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Balcony Garden Shed Round 3 - 16 plant SOG in vert tubes, 2x250w HPS


Flower day 33

Flower day 33

Hello! Just a friendly picture from tonight.


The colas on the bottom row plants have grown far taller than I had previously realized. The bigger Gooz is looking to outyield the Big Bud, buds are filling in just a little fuller. I did a good defoliation a few days ago, I love the way things look after a defol, you can really see the branching. I got so much leaf out of there and its still so crowded. And there are so many strong branches! These bottom row plants have gotten really big. Ho hum, its just the waiting game now.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor

Excellent job love that little cab is really rockin it man! I gotta say I'm not a big fam of micro-grows but recently we have had a few really good ones here in the vert section and I include yours as one I keep up on.

Keep it green and real broseph!



Excellent job love that little cab is really rockin it man! I gotta say I'm not a big fam of micro-grows but recently we have had a few really good ones here in the vert section and I include yours as one I keep up on.

Keep it green and real broseph!

:thank you:
Mega is that why you voted the poorest final result for my recent round? Would you not have voted atleast 1 gpw if you count my setup in those high yield setups?

A final result below 1 GPW (medium strain quality and medium VEG period) says NOTHING about that particular setup if it is done VERT. It only says that the one who build it ran a shitty round, he could have done it horizontal it wouldn't have made a diffirence.

So this is how we learn about those who claim to know stuff and those who really know what they talk about.

And Goozman,

Goodluck towards harvest man! Remain stealthy please ;) That light shining there could be noticed easilly.


Flower day 38

Flower day 38

Still going, Big Bud is getting really frosty, more so than Gooz, though Gooz is still the better yielder, and some Gooz pistils are starting to turn color. The exhaust from the shed is finally pushing out some stinky air :) it doesn't smell like a juicy gooz yet but I'm still holding out hope :laughing: The weather around here is getting more summer-ish, a little less humid which is good as I've been getting nervous about bud root.


The first smaller pic shows my balcony planter, there's a male and 2 females, I'm hoping for some seeds. However the male on the left side is not growing like the females - it seems stunted or something, the top growth tip is brown and not growing taller. The nodes got super tight at top, it even looks like 2 nodes are sharing a position which is very strange. I pinched off the brown tip, we'll see if that helps.


Yo Gooz lookin good bro! The resin is coming along nice and some of those buds will be dense and filled out properly by the looks of things! Shame on the male outdoors, but seeds are easy as hell to find around SD so don't worry, I'd be happy the two bitches wouldn't get fucked lol. Take it easy dude, PEACE


Caligreen, I appreciate your positive words, thanks. Can you tell me some good places to visit in San Diego for cuts and seeds? Is that allowed in the TOU? Thanks and good luck with the heat this weekend.

one Q

that's a tight cab no doubt.

I would move both lights upward and you;ll get better results. You want the light almost even to where the plants will end up.

But screw that, you did a damn good job


that's a tight cab no doubt.

I would move both lights upward and you;ll get better results. You want the light almost even to where the plants will end up.

But screw that, you did a damn good job

Thanks OneQ! I will not screw that, you're absolutely right, that top light and maybe the bottom one too will get shifted up a notch for the next round.


i've heard true blueberry(or anything with true bb) is more prone to that claw you posted towards the top of this page. i've had experience with sweet tooth(sweet pink grapefruit x true bb) clawing up like that next to plants that had no claw. i've heard true bb is finicky with N toxicity, and that probably explains why it claws easier than other strains.

anyways, awesome grow man, you honestly blow my mind with how much patience and work you put into such an extreme small cab(the only reason i say small, is because of the freedom of space we have living in a medical state), especially when you live in a medical state, and i am in no way talking shit. i've never built a cab, but it looks fun. i have built a room, but cabs are more challenging for sure. i understand growing constraints when renting.


