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Ban weapons in USA what do you think?

Ban weapons in USA what do you think?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 21.8%
  • No

    Votes: 43 78.2%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
You need people with guns because guns stop crazy people just ask those Texas church members that stopped a guy from killing more people in their Church service it's sad that one innocent life was lost but that crazy guy was shot dead asap before he killed anyone else

Also did you know that Mexico is The United States of Mexico? Estados unidos mexicanos I just thought that was odd but is it really? They have all firearms banned for citizens and hows that working out for them? Not so good


Well-known member
Premium user
Implant a chip in everyone's brain at birth, that makes them faint if they think violent thoughts. Maybe throw in a little nausea. If it were up to me, I would make them shit themselves. But, then, I'm the practical joker type. :)



Your whole post became a joke when you lump in the money and power grab that the farce called climate change is. Or is it global warming this year since we are have a bit of a mild winter so far ??
Guns don't kill people, people kill people,
Can we stop arming people with guns?

There are less shootings in countries where the population own less guns. How is there any argument about it. Its climate change, evolution and now gun control. Some people choose not to listen to reason, there's no point trying to reason with such people.

Yes you can kill someone with a pencil, but not from a bell tower!


Well-known member
Implant a chip in everyone's brain at birth, that makes them faint if they think violent thoughts. Maybe throw in a little nausea. If it were up to me, I would make them shit themselves. But, then, I'm the practical joker type. :)


Make them pass out you say :muahaha:

I would feel bad for all the tweaker roofers out here but at least they can finally get some sleep. :smoker:


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Since bad guns have laser sights, make the guns have chips and between those technologies only bad guys get shot, and only winged in the shoulder a little. Like tee vee, but not Matt Dillon.

Reminds me I need to order a laser for my pistol. Red or green?


Well-known member
We humans been killing each other since the dawn of time. First rocks and sticks, then spears, arrows, swords, then firearms and bombs.

Outlaw weapons, and we'll just go back to sticks and rocks. I own 14 firearms. If I wanted to kill someone, I'd run them over with my car. Oops, foot slipped off the brake.

You'll never be able to ban guns because of the 2nd amendment. 2A is part of the Bill of Rights. Good luck amending the Constitution.

The proverbial cat is already out of the bag. It ain't going back in.

It's estimated that there are more guns than people in the US. Even if they were banned, collecting them all is impossible. And even if you could, some asshole would just build a bomb. Or poison the water. We have become exceedingly good at killing each other.

Now I'm not saying that we throw up our hands and say there is nothing we can do. Clearly, some people should never have access to firearms. Just like some people should not be allowed to drive. And I certainly advocate that some people shouldn't be allowed to own a computer.

The answer isn't banning all firearms. It also isn't arming everybody. Like most things, it's somewhere in the middle. Getting everyone to agree on what to do is and always will be the problem.

Bobby Boucher

Active member


The real solution that people dont want to admit is some folks, a small percentage of folks, who commit crimes and acts of violence on their fellow man (oh crap I mentioned a gender and snowflakes WILL melt) simply have no redeeming values and will be life long criminals and predators on a civilized world. The second amendment is the second amendment because the founding fathers and framers of the greatest ideas knew citizens must be able to defend themselves from an oppressive government and more locally to defend ones self and family and home from scum. Which is all to often the same thing to defend from more and more.

THESE violent multiple offenders of crimes simply need to be taken to the nearest RENDERING PLANT. Time after time this core group of violent criminals could be stopped early. But the narrow minded gun control groups keep finding reason to be in the same class as the same idiots who would disarm decent people. Including peaceful growers.

What do cannabis farmers fear most? The police who will arrest them or criminals who will rob and kill maybe for a simple plant. Honest and decent people have NOTHING to fear from firearms. Honest and decent people are glad we have the ability to protect ourselves from criminal scum.

The debate would be moot if we used the universally accepted data that gun crimes are committed by scum. Im in the group that violent criminals need to go to JAIL and VIOLENT SEX offenders as well. Once said prison is at capacity we put caulk on all the windows and pump it full of gas and let these lowlifes that will NOT change, contribute to the world as NPK fertilizer. Yup thats harsh but the money we waste on feeding and locking up scum that has no desire to be contributing or at least non violent members of society take from the future of resources that could be used to educate and help future children.

knucklehead bob

There are billions of BRAINWASHED MORONS in the United States that know absolutely NOTHING of history ........................


