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Bangi Haze


ACE Seeds Breeder
I just chopped 8 Bangi babes that went 11 weeks. The yield was really nice and the high is stupendous! Really reminds me of what we used to get in the late '70's. My friends are going ape
Fantastic work, Ace!

Thanks for your kind of words FrameOMind :)

Very apreciated, wish you and your friends enjoy bangi haze for a long time!! Best wishes and thanks for your feedback!


Random Bangi Haze Shots at 40 Days

Random Bangi Haze Shots at 40 Days

OK...I have three different Bangi Hazes currently going. These have had a rough go of it due to some strange poltergeist in the nutrition/pH sphere. They are growing in Perlite/Vermiculite hempy buckets. Last grow - not a problem. This grow? I think I screwed 'em up with some sort of cal/mag and/or nitrogen issue. Oh well...I grit my teeth and hold the rudder firm. Despite the autumnal coloring of the leaves, the budding is beautiful. Believe me!

This is a shot from the Mutant Alien Brain Pheno...A multi-lobed big ol' puff ball on the top of the cola. It's like all of the flower energy is focused at this top bud. Cool looking. The other thumbs show random shots (I was in a hurry). The two-plant picture shows a Bangi on the left and a Congo (also by Ace) on the right.



Active member
Hi again Dubi. Hope all is well.

I'm reading so much about Bangi Haze that I'll have to try it here outdoors next year.

I'll keep an eye on this thread for updates.



Nice and chunky Mayan, I think they have heat stress, too much light at the tops? Otherwise looks killer and hope its delic smoke.

Hi...Thanks for the kind words, pakasymbiot. I have considered lumen bleaching as a possible culprit/hypothesis. I currently lean toward thinking that there was some sort of nitrogen deficiency/lock-out. Some of the other strains don't show the same colors - even though they were closer. Also, alot of the coloration goes down the plant - however, under the new nute regime, the color improves (slowly) from the bottom up.

Still...this is my first grow with a 1K (air-cooled) and I don't quite have it dialed in like I did with the 400watt that I used to use. Heat is not an issue - but lumens could be, I guess. Whatever! We proceed gamely!! Howeve,r would love to solve the problem so I don't repeat - even as this grow moves to its final phases.


New member
hey dubi! :wave:

i have some nice bangi haze males and would like to ask you some questions about them! :)

here are some photos of the males.

they are at day 12.

bangi haze #1



bangi haze #8



now to the questions ;)

when i cross the bangi haze with a 100% jamaican sativa (later more), could i reduce the flowering time?
in other words, could the bangi haze add some quickness to some long flowering sativas?

my second question would be, which of these two plants you would choose to (hobby)breed with.

and now back to my jamaican sativa.

the seeds came from some "jamaican sweetness" buds from a coffeeshop in amsterdam.

she needs atleast 120 days to flower.
that's why i would like to cross it with the bangi haze!
i hope i can reduce the flowering time with it.

i have some other males though,
but i would like to keep it 100% sativa! :biggrin:

the jamaican:







i hope you can help me with my questions!

greets pooneil


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Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
The Jamaican Sweetness looks really nice. I would mix pollen from both Bangi Hazes and cross to her. You should get some reduction in flower, though I bet you are still going to find 100+ day pheno's. Possible you could find some < 100 as well. The Bangi Haze is going to carry its aromas over into the cross. Should be some heady stuff. Good luck!


Random Bangi Haze at 53 Days of 12/12

Random Bangi Haze at 53 Days of 12/12

I snapped some shots of my three Bangi Haze plants. This is one of 'em...Yeah, she's a bit jaundiced but we're in end game now and I'm very satisfied with how she's handled all of my various bone-headed missteps.


It's hard to tell but this top cola is HUGE. The plant is small but I needed to stake 'er up a couple of weeks ago.

Here's a love shot of a bud mandala from another Bangi Haze (the flat-top one in the foreground of the first thumb-nail. As with the above photo-it's difficult to tell but this top bud is huge, as well). The buds, as you can see from the photo and the other thumbs are drenched in resin glands - the glands, themselves are bulbous and turning milky. Soon come - I'll be having my way with them. Can hardly wait!!


Finally, you can get a glimpse of the third Bangi Haze in the middle of the back row of the third thumb The plant in the foreground is a Taskenti. The Bangi is flanked on the left by a Congo - which is almost at 30 days under 12/12. The Congo, incidentally, is magnificent as well = off to the races in budding and growth - she's been LST'd.

Sorry about the lighting and the not-so-great photography. I'd love to do 'em justice. These were just quick snapshots under the lights in the flower room. Hopefully, I can get some better shots up later.


ACE Seeds Breeder
hey dubi! :wave:

i have some nice bangi haze males and would like to ask you some questions about them! :)

here are some photos of the males.
now to the questions ;)

when i cross the bangi haze with a 100% jamaican sativa (later more), could i reduce the flowering time?
in other words, could the bangi haze add some quickness to some long flowering sativas?

my second question would be, which of these two plants you would choose to (hobby)breed with.

and now back to my jamaican sativa.

the seeds came from some "jamaican sweetness" buds from a coffeeshop in amsterdam.

she needs atleast 120 days to flower.
that's why i would like to cross it with the bangi haze!
i hope i can reduce the flowering time with it.

i have some other males though,
but i would like to keep it 100% sativa! :biggrin:

i hope you can help me with my questions!

greets pooneil

Welcome Pooneil,

Firstly, i'd like to congrat you for that beautiful jamaican. Truely a 100 % sativa beauty, have you find any hermie trait in the line ? How is the potency and aromas ?

