white haze and diesel autoflowers this month from SensiSeeds. Want to experiment with that in the next months. Has anyone tried auto in perpetual summer(humid though) that is in Bangladesh?

Could be an interesting experiment. Most regular northern strains, Indicas and hybrids, tend to Autoflower in the tropics. Only get 1 or two meters tall. Hawaiian growers at the same latitude often have to hybridize northern strains with local varieties to get them to stay in Veg for any length of time. If your work doesn't allow you to see long flowering varieties through to harvest there are other options.

It'll be interesting with the Autos to see how they react to the short day length. In the far north where they originate the day length can be over 18 hours long. They had to evolve Autoflowering so they can finish in time. In the tropics they may miss those extra hours of sun. On the other hand the tropical sun is higher in the sky and more intense. It may cause them to grow more vigorously. Either way we'll learn something.

Got to say I'm like everyone else, really want to see what those Bengali plants will do. As has been mentioned already before cannabis growing was banned Bengal produced much of the ganja for the British Empire. Exported to the Caribbean and South Africa where many Indians had moved. I'm also guessing they brought seeds of the Bengali strains with them. Considering how important the plants were to the history of cannabis it's curious that they're so rare and hard to find. Of course there's a big difference between the feral wild plants that still contain fair amounts of THC and the more potent drug varieties that were grown sinsemilla.

From looking at the budshots that the seeds came from, your homegrown will blow away the buds they came from. The poor handling and curing cost the buds probably half their THC. Your homestone could range from 4%-16%, depending on whether the seeds came from a wild plant or a cultivated ganja variety plus whether or not you grow it seedless. It's not because the seeds are from Amsterdam or California or wherever that the plants grown are potent, your local plants should be just as potent. It's because the conditions the plants are grown in are bad and after harvest they are treated terrible plus the males are not culled.

Especially the Indian Industrial, if 5% THC buds are making you sick it's adulterated with something really bad. Pesticides and maybe herbicides, nasty chemicals in the water and fertilizer. I was blown away the first time I pulled off a successful crop, so much better then the commercial stuff. In Bengal, the land of ganja, the stuff should be the finest in the world. It's a shame that government persecution causes such a worthy plant to be abused.


New member
Could be an interesting experiment. Most regular northern strains, Indicas and hybrids, tend to Autoflower in the tropics. Only get 1 or two meters tall. Hawaiian growers at the same latitude often have to hybridize northern strains with local varieties to get them to stay in Veg for any length of time. If your work doesn't allow you to see long flowering varieties through to harvest there are other options.

It'll be interesting with the Autos to see how they react to the short day length. In the far north where they originate the day length can be over 18 hours long. They had to evolve Autoflowering so they can finish in time. In the tropics they may miss those extra hours of sun. On the other hand the tropical sun is higher in the sky and more intense. It may cause them to grow more vigorously. Either way we'll learn something.

Got to say I'm like everyone else, really want to see what those Bengali plants will do. As has been mentioned already before cannabis growing was banned Bengal produced much of the ganja for the British Empire. Exported to the Caribbean and South Africa where many Indians had moved. I'm also guessing they brought seeds of the Bengali strains with them. Considering how important the plants were to the history of cannabis it's curious that they're so rare and hard to find. Of course there's a big difference between the feral wild plants that still contain fair amounts of THC and the more potent drug varieties that were grown sinsemilla.

From looking at the budshots that the seeds came from, your homegrown will blow away the buds they came from. The poor handling and curing cost the buds probably half their THC. Your homestone could range from 4%-16%, depending on whether the seeds came from a wild plant or a cultivated ganja variety plus whether or not you grow it seedless. It's not because the seeds are from Amsterdam or California or wherever that the plants grown are potent, your local plants should be just as potent. It's because the conditions the plants are grown in are bad and after harvest they are treated terrible plus the males are not culled.

Especially the Indian Industrial, if 5% THC buds are making you sick it's adulterated with something really bad. Pesticides and maybe herbicides, nasty chemicals in the water and fertilizer. I was blown away the first time I pulled off a successful crop, so much better then the commercial stuff. In Bengal, the land of ganja, the stuff should be the finest in the world. It's a shame that government persecution causes such a worthy plant to be abused.

Hi Revverend,

Thanks for your comments. I agree, I think it will be interesting experiment. Our sun is intense, for sure.

To explore the Bengal landrace strains, I think the best idea is for me to send seed to you and other experts here and you can see for yourselves. I am not sure how these races can be as high in THC as the stuff you smoke in europe or USA, but surely our crop is cured very badly.

