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Bagseed Grow


Well for starters this will hopefully be my first successful grow. I've had a few failed attempts; foiled by thieves, rodents, and weather. My latest attempt this summer got ripped, much to my surprise. Now onto the box.

It's overly simple, it's your garden variety footlocker. I've had it standing on end in a corner for the past 8 months. A week or two ago I realized it's actually a fairly good size to try and pull an ounce or so out of. It's about 33 inches high, 15 inches wide, and 9-12 inches deep. I'm out of AA batteries, so no pictures right now. Once I get around to getting batteries I'll try and get some pictures up to give you an idea.

The reason I say 9-12 inches deep is the way the 'door' (really what would be the top of the box) gives an extra 3 inches of space when closed. Because of this my initial idea was to go for a SCROG setup, perhaps a half-pipe type design to maximize the small space? Of course now my mind is wandering again, perhaps low stress would be the best bet. This is one of the things I need some input on, the space will allow two plants, maybe three but that would be really cramped.

I'm going to be using CFL's, a mixed spectrum. Currently I have three 26w Soft Whites and will be picking up two 40w veg intended bulbs (6500k right?). I figure this should be fine for veg, and maybe pick up a larger sized soft white come flower. I'm using two computer fans for the intake/exhaust, I know they aren't the most powerful but they should be alright. Along with those I have four passive intake holes on the bottom of the box.

The main thing I need advice on is what medium to use. Large pots are going to take up a lot of room. All my previous experience is with soil, but I've seen some pretty sleek hydro set ups. Cost is a factor, but size is more important. Suggestions? If hydro is the route to go it has to be something that's fairly quiet and not too intricate. I believe it was Mr. Micro that had something fairly small set up in his computer case(s)? I consider myself fairly intelligent, but I'm no rocket scientist.

I know you guys get enough amateur questions like these, but any insight would be great. Thanks for the time.


i just read about this stuff....its like clay balls...cant remember the exact name of it....but its supost to be reusable so thats very good on cost...or vermiculite (cant spell either),

you can always go in the grow diarys section and read what they are using


haha yeah your right POMH...just check the left over celebrity death,atch for some balls LOL

but they are called expanded clay pellets


With the size of your box I would recomend a 1 plant scrog. You should have plenty of head room if you scrog using soil. Soil is cheap and easy.