Bangi Haze is a great fast flowering inbred sativa to breed with other long flowering sats, bangi haze usually adds electric haze, fast flowering and cold resisntance to her hybrids. Being a highly inbred line, when you outcross her you can find very dominant bangi haze plants that are more vigorous and better yielding than straight bangi haze. I think she is perfect for your plan :)

I see you dont have enough posts to receive private messages, please email me to: [email protected], i'd like to talk privatly with you about the males. Thanks!


ACE Seeds Breeder
I snapped some shots of my three Bangi Haze plants. This is one of 'em...Yeah, she's a bit jaundiced but we're in end game now and I'm very satisfied with how she's handled all of my various bone-headed missteps.


It's hard to tell but this top cola is HUGE. The plant is small but I needed to stake 'er up a couple of weeks ago.

Here's a love shot of a bud mandala from another Bangi Haze (the flat-top one in the foreground of the first thumb-nail. As with the above photo-it's difficult to tell but this top bud is huge, as well). The buds, as you can see from the photo and the other thumbs are drenched in resin glands - the glands, themselves are bulbous and turning milky. Soon come - I'll be having my way with them. Can hardly wait!!

Finally, you can get a glimpse of the third Bangi Haze in the middle of the back row of the third thumb The plant in the foreground is a Taskenti. The Bangi is flanked on the left by a Congo - which is almost at 30 days under 12/12. The Congo, incidentally, is magnificent as well = off to the races in budding and growth - she's been LST'd.

Sorry about the lighting and the not-so-great photography. I'd love to do 'em justice. These were just quick snapshots under the lights in the flower room. Hopefully, I can get some better shots up later.

High mayan :)

Im glad to see you are about to harvest your bangi haze! Your cola looks fat, dense and resinous, i bet is going to be a powerful smoke :smoke: Enjoy it, your garden is looking real nice! Congrats!


New member
Firstly, i'd like to congrat you for that beautiful jamaican. Truely a 100 % sativa beauty, have you find any hermie trait in the line ? How is the potency and aromas ?

thanks so much!
coming from you, that means very much to me! :redface:

to the hermie traits...

i've grown her two times.
the first time (the one on the pics) she made some bananas in the end.
but i think that was due to stress!
it was a summer grow, and i hade some thripse problems.
the container she had, was way to small!
3,5l for a +1m plant.
further more she had some deficiencies,
cause she was soo hungry! :D

the second time she had no bananas!
and the third time a friend of mine grew her.
again she showed no signes of bananas!

so i would say, that she is hermie free! :dance013:

the potency is imho very strong!
i'm guessing, that she needs at least 120 days.
the ones i grew had 90-100 days, and were still very strong!
you can compare here to some good hazes.
like amnesia haze or super silver haze.
but the high is more activating and cleaner!

the flavor reminds me of some good sativa!
fresh lemon aroma and a bit hashy.
if you give her a long good cure, then she reminds me of flowers i can't define :D
but the lemon is still there too!

another nice thing about her is, that she makes realy thick stems!
but she needs that, because she has to carry alot in the end!

it was a one seed "selection", but i'm very happy with her!
never had a better daytime weed! :smoke:

Ur Humbl Nr8tor said:
The Bangi Haze is going to carry its aromas over into the cross. Should be some heady stuff. Good luck!

thanks man! :)

if something special happens, i gonna let you know!

btw i already pollinated the jamaican!
with some ortega (the one from shanti), c99 and a oaxacan male.
for me some very promising crosses :D


Nice, mayan. What do you grow them under? Soil (organic)?

Hi UrHumbleness!! The Bangi Haze were grown in classic Hempy buckets with perlite/vermiculite. The buckets are 2 1/2 gallons. The nutes are PureBlendPro/LiquidKarma and a little bit of that Bloombastic glop to spice things up during flowering.

Although I enjoyed success (at least by my standards) on other perl/verm grows, this grow was a bit nip and tuck. A teeth-gritter. It took me a while to figure out that -truth be told- I was underfeeding 'em for a good portion of time. Hence, the jaundice. Operator error. Nothing to do with the seed stock or methodology. Oh well...live and learn. Doesn't seem to have affected the flowering that much - and for this I'm grateful.

That said - I've been switching to coco coir. The plants and seedlings under the new regimen look splendid so I will probably go with it for a while as coir looks like something that will let me continually evolve and grow. Soil is not an option at this point, for a variety of reasons. Some day, however...

dubi-> thanks so much for the kind words. I can't wait. All three plants look delicious. I just started the flush. I'm going to taper 'em back on the nutes, starting today. The glands are immense and primarily milky. Just the way I like 'em. I figure that another two weeks will put 'em just about at 70 days at any rate. If the glands start going amber quickly - I'll use Clearex to speed up the flush.


Bangi Haze - Harvested at Day 71...

Bangi Haze - Harvested at Day 71...

I just took down my two remaining Bangi Hazes. Incredibly beautiful plants...

See for yrselves...


Don't know where the purple came from on one plant. Didn't really notice it until I started taking pictures.


And...yes...I could not resist taking a sample and stuffing it in the pipe. It is very potent - with legs. Long lasting. Very much looking forward to making more of her acquaintance after she takes the cure.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Congrats mayan ;) Looking dense, resinous, colorful and potent!

Sounds like you are going to enjoy a very congolese summer time!! :D
Thanks for your great bangi haze and congo grow diaries! Your feedback is very apreciated. Good vibes!


mayan, beautiful bangis you got there

Has anyone crossed this to orient express? I'd think that they'd make a great mostly sativa-hybrid.

Edit: well, hopefully i have chance to do it myself in the fall :D