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Well, first of all, I'm not trying to imply that there is anything wrong with ingesting Cannabis. I'm only trying to state that it is very possible for organic molecules to form symbiotic relationships with each other.

Secondly, there are only a handful of scientists who are given access to do research on cannabis. Find me the good, non-biased, credible ones. I'm contacting them too. Dr. Lester Grinspoon is one example of a supporter to our cause, but he's not exactly a research scientist. So help me out.

Finally: I do not like BHT. My hidden agenda is to get rid of questionable preservatives which are tainting our food supply and keeping people from focusing on finding healthier, regionally-supplied fresh foods.

It is these type of preservatives, which have led consumers to believe that pre-packaged food from a far away place is the most "affordable" solution. This has led us to ignore the enviromental and nutritional impact that our modern agricultural methods are having on us.

I don't believe BHT, BHA, or TBHQ has any place in the food we eat.

I do not believe THC or any Cannibinoid is harmful to humans. At the same time, I don't want our future health statistics clouded because of a negative relationship that possibly takes place from humans ingesting other chemicals which our bodies never needed.

And umm...LOTS of scientific research is biased. It's hard to find scientists to obsess over something that doesn't interest them. Perhaps you could reference some other 'expert opinion' that would counter my argument, rather than try to convince me that every scientist involved in this study is simply evil and part of a global conspiracy. :p


My little pony.. my little pony
No offense EBI but you really didnt offer anything to counter in an arguement.

You offered one researchers highly biased research pointing to some quasi-relationship between BHT and Marijuana. One biased researchers 'evidence' doesnt quite serve as arguementable proof in any scientific field.

If youre really passionate about the removal of BHT and other likewise preservatives you would be better off finding other researchers hopefully unbiased research to support your opinion. Hopefully they wont be as highly biased against marijuana like the one researcher you chose, Sarafian.
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EasyBakeIndica said:
Secondly, there are only a handful of scientists who are given access to do research on cannabis. Find me the good, non-biased, credible ones. I'm contacting them too. Dr. Lester Grinspoon is one example of a supporter to our cause, but he's not exactly a research scientist. So help me out.

Over the last couple of years, new research has been going on in CA.

I believe that much of this research is being done with higher quality cannabis that the crap the fed grows.

Can you imagine? They grind, still wet, the bud, leaves, stems and seeds. Grind them all up. Then put them through a rolling machine. Then they freeze dry the joints. results are about 2.5% THC.

Given enough time, effort and studies .. maybe the fed can figure out how to roll a joint.

Proly take a good ten year study to figure out how to grow higher quality.

They can screw up a wet dream.

Anyway .. CA or Europe.
Verite said:
Exactly the question you should be asking Sarafian before using his biased reports to do the equivalent of yelling 'fire' in our crowded house. Maybe next time we'll actually get to see some smoke.

What argument is there to counter? There are no other studies involving BHA and THC specifically. This is scientific evidence. It was repeated in a controlled environment many times. All the parameters are given in the link provided. Duplicate the experiment, come up with contradictory results, and you will prove me wrong.


You could offer some expert (non-anonymous) opinion relating directly to this subject matter.

Please, help me out.
peanutbutter said:
here, ebi, check out this link:

THC cuts lung cancer tumor growth rate in half:


while impeding the cancer's ability to spread.

<b>Cannabis shrinks tumors; The U.S. government has known this since the 70s</b>

Hell yeah. This was the best research to come out in years. It's especially reassuring as a medical user. Few drugs can claim such benefits as their side effect. Not to mention, there's no better known prevention from Alzheimer's disease.
Now we just need to clarify this psycho-babble: "Marijuana may increase pschosis risk"

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I honestly thought you would like to see the site.

Perhaps I should have sent you a PM.

You are into "studies." most people are not.

the nut


My little pony.. my little pony
EasyBakeIndica said:
What argument is there to counter? There are no other studies involving BHA and THC specifically. This is scientific evidence. It was repeated in a controlled environment many times. All the parameters are given in the link provided. Duplicate the experiment, come up with contradictory results, and you will prove me wrong.


You could offer some expert (non-anonymous) opinion relating directly to this subject matter.

Please, help me out.

Exactly my point about your choice of one biased researcher, Sarafian. You wont find any more studies between BHT and Marijuana because theres already 1000 studies on BHT itself. You also wont find another researcher that wants to make the same biased absurd link between BHT and Marijuana besides Sarafian since hes already gone off the deep end trying to prove how bad marijuana is for you in all his other studies. Some of which have been proven wrong like his reports/research linking marajuana use to cancer of the lungs and mouth,etc.

Considering how biased Sarafian is in all his other reports does anyone really need to prove to you theres no hyper-toxic link between BHT and marijuana?
Here is some more info on BHT, it includes links to the the BHA/THC research:

If Verite wanted to do research, he would find plenty of connections found between THC and BHT. He might even find the reasons why so many other countries have BANNED the substance from food and hygene supplies.

Something like this:
or this:


Storm Crow

Active member
May I add a personal observation?

May I add a personal observation?

This is about another "nasty" sodium benzoate/benzoate of soda. It's in some sodas, juices, jellies, salad dressings, wine (not required to be listed on the label), and a lot of other things.

To put it delicately, it puts my whole digestive system on "emergency purge"! Add cramps, "chills and fever" feelings, belching "sewer gas", and in general, wondering if it would just be easier to die? Not pleasant!

Ok, I do seem to have a threshold dose. A tiny dose just makes me like I ate a bad sandwich, followed by an unpleasant bathroom experience.

I haven't researched it myself, but someone once told me that the benzoate part of the molecule breaks down into benzene which is totally nasty stuff for living things.

