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Bipolar Bear

New member
Moved into a new place here in southeast Asia where the sun, at present, hits my balcony pretty much 12 hours a day and the rainy season has just ended. Saw some decent soil for sale recently and thought 'fuck it' i'll buy some and throw a couple of seeds in the dirt and see what happens as good soil is hard to come by where i am. Think the guy said there was enough NPK in the soil to last 6 weeks. I'm around 4 or 5 weeks now and just started giving it some more NPK yesterday. I brought the PH of the water down with a couple drops of vinegar.

What i do is i'm home everyday around 5pm, so when the sun starts going down around 6ish i bring the plant indoors and put it under a fairly bright lamp to keep it awake for about 17 or more hours a day. When i go to bed around 11:30pm, i put it back outside in the darkest spot possible, then i wake up around 7am and put it back in direct sunlight.

I'll start to flower in a week or so i guess as, including the pot, it's about about 24 inches tall. Flowering will be easy, i just won't have to move it inside anymore. I'll just let this badass constant 12 hours of 30°C+ sunlight do it's thing :biggrin:

Not 100% sure of the strain as i have a bunch of seeds and sacrificed a few of the more 'unknown' seeds to see how they'd go.





Active member
Very nice! U plants need nutrients and bigger pot too. Lite bit yellowing already... Southeast asia balcony or any grows are very rare, I tagged this!:tiphat:

Bipolar Bear

New member
I'll be getting more pots and repotting tomorrow hopefully.

At present I've just been putting half a teaspoon of this NPK to about 1 liter of water as it was all i had to hand.


What do you recommend? I'm not really a professional grower or anything, but I'd like to obviously make this the best i can. I'll grab some guano on my way home tomorrow along with the pots.

Bipolar Bear

New member
Put her into flower a few days ago. Unfortunately I don't think I can leave it on the balcony at night as it just isn't quite dark enough in my opinion. So i bring it inside every night around 6pm when the sun is nearly gone and put it in a dark spare bedroom i have here, then put it back on the balcony around 6:30am when i wake up for work





Active member
Very nice balcony! I like u in out in out method, city lights can be too bright. I can see pistils already! These are local bagseeds? If i was u i will topped that plant now and tied it down later. Very healty lady and she is groving fast! Put u chilis bigger pots too, u get good camoflash like this :peacock:


Thats a neat way to grow some plants. You started giving nutrients just in time. Is your balcony on a top floor? I was wondering if you plan on letting them get full height or training them?

Bipolar Bear

New member
Heh, u still have both plants in same pot, my morning eyes. Maybe supercrop taler plant same level now...

Funny you should say that, the smaller one turned out to be a male


So i chopped that fucker down and binned it. I know i shouldn't have 2 plants in 1 pot probably, amateur mistake i guess, but i mainly threw a few seeds in the dirt as an experiment. So far it seems to be working well. I unfortunately have to go away for 10 days next Friday and wont be able to put my plant in the 'darkcave' i made it, but my friend will come round and help out best he can to keep them watered and in direct sunlight etc. When i come back in early Jan, I'll be starting again, but do it in a more methodical and practical manner next time.


Thats a neat way to grow some plants. You started giving nutrients just in time. Is your balcony on a top floor? I was wondering if you plan on letting them get full height or training them?

I have this balcony and i have a whole rooftop as well which gets sun all day obviously, just going small for the minute and getting my greenfingers so will stay on the balcony for a while. As for the size of this plant i really do want to make it smaller but dont really know where to begin. The top of the plant already reaches the top of the balcony. Any suggestions you or others may have are more than welcome on how to train this plant down. Don't need a huge xmas tree of bud spilling out all over the balcony

Been in 12/12 for 10 days now

Very nice balcony! I like u in out in out method, city lights can be too bright. I can see pistils already! These are local bagseeds? If i was u i will topped that plant now and tied it down later. Very healty lady and she is groving fast! Put u chilis bigger pots too, u get good camo

The seeds came from my collection that I've been building over the last few years from really good weed that I've known what strain it was, or genuine seeds that people have given me, and seeds that I've taken from really good weed that I didn't know exactly what it was so just labeled it accordingly, I'm quite sure these seeds i didnt know the exact strain so used those to experiment. Might go for the feminized kali chakra next time as theyre guaranteed



That's a good friend to take such good care of her for you while you were away :)
What's that old line from the song ? A friend that looks after your weed is a good friend indeed :)

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