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ballest storage


Raistlin Majere

hello guys :wave:
a question for you all

i have two extra ballests new in the box still
and need the space they occupy in my closet :joint:
if i put them in my shed for however long will it affect them at all ?
high heat in the summer freezing cold in the winter

i did a search or three and could not find the answer

thanks in advance
I would treat them like stereo equipment - would you put your amp or DVD player in an area that would stress the internal components? Humidity & heat kill electronics. Mag ballasts might be more forgiving than digital, but why not just shove them under your bed?
Better yet, could I borrow 'em?

Raistlin Majere

i do have a bit of room under my bed :redface:
did not even think of that

but every harvest i have i am buying another hood and ballest
untill i have the amount i want :muahaha:
small fry now but i have bigger dreams

a bunch of ballests under the bed would not make the wife happy
she does not smoke and cares little for my hobby
we have a very small house (to small) and with everyones shit stored here and there we are very full and have little room to spare



damp-that is the problem with storing kit in sheds-will it get damp?
most sheds do

i've seen the results of storing growkit in damp conditions

it;s not a good idea


Raistlin Majere

thanks guys no shed storage for me i geuss
now i have to figgure out what to store in the shed so i can begin using that space LOL


Store any and all electronic components in a cool and dry place, this applies to most things that we wish to keep in good order. Minimal temperature and humidity fluctuation.



Active member
you dont have an extra hall closet, what about a storage bin in the garage? maybe you have a storage locker in there....(i could store 200 balasts in the shelfs of my garage)...try the back of a kitchen cabinet, or a storage box in your office(do u have one) good luck.

Raistlin Majere

ah yes well here is where it gets tricky
i have someone living in my house who does not know i am growing in my closet :joint:
so all my growing paraphnalia must always be locked in the bedroom closet
privacy is well respected though and i am not worried
still i NEVER leave any sign laying around

we do not have a garage either :badday:
i do have a office, but it is being converted into another bedroom for my youngest

my wife has typical woman shit she will never use/wear and i am trying to talk her into giving it to goodwill (you know to help the poor :muahaha: )
i am fine for now because i only have one extra hood, but in two months i'll have another one plus the ballest to go with it
and so on and so on

i don't plan to use these for several years, but feel the need to collect as i can so when i go larger i will be set for gear

thanks for the ideas guys :respect:


Get a big rubber maid type container with the lid and put them in there with some minute rice in the bottom and pop the lid on and into the shed, pull it out about every 3 months and check for moisure in the rice and change the rice out as needed and in the shed would work fine. We heat these up and cool them down every day we use them so the shed temps should be fine. I keep all my spare stuff in the shed and when I use it again it has always worked great and I store alot of equipment off and on over the year.