You say, "I was blown away the first time I pulled off a successful crop"-which strain is this?

On another point, My cousin has this two plants from purple haze seeds left by some tourist. planted in january, sandy soil in cox's bazar, bangladesh. I need to instruct them what to do. Please advice.

thanks for your help.



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Well endowed member
On another point, My cousin has this two plants from purple haze seeds left by some tourist. planted in january, sandy soil in cox's bazar, bangladesh. I need to instruct them what to do. Please advice.

Wow, guess that shows how much actual Haze genetics were in those seeds.
My advice would be to pull and smoke them if you can. Then get some actual Haze seeds which should do real good down there.
I posted my experience with Bangladeshi seeds, not good but I'm sure sure somewhere down there dioecious seeds still exist, don't give up trying.


Well-known member
Plants from seed companies are bred for growing in Northern latitudes or indoor. They aren't better than tropical strains, only more intensively hyped by the marketing campaign of those companies.

Bangladesh is about 23ºN, so it is in tropical latitude. Any modern hybrid simply will begin to flower as soon as the seed sprouts. As they are also fast flowering you will get a very tiny plant with a very little harvest. You will be lucky if you get weed for a few spliffs.

Also seedbank seeds are extremely expensive. I really envy the times, and the people who can get their seeds from landrace sativa buds. I cannot understand why buy seeds if you can get them in the weed for free, or at least at the same price of the weed. Unless if it is due to curiosity.

Here almost all the cannabis material we get is Moroccan soap bar, so we get no seeds. There is a bit of locally grown weed, but they are all boring heavily indica hybrids or even worse, autoflowering strains with no psychoactivity.


Well-known member
You say, "I was blown away the first time I pulled off a successful crop"-which strain is this?

A friend of mine gave me some of his breeding, Mendocino purple types and hashplants. Plus I had some random bag seed. It all blew me away, so much better then anything I'd seen at the time. The bag seed was a lot of fun, I got my first really nice narrow leaf tropical type plant out of it. The buds were banana shaped and smelled like artificial banana flavoring. Kind of like banana runts if you know the candy. The leaves were so big and the plant was so chunky plus it was my first grow, I couldn't successfully grow it.

The buds the banana bud came from were nothing like the home stone I grew. Growing in good organic soil with advice from more experienced growers I did great. That's one of my best, favorite crops. The Mendocino Purple Giant was amazing, fruity purple buds covered in the thickest resin I've ever seen. The banana bud had very different resin, very small resin glands but lots of them. I'd take a rolling paper and wrap it around a bud then light it up. Huge banana shaped joints, didn't have to break it up. I've never seen anything like it since, it could be the same way with your bag seed.

That's the thing you don't know what you have until you grow it yourself. I've also grown tropical strains that I didn't like, just a big clump of red hairs. Hardly any resin or flavor. I'm guessing the best of your seeds could equal anything out there, it's just a matter of successfully making it through flowering. Especially if it's a good landrace or even heirloom variety bred for sinsemilla.

Those pictures are the Purple Haze? Yeah Randy's right they're as good as they're going to get harvest them now. This is what we're talking about with the autoflowers and temperate type northern hashplant type strains. They start flowering immediately and you get a bud on a stick. There's other stuff going on, maybe bad soil and 'too much love'. Too much nutrients for a tiny plant. But it's basically the wrong type of strain for your area. Cox's Bazar is wet for much of the year, too wet for a lot of strains unless you flower in the winter time. This is probably the reason a lot of Bangladesh strains finish in December and January, to avoid the monsoon.

I'd plant out the local stuff in July, planting it in March or April like you would in my area might be a mistake. Out in July it'll start flowering by October, harvest hopefully by the New Year. With the days getting shorter counting down to the autumn solstice it should flip into flowering quicker then if it lived through the long days of June. Plus it won't get so big.

With Auto flowers and western stuff you'd need to avoid the monsoon. Plant out in September and harvest in January. Avoid the monsoon during flowering at all costs with those type of strains. You won't harvest much but if you do your homework, plant them in good soil, you might get some nice stuff. Keep us updated I'm curious how it will go!


New member
hi guys,

Thanks for all your input, they are shaping my understanding.

I might have not been very clear, The photos of the wilting two plants are from seeds that some tourist bringing weed claimed it was purple haze.

This is NOT the auto white haze and white diesel I have ordered from Sensiseeds. They have not arrived yet.(These strains were chosen for their ability to grow in tropical sunny oudoor.)

