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Bad idea - snapping holiday pics of a Hells Angel

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Here is the officer


Active member
Says the guy who has to think twice... Fuck indecisive snitch's and cops not the 1%er...

Fuck anyone who thinks their 1%er's might makes em right. Furthermore, fuck anyone who thinks a code of opposition to law enforcement makes immoral acts somehow not reprehensible enough to be avenged. And if you don't like me fuck you too :) We don't have to be friends. Lol. :tiphat:


wow .... not a whole lot of sympathy for law enforcement on this sight.. who would have thunk it?

give to the police memorial fund they are the only good cops ! :jump:


weed fiend
Taking a pic of a 1%er is like taking a pic of a Mafioso. They're all narcissistic personalities and some are truly paranoid. It's not a mirror of society, it's anti-social personalities looking for excuse to kick ass.

It also depends on the setting and who's holding the camera.

I briefly knew a Outlaw chapter pres who loved pictures. If he liked you he'd pull out his gun, point it at your head and smile for the camera. Those he trusted could point their guns at his head. One big, happy family.:crazy:

That said, I would NEVER point a camera at ANY of em.
ok, so let me get this straight....a canadian cop JUST HAPPENED to be on vacation in the exact spot that his local 1%er club likes to get away to. ok...lets say we buy that. then, he snaps a pic of members of said club?

1) Theres more to this than we are being told. this cop being there was NO coincidence. no chance whatsoever.

2) what did he expect to happen?? the cop is obviously familiar with the club and their practices, so it shouldnt surprise him that these guys flew off the handle.

something stinks here and it aint the reefer.
Fuck the hillbilly meth head bikers. I'm siding 100% with the cop on this one. Sure you should ask for permission before snapping pics, but I'd be flattered instead of enraged. If you're gonna break somebody's jaw over a photo, then there's either a personal conflict or this dude has serious anger management and mental health issues.

We should at least get to see the photo if it was taken.
Seriously. The self-serving intellectual circles required to side with a guy handing out beatings for a woman mildly out of line snapping a photo is pretty disgusting.

Said it before say it again: when pot becomes legal, a few people around here are gonna be instantly suicidal. They will have to redevelop an identity when they can't play "wanna-be gangsta with the garden" anymore.


Seriously. The self-serving intellectual circles required to side with a guy handing out beatings for a woman mildly out of line snapping a photo is pretty disgusting.

Said it before say it again: when pot becomes legal, a few people around here are gonna be instantly suicidal. They will have to redevelop an identity when they can't play "wanna-be gangsta with the garden" anymore.
That pic was NOT the leo...

Hell, not even a degenerate like me condones beating the shit outta a woman (unless you catch her fucking ex-boyfriend, and he gets away, leaving her to lie and try to bullshit her way out - personal experience)...

The leo was a dude - his actions reek of the blue mentality, but his mistake was pulling some shit outside of his jurisdiction, without his tough guy buddys, without his gun or his badge.

One Love 731

Senior Member
Seriously. The self-serving intellectual circles required to side with a guy handing out beatings for a woman mildly out of line snapping a photo is pretty disgusting.

Said it before say it again: when pot becomes legal, a few people around here are gonna be instantly suicidal. They will have to redevelop an identity when they can't play "wanna-be gangsta with the garden" anymore.

I have seen allot of this "if you don't agree with LEO you have a wanna be gangsta mentality" in the threads lately. I see it exactly opposite, the cops are the ones with the gang mentality (code of blue). If I see something I deem as a problem, I step up and help, I don't need to call my enforcers (LEO). When I was 16 my father saw a guy who was obviously drunk. He proceeded to make the guy pull over. I like many of you was upset with the guy and started to threaten him. My father told me to zip it and continued to treat the man with respect. He kindly got his keys and had me follow him and the drunk guy home. This is what a noble man does. They don't call the gang (LEO) to come kick the guys ass. They show him and his family compassion and step in. Calling the cops is some pussy shit, if ya cant handle your shit play your part and mind your own business. I don't call my friends nor do I call the cops, I man up. Ive ran with some of the biggest and baddest, if I or my family were hurt I could only prey they would be the first on the scene. Real men that act, they don't cower in there fear and call somebody else. Am I missing something, is calling in back up not a gang mentality? Which occupation would you guess has the most beat down wives? Hide behind your computer and run off at the gum's, There is nothing I say to you here that I wouldn't say to your faces. Your dirty conscience is what makes you defend the bad you have done. Admitting wrong is the first step to becoming something better. May the bad you've done eat at you until you rest as may the good comfort you and help you sleep. Peace, pot and karma. One Love:ying:


weed fiend
One love, what would you expect the survivor of a drunk driver accident to do, shake your father's hand for allowing the drunk to drink and drive again? There are consequences you may fail to recognize or possibly don't care. But I appreciate your father's compassion.

Cops aren't bad by fraternity. It's human nature to have bad elements in all walks of life.


And leo also have very high rate of suicide, alcoholism, divorce - leos only friends are other leos...

They can't stand themselves...


law enforcement officer

I'm loathe to call them anything but leo - zero respect for them...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
i bet the pig took the picture and the angels said "please dont take my picture" then the cop, forgetting where he was for the moment, said "i'm the police, i'll do what i want!" then the angels beat him senseless. and the then the angels rejoiced. lol

One Love 731

Senior Member
One love, what would you expect the survivor of a drunk driver accident to do, shake your father's hand for allowing the drunk to drink and drive again? There are consequences you may fail to recognize or possibly don't care. But I appreciate your father's compassion.

Cops aren't bad by fraternity. It's human nature to have bad elements in all walks of life.

Cops don't stop a drunk driver from doing it again, they work on the immediate problem. Then not only does society bear the consequence of the driver doing it again but the drivers family loose a father for a time and gain the financial burden of the situation. HA's are not all bad either, I guess it depends on what side of the fence your looking at it from. Peace, pot and karma. One Love:ying:
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