Thanks Butte Creek for the strain info. You and prowler together have me convinced to lower the flora gro dose if I continue this strain. And thanks for the kind words, yeah having my wife and kids crammed into this little apartment leaves little room for growing. This shed fits almost perfectly in a nook on my balcony so I'm trying to max it out and I think I've found a winning setup here. And you know I'm not normally the builder type but I'm motivated by my green stinky lover and so putting this together has been a blast. I'm kind of sad now that it's all finished and there's not much to do anymore. Next round I will put more effort into training, that should keep me occupied. Thanks again for visiting and I hope you stick around. ~3 weeks till harvest!!!


Flower day 40

Flower day 40



That Big Bud is looking better and better. Trichomes are getting cloudy, pistils are darkening, plants are thirsty... I recently changed the reservoir and along with GH flora + CaMag I added molasses instead of the liquid karma I had been adding, I dunno, we'll see. I had meant to leave out the flora gro from here on out but I forgot, something must be affecting my memory :wave: but I'll make sure to do it next time. I'm coming upon a flush soon, I'm estimating a harvest around day 60 so probably I'll do the last dose of nutes around day 50 and dilute with RO water until day 57ish, then turn off the pump and let the girls dry out, and maybe a full day of dark before chop. I'm setting up a drying container that will sit on top of the shed so I can get the next round of clones in there asap. In regards to said clones, I've got some mothers brewing in the kitchen cabinet, they'll be ready to cut up in about a week, around flower day 45, which gives them about two weeks to root and for those roots to drape down a little so they get wet in the vert tubes. A week of veg in the shed, a topping, flower, harvest, rinse and repeat ad infinitum. Just thinking out loud here, now that I've typed all that out I can't believe I'm so close to harvest! Buds are looking nice!!


Flower day 44

Flower day 44

Buds Buds Buds! Frost Frost Frost! Cumming in my pants, Cu... okay that's enough. Just did a final defoliation last night, all the big fan leaves that I could reach, though I couldn't get to the back very well. My arms were so damn sticky afterward! I washed with soap like 6 times before remembering to use some alcohol wipes, took care of it in no time. I've been reading through the QWISO thread and am thinking about it for my trim coming up.

Check out the frost on this Big Bud on the left! Its not stacking buds as thick as Gooz but the frost is insane.


The balcony planter girls are doing fantastic, soaking up this socal sun, and the male is making a slow recovery from whatever was ailing it. The clones in the kitchen however are not looking so good. I had 7 mothers growing to supply cuts for round 4, but I fucked up one of the res changes with pH way out of range and fucked the plants a little. The cuts I took off them show deformed leaves everywhere, I'm hoping they'll recover.


Flower day 49

Flower day 49

I think I need to be keeping a closer eye on my pH. I've always used RO water with as few nutes as possible, pH tested at the start of my first grow, everything was fine, never really checked it again, never changed my nute routine. Recently I'm noticing my vegging and early flowering plants are getting weird, looking stressed. I'm racking my brain trying to figure this out, its weird because I've changed absolutely nothing recently, been following the same routine for a few months now, but just in the last 2 weeks...

Anyway I posted in the infirmary and some people suggested pH or light stress, those are the two I remember anyway because they might make sense for my situation. But that would mean my water source's pH is altered recently which seems unlikely to me...

Okay some pics:



While the Goozes are getting frostier, its clear where the frosty-as-shit Big Bud is. I've been watching trichomes, most are cloudy with some clear, no amber. I'm still thinking day 60 for these girls. Tonight I'll give them their last full strength res change, and then dilute from RO the rest of the way. I have three Goozes, as I look for phenotypes I notice that: Gooz A is the biggest, were I a better grower these colas would be massive, as it is they're still pretty big. Gooz B maybe has a little bit different structure, and Gooz C seems similar to Gooz A.


These are the stressed plants outside, any ideas? Also I noticed roots on some clones yesterday which is a relief because these cuts didn't look so good at the start.

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