Here I was thinking that the autoflowers I have ordered will thrive in vegetative state in april-may fierce sun and then will flower in june and harvested in july. I was planning to have a plant or two going every two months.

Am i correct in thinking : If I have to depend on photoperiod for flowering, then it will be impossible to have sensimilla crop(all this is outdoors). As all plants in Bangladesh will be flowering throughout the winter months and there will be male pollen available in the air everywhere.

Thank you guys so much for your advice. I really appreciate it. It is like going back to those OG days.



New member
And these are some seedlings from bag seed, about 16 days old. I have already given away as decorative plants to friends and family.

I will be happy to post possible landrace seeds from here if you guys are interested to experiment.




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Well-known member
Here I was thinking that the autoflowers I have ordered will thrive in vegetative state in april-may fierce sun and then will flower in june and harvested in july. I was planning to have a plant or two going every two months.

Give it a try, that would be the ideal time to plant out. The problem you'll have is the monsoon season, if you planted in April you can finish in time. I don't know your local seasons for sure, check your monthly weather reports. The way I understand it the monsoon season in Bangladesh is July-October which is tough because that's when most northern temperate strains finish outdoors. It sounds like you know what you're doing taking advantage of the autoflowering tendencies to get your crop done in time.

Even in June the humidity can be high in Bengal, it's very bad for hashplants from places like Afghanistan. Pakistan, Afghanistan especially up in the mountains are usually very hot but also very dry and cool at night. In eastern India in the summer the nights can be very hot and damp, the opposite of what hashplants like. You may want to try strains with Nepali genetics they will resist the humidity much better plus finish quicker then your local strains.

This is one of the reasons sifted hashish is popular to the west, and hand rubbed hashish and ganja are popular in the central and eastern Himalayas and India. Cold nights and winters are perfect for sifting hashish. Warm nights and winters are bad for making sifted hashish but fine for hand collecting resin. Jamaica is similar, ganja is grown there and much of the hashish made is hand collected because of the heat and humidity. Africa too, in warmer humid climates ganja is smoked, in dry desert climates sifted hashish is favored.

A big part of being an outdoor grower is adapting to your local conditions, finding the right strains. It's a lot easier to work with Mother Nature then struggle against her. There's a reason the big commercial growers in your area grow the stuff they do, it's adapted to local conditions. That said, experiment and have fun. Try lots of different stuff and keep a notebook. You can learn a lot from your failures and successes. Keep track of your soil, moisture, fertilizer, and weather conditions. I know you're a casual hobby grower, it may seem like a lot but it'll be worth it. Your seedlings look healthy and strong, I'm jealous of all the tropical sun.

Am i correct in thinking : If I have to depend on photoperiod for flowering, then it will be impossible to have sensimilla crop(all this is outdoors). As all plants in Bangladesh will be flowering throughout the winter months and there will be male pollen available in the air everywhere.

It depends, I wouldn't expect many seeds if you cull your males. Studies have shown most of the pollen travels only a mile or two at most. Even if there's lots of pollen it depends on the wind which is very inefficient. You'd have to have bad luck, a big stand of wild plants or a big commercial grow nearby to get your crop seeded enough to cause problems. That said I'd expect the buds to have at least a few seeds.


New member
Dear friends,
Sorry for my long silence. Been busy being born. Anyways, I ended with 4 plants-
2 White Diesel Haze Autoflowering from White label/Sensi seeds. Germinated and planted 13april19 on two 40 litre modified pots (has a lot of holes on the four sides) with coco and some different local organic compost mix.
The other two plants are local seed. In march I germinated about 30 plants, gave all away(mostly to my relatives and friends for fun) except two. One was a sickly plant, the other was one which looked different from all the rest. These two were put in the same clay pot.
All are on the roof. 9 hours of direct sunlight and another 5-6 hours of ambient light. Been very hot and a few summer storms in may. Now Monsoon is here early and raining a lot. Having to move the two flowering plants to shade when the rain comes.
As you can see from the photos, one of the dutch ladies have started to flower about 2 and a half weeks ago. I have looked today with a photo loupe and very few of the trichomes are red but they are curling a lot. The other one started flowering a week ago. The height difference of the two plants make me wonder what happened.
The local sativa, I have been trying to force flower since 19apr with a black cloth tent put up at 6pm and taken off at 7am. there was some light leak for which I am wrapping a jacket around it. No sign of flowering yet. I will be leaving my home for an year long trip and I had no other choice but to try.
Thanks for all your inputs in advance.


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Here are some close up photos of the trichomes on the WDHA that is in 3rd week of flowering.


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