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Balloon Hits


Active member
You'll get much better mileage out of your stash by using a brass or glass one-hitter bat. *shrug* Been doing it for over 2 decades now.

Pack it so you it's not fluffy... but still easy to draw through. Hold the flame to one side of the bat and barely toke. Take a SHORT toke and put it out immediately by holding the cherry end of the bat on a flat metal surface(stainless steel is nice... I use my thumb. *shrug*).

If you exhale any smoke... you toked too much. You'll be surprised how much further your smoke goes.

Downside: ALL resin stays in your lungs. I only recommend this for emergencies. :D

Yes, the 'twice-as-high' effect your buddy is describing is mainly oxygen deprivation, as previously mentioned. Heh. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:
Didn't sound healthy or effective to me either. My lungs are in excellent condition. I personally don't think it is worth the risk of inhaling the stale smoke. I can choke out the best (or worse) of them without a single cough. I got some power lungs, no need to damage them with less then effective smoking methods.


Didn't sound healthy or effective to me either. My lungs are in excellent condition. I personally don't think it is worth the risk of inhaling the stale smoke. I can choke out the best (or worse) of them without a single cough. I got some power lungs, no need to damage them with less then effective smoking methods.
