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Bagseed Bonanza


donut engineer
The big Cola @ week 9

It has begun foxtailing!


Here's the deal: Virtually no cloudy trichs on the big plant (pictured above). The stringier plant and the smaller plant (see the previous pic post) have thickened up considerably, and will likely finish sooner than the big plant.

I had a really bad rash of leaf death last week. I hadn't ferted in some time, and it appeared to be P def. I flushed with a weak-nutrient micro nute+nitrogen mix. That seemed to help, and I've been feeding them PH 6.0 water ever since.

More bud formula in a few more waterings, but I'm holding off for now. Im just too afraid these girls have become too stunted.

EDIT: I should also mention I took a sample from the smaller plant. The buds are deeeeennnnnnse. This one small cola has kept me smoking for about a week now. And the stone is considerable at half-clear half-cloudy trichs!


donut engineer
I should note the phenotypes are really showing themselves now. I seem to have 4 different ones:

1. The whispy, ample-flowering sativa with foxtails (upper right). It seems to be a more robust plant, but is taking forever to finish. I estimate this guy will be a 11-12 week finisher.

2. There's a stringy plant which I didn't expect much from (middle), but last week exploded in buds. Anything with a leaf has a bud at this point. Lots of sugar on this girl, looks like it will produce most of the weight for me. Probably 12-13 week finisher.

3. A short, squat sativa (lower right). I know, weird, but this girl will be done by next week. It's leaves are the most sativa are the bunch, and the stone is clearly sativa (smoking it now). 10-11 week finisher.

4. A piece of shit, bushy ass plant that is taking up all of my room space (left). I dont know if this girl is just a late finisher or what, but it is my least favorite. I dont know when it will finish, maybe with a whimper @ 11 weeks, and frankly I dont care. God damn shit box plant.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That is the inherent problem with bagseed, you dont know what you are getting

As your skills increase, you will be able to see changes in the plants and change you training practices as you need too to the plants

Stick around icmag long enough you will find that genetics seem to fall in your lap


donut engineer
@Dr Dog - I sure hope so. I'm starting to understand how vital every element in your environment is to healthier plants. I've grown before, and these have for sure been the most ornery plants. I'm hoping, however, they'll be the FIRST crop I've grown which will be finished rightly. Everything else before this has been a rushed, premature pull.


all this under a 250w hps and some cfls...
i need to get an hps stat!! or at least to give my last month of flowering a big boost
so i still have a few weeks! wish me luck =]


donut engineer
I'm being told the big girl will take at least another month. I have no idea what this means for the other plants, though I may sacrifice one of the smaller kolas for some smoke.




donut engineer
Had to pull for security reasons (garrr! City Inspector!). Blah, 10 weeks flower is long enough for my tastes. Should have some genetics coming in the mail within a week or two, getting a homebox as well. Hopefully the next grow will be much more pain-free!



Life is one big grow........
sorry to hear thast...fuck da inspector.......aber sonst siehts echt killer aus....wiel lang war den die veg.