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ballast wiring help?


Active member
This isn't mj related just trying to wire some lights in a buddys barn, but i figured if anyone can help it is you guys.
1000w hps ballast multi-tap(trying to wire 240v)

Primary side has com

Secondary tap

Ignitor tap

I tied on leg of 240v to the 240 tap capped off the rest.

I tied other 240v leg to both com's off primary,com off ignitor, and lamp wire from ignitor, and tied into lamp

lamp wire from secondary to lamp

both cap wires to capacitor

tap wires tied together.

Looks to me like I followed the diagram to the T, but lamp won't fire, brand new lamp. I've never been stumped before with diagram. Please help can't see in barn at night. thanks


Active member
this ballast is pretty old, but new in box, I've wired older shitier ballasts than that no prob, manufacturer is Spartan. When I energized it, the ignitor got kinda hot, may have smoked it? Even went back and tried it with 120v, still nothing. If it were one ballast I might think its bad but there are two, which makes me believe its my wiring.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Look underneath the photo for a pair of PDF links. The finest instructions I've found. They're huge so be patient. Good luck.


Active member
I think i've seen that, could you post link again, but I'm wondering if the 240v changes things. as you can see mine is labeled differently, tap,lamp,com, as opposed to x1,x2, x3. But should be wired the same. I guess i need to see something like that but wired 240v cause mine seems right. I just can't see how a core and coil could go bad, or the cap for that matter. maybe its my ignitor I just don't know.


Hi Dank,
That'll be a weird light in a barn. I'm confused when you say you connected both commons to a leg of the 220. One of those commons goes to the outside of the socket, right? Or did you have three common wires?

I re-read your post and think I see what you're doing there. I have a 400 hps ballast I can't get going. Nada...so it can happen.


Active member
Yeah it will be wierd in a barn, They used to be halides, but haven't worked in years. He had these ballasts layin around (you know them good ol boys, they rathole everything) so bought two lamps expecting a cheap fix.

I guess I can see a bad ballast but 2 right out of the box.


Active member
I have come to the conclusion that both these ballasts are bad, I know how to read a wiring diagram, I have tried it 240v and 120v. I may try a new igniter before tossing em. but I know they are wired correctly. Plus I tried calling the manufacturer for tech support, # doesn't work, can't find much about em online. All I can say is it will no longer be a cheap fix.


Why not just leave the igniter off and return them to MH service? Let me guess...no 1000W MH bulb? The ballast I have that's shot is new too. Or surplus...never been in service. Bought a ballast kit from a freight liquidator on eBay. Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck and I hope you get them working.


Active member
You hit the nail on the head just bought 2 lamps once you screw em in you cant return em. Although it would be cheaper to buy 2 MH bulbs, instead of 2 hps ballasts. And it would be better suited to lighting the barn/workshop. Good call, why didn't i think of that.

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