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Bag Seed Bangers- a general discussion



I know that some of you grow out those good ol baggie finds. Lets hear about them. Was it just your first grow? Do you still grow baggies? The whole run down.

What were some characteristics of that treasure that you found?
How'd you handle flower to harvest timing?
Flower times?
whatever you exp was.
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Anyone who thinks BAG seed=BAD seed is borderline retarded. ;)

Generally a nice stable good yielding Sativa, grown properly, can compete with a number of 'named' high grade strains!


Ugh my haze project (1x THUNK and 1x Bagseed haze) is getting irritating. Its like the 2 plants are competing on who can flower slower lol!


Active member
Q) Do you still grow baggies? A) They're all I grow, price is right and I have a good supply. I generally start a half dozen or so mid-Feb. I save every good bagseed I see, and have done so for a couple decades.

Q) What were some characteristics of that treasure that you found? A) Plants can lean from sat to indi dom phenos as most are hybrids, mostly canadian strains - no mexibrick way up here. Usually watch my starts for the most vigorous indi-dom statured fem, and choose her for a mom for outdoor clonage. Rejects now go in cab to be flowered off, as I have now made one. Before that they were just chucked.

Q) How'd you handle flower to harvest timing? A) Keep an eye on those trichs + go a bare minimum of 60-70 days. Outdoors, usually mid-end Oct.

Q)Hermmies? A) Very rare. Do see the odd late nanner sometimes, I just clip em off if any form.

Q)Purples? A) Sometimes yah, sometimes no. Colours mean little to me anyhow, it's the effects I seek.

Q)Flavors? A) Varies, as the bagseeds come from different varieties. Fruity, skunky, piney, peppery, the usual cannabis flavours.

My expectations: Full jars for as little cash spent as possible... :rasta:

Hoping on these this year, they have been out for a month + now, no visits so far. Weather's been good, with intermittent rain/sun. Should be going to see them sometime soon - hoping they're safe + happy...



Active member
this bitch has been nothing but trouble :bashhead: :joint:

also its slooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

hopefully its worth it
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Active member

Started indoors but was taking up valuable space, so she went outdoors for a winter flower now 9 to 10 weeks with no male sex and seed have stopped.
BTW this would be on the lower end of the scale quality wise of Bagseed ive grown. But its like a lottery and i cant help but buying a ticket come outdoor flowering time



here is a few shots of my 1st grow practicing with bagseed. yielded 14oz off 4 plants. I made every newb mistake in the world and still ended up with some decent bud. looks like mostly sativa strain. a few seeds showed up in buds due to hidden hermie bananas...I hear thats typical for mexican brick weed.


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I typically have a patch or two of locally grown bag-seed out every year, running in tandem with the f2's I might get from friends...I find that most of the grass we get here is grown locally, so adaptation isn't as much of an issue if I were to grow out some brick...flavors vary, but mainly pretty sweet, fruity to earthy hashy flavors...in recent years I have had a hermie or two out of bag weed, which if I do the math is about 1000% less likely than if I were to ever waste my time growing anything from KC Brains again (which I wont-Id rather give my cash to the homeless, at least I know it will be spent in the area)...alot of purple colors in much of the bag-seed i grow, as colder nights toward the end of the season seems to push them out...
I as well am on my 1st grow and am doing it with some bagseed...

They vegged since the end of April and are now in week 1 of 12/12. I think one might be a male...

...but I am not 100% sure so I am just going to wait and see.

None of the other plants' preflowers are defined enough yet to attempt to determine sex.

I have a pretty big bagseed collection so I am sure I will be going to it from time to time.


HEY! no hating in this thread! IC Drama Free!!! lol

all these bangers! That's great! Seems like the general baggie is a sati dom.

Johnny T, wanna give us a quick report on the smoke of all that greenery.


dasme said:
HEY! no hating in this thread! IC Drama Free!!! lol

all these bangers! That's great! Seems like the general baggie is a sati dom.

Johnny T, wanna give us a quick report on the smoke of all that greenery.

it wasnt bad, it wasnt great. mediocre would be a good description. it was better than the original brick that the seeds came from due to proper drying and curing. it for sure looked better...lol

a good 4-5 rips of that stuff is comparable to a single tiny rip of the Northern Lights I just recently harvested. im guessing the thc content of the bagseed was much lower than the NL I have now.

lucky gits ya'll are.

Here in the UK we used to get bagseed like, maybe every 3 or 4 times we went to the dealer, a few years ago..

Don't think i've had one for at least 6, possibly even 12 months. The way dealer weed is grown around here, you just don't seem to get them. Could be just my city though. I've asked my friends to save any they get in the hope that i get some lol

Failing that.. i'll have to buy some.. pity but there ya go


Stoned Cold said:
^^^Looks good! Are you SURE that's your first grow?...lol

Hey Thanks for your compliment man, yes my first grow, out of 4 that i have going, 1 is Indica - Took cutting of them all, and im creating mothers atm - But i still want to BUY a good strain...

Notice all the yellowing in my pics? i over nuted them i think, haha but this is a good learning curve for me...

Need to switch to hydro.
Most of my growing days have been spent on import bagseed . Smells mostly vary from fruity to floral/perfume , rarely skunky but I have had a few of those as well . Flavors weren't very pronounced , hashy is about the best way I can describe em . Potency varies , mild to wild . Plants are mostly xmas tree shaped though occasionally a cone shaped plant would pop up from time to time . The shortest bagseed plants I've had in a full season were 6' , but that was when I didn't do any work to the soil . Tallest trees fell over . I've measured one with a tape up to 13 1/2' when it was on the ground . That particular plant fell at the end of July (it sprouted the first week of May) . I can't imagine how tall it would have been come harvest time . Leaf width was always medium-thin to pencil thin . Long internode spacing . They usually mature mid-late October , but I have had a few that didn't start till middle September and weren't even halfway mature at the end of October when it was time to pull on account of killing frosts ( possibly colombians :chin: ) .

Damn seeing this thread brings back memories . Now I want to grow some bagseed again :rasta:

My current bagseed stash...been saving all the best seeds out of the good bags of bud (midis and dank only) for over 7 years now.

The seeds in the little bag all came from an ounce of this shit my dude had way back in the day...he kept calling it Alaskan Big Bud. This was some of the best weed I have ever smoked and I have been holding onto these beans for almost 7 years...doubt most of 'em are even viable but hopefully atleast one will grow for me into a beautiful female I can clone the hell out of.

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