My answer to the above query is a resounding NO, FUCK NO !!!!!!!!!!!!

Can anyone here answer with a YES ?

I can't understand how adopting the doctrine , ideology & policies of Chairman Mao , Adolf Hitler & Joseph Stalin are going to benefit anyone here in the United States


Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Banning guns won't work, mass shootings will still occur from black market guns whereas an armed society can defend itself against mass shootings as has been seen in the Texas church recently where an armed parishioner stopped the shooting within seconds.


security guard shot him.

if you bring a gun to church than you dont have much faith in your god protecting you.


Well-known member
security guard shot him.

if you bring a gun to church than you dont have much faith in your god protecting you.

Due to a recent change in the law the security guard was aloud to carry a gun in church. So yes the law changes allowing people to carry in church saved lives. People are carrying guns in Texas churches due to multiple church shooting's in that state recently.


Well-known member
Premium user
If I still carried a gun, there would be a wake of dead bodies behind me like a 80 MPH Jet Ski just went by. LOL I just don't have the patience I used to have. I would shoot the poor kid at the Quickie Mart right in the face just for being stupid and standing there staring at me when I ask him a question. Or, to hear him say what a dumb ass his boss is and how he is so smart, he should own the oil company that pays him that shitty pay.

Bang, thanks for the smokes, kid. LOL


Bobby Boucher

Active member
I wish I couldn't relate to that, but the marlboro man knows how you feel. You don't know stupid until you visit 30 different retail locations a day, and deal with 100 retail idiots in the process. 700 idiots a week. That you are relying on to act like adults.

Words can't describe. Contempt eventually becomes forgiveness, and forgiveness eventually becomes acceptance. It'll make you a big person dealing with that much stupid.

I treat everybody nicely. I smile, I cooperate, I go out of my way to do the stupid shit other contractors wont do for them.. I only do it for one reason; I like to know who's worth it and who's not. I would argue that people who go out of their way to make MY life difficult, would NOT be genuinely missed by ANYBODY if they were squished by an asteroid. Or by my vehicle.

Whereas.. people who are nice to me deserve everlasting peace and more.

I know I'm no judge and jury.. but .. fuck man. Some people are just an inconvenience to themselves and everybody around them.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Shooter gunned down in seconds

This is how mass shootings are supposed to go down. This is how a mass shooting would go down, at any location I have a gun and a clear shot. Without public gun restrictions, 'bad guys' are significantly more cautious. This includes the ones in your govt.

You want safety through gun control? Allow more guns, teach more people how to control their guns and hit their targets. It's a people problem, not a 'gun' problem.

None of this makes sense to you? You really think gun control is the answer? Perhaps you should examine your information and education on the subject.

I suggest you start with watching a firearm for a few months, to familiarize yourself with the personal habits and behaviors of weapons. Really pay attention to how the firearm analyzes each situation, before deciding whether or not to take action.

Then spend a year or so reading up on psychology, to familiarize yourself on the habits and behaviors of humans. Get to know how happenstance events in life program people, and how these programs effect their actions. (possibly become aware of your own random programming in the process) Study a bit of abnormal psychology, maybe a bit of criminal psychology. Be sure to get at least a well rounded 'basic' education on psychology. (MOOCs.org has free college classes, go improve yourself :) )

With those two solid data pools, you should be able to draw the correct conclusion on the subject of 'gun control.'

Not interested in the education? Then what value is your opinion? Seriously.


security guard shot him.

if you bring a gun to church than you dont have much faith in your god protecting you.

Im not particularly religious anymore but people who cowardly take pot shots at those who are, seem to be pretty douchy in real life. The security guard as you say,, is/was a member of the church voluntarily acting as a security guard. You imply the man was hired.

Ever heard the scripture that says "God helps those who help themselves" ?


Im curious about those who voted if they are US citizens or not and how the NON US citizens voted if they did.

Mr D

Wouldn't it just be better to offer those who support altering our bill of rights a free ticket to a country without such rights and maybe $10k to get started in their new country?

Only confused people willingly give up liberties. It's just fuckin dumb.


Active member


Even mindy dont mind alil bush shaking


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