Now a quick story of how I found out about this stuff. When I was 28, I described my symptoms to a doc. He said "It must be your gall bladder! We will have to remove it!" I had an 18 month old kid- no way I could be on my back recovering from major surgery.

I also had a subscription to PREVENTION magazine. There in the letters section, was a gal who had the same symptoms and had the operation. She was still sick after the operation. She started eliminating stuff from her diet. When she hit benzoate of soda, her symptoms left. As long as she avoided the stuff like the plague, she felt fine! SHE WAS RIGHT! Now, she and I may be the only two who have this problem, but somehow I doubt it!

I still have my gall bladder at age 60. I consider benzoate of soda to be poisonous. Anyone remember about how the old coal miners used to carry a canary to warn of poisonous gases? Well, Tweet! Tweet!

Oh, and TBHQ is also not on my list of favorite chemicals. But it's just a quick trip to the bathroom.

- Granny :joint:
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Active member
Storm, I find it interesting that you mention sodium benzoate. I was reading this thread waiting for someone to mention it. You got the last post and if you didn't I was going to.

Also, check out this info about Sodium Benzoate (and Potassium Benzoate)... found in almost all sodas..

"In combination with ascorbic acid (vitamin C, E300), sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate may form benzene[6], a known carcinogen. Heat, light and shelf life can affect the rate at which benzene is formed."

(6) FDA, 2006. "Data on Benzene in Soft Drinks and Other Beverages, " United States Food and Drug Administration. Accessed June 2nd at: http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/benzdata.html

Storm Crow said:
To put it delicately, it puts my whole digestive system on "emergency purge"! Add cramps, "chills and fever" feelings, belching "sewer gas", and in general, wondering if it would just be easier to die? Not pleasant!

That sounds scary.

I have trouble eating foods with Sucralose (ie: Splenda). A small amount acts as a stool softener, while more than a few grams will cause me to be very sick later on. My G.I. says I have "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" (which seems like the most pointless diagnosis someone can pay for). :bashhead:
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I have been drinking diet Dr.pepper and it makes me realy sick and go to the bathroom.Do you think this could be why I also ate some type of uasage that had BHA in it and got kinda sick too.This isnt good and this stuff should be BANNED EMMEDIANTLY sorry for the spelling but Im pretty high right about now.


Active member
igrowdadankest said:
I have been drinking diet Dr.pepper and it makes me realy sick and go to the bathroom.Do you think this could be why I also ate some type of uasage that had BHA in it and got kinda sick too.This isnt good and this stuff should be BANNED EMMEDIANTLY sorry for the spelling but Im pretty high right about now.

I don't think these chemicals make you ill in the "I need to go throw up" sense. It's more of a toxic pollutant that works over time to make sure you don't enjoy a few years of your life later on down the road.

BHA is not in Dr. Pepper, but sodium benzoate/potassium benzoate is. Carcinogenic, bro. I used to drink CocaCola, 2 to 4 liters a day. Now I just steer clear of that shit.
Product Update...

Product Update...

Malibu Hemp Body Lotion contains BHT!


This product has been around for a few years now. It was just re-introduced to Wal-Mart customers with multiple new varieties.

No, this lotion does not contain THC. So, while they're not being directly harmful, the idea that they would use it to preserve a 'Hemp' lotion is deplorable. Compare this to 'non-Hemp' lotions.

Why would a hemp lotion need one of the most unnatural preservatives? This is the only body lotion I've found with BHT.

Very few skin lotions contain BHT. However, in the deodorant aisle, it now dominates. A place where, less than two years ago, very few products contained the questionable preservative.

Remember, this is a chemical that even McDonald's chose to stop using, voluntarily!​

Just look at how jubilant stoners were to see a 'Hemp-friendly' product being sold in WalMart: http://boards.cannabis.com/women-s-issues/102101-malibu-hemp-lotion.html

Is WalMart now a haven for hippy cause?


Is it possible WalMart/Malibu Lotions has decided to capitalize from eager, liberal-minded consumers, with no regard to prior health science?


Check every product for ingredients before you purchase! Please inform us of any new products which add BHT, BHA, or TBHQ to their list!
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Update: BPA

Update: BPA

Here's another dangerous chemical you can add to the list that the FDA doesn't care about: http://www.courant.com/news/opinion/editorials/hc-bpa.artsep23,0,1120269.story

"The federal Food and Drug Administration needs to rethink its position on the safety of bisphenol A, an estrogen-like compound used in polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins and one of the most widely used chemicals in the world.

Bisphenol A, also known as BPA, has been around for 50 years. It's used in polycarbonate plastic baby bottles, water-cooler containers, eyeglasses, bullet-resistant glass, bicycle helmets, reusable water bottles, dental sealants for children, microwave oven dishes and the epoxy resins that line cans of food. Traces of the chemical can be found in the bodies of most people around the world.

So far the Food and Drug Administration has maintained that BPA is safe for everyone — including infants and children. But the agency's stance is being rapidly undermined by a growing body of scientific studies.

More than 100 studies link BPA exposure to health effects. Until recently, all that research has involved animals. The latest study, published this month in the Journal of the American Medical Association, is the first large-scale study of humans. It was based on a government survey of 1,455 Americans.

More than 90 percent of the people in the study had detectable traces of BPA in their urine. All had levels that are supposedly safe. Yet the people with the highest amounts of BPA were more than twice as likely to suffer from heart disease or diabetes.

Officials for the Food and Drug Administration continue to insist that current standards for exposure to BPA are adequate."


I'm from Sweden. I don't know if we once had a ban on BHT and the likes. When we entered EU we got a shitload of new chemicals in our foods/hygiene articles.
I just checked my bathroom and found an Oil shower creme and a facial scrub with BHT in it.

Since we joined EU Unilever has pretty much bought up all our native food-health-hygiene manufacturers.

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