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Bad anxiety patient looking for help.


I also like indicas to help me with anxiety. What keeps me from having anxiety is regular daily meditation. I practice Buddhist shamatha meditation (Tibetan Buddhist variant) and it really helps me the most, not only with treating it, but preventing it as well. If anyone is interested, Alan Wallace wrote a very good and practical book about it: The Attention Revolution. (I have it as an e-book)


So anxiety is not your problem then. OCD is your problem, and now I see why you don't like to be trapped in your thoughts.

I would suggest to not use cannabis then. Anxiety stemming from OCD is nothing like having just plain anxiety.

Thanks for the reply.. Could you explain more on anxiety vs ocd... I think it runs hand in hand with me.. I get lightheaded in public spaces. I hate elevators and stuff like that too. Is that general anxiety what I made the mistake of saying I had?. That kid of anxiety is not too concerning for me. Its these "CRAZY" thoughts I get. For instance.. Talking to my dad or brother and I think "wow It would be so easy to hit them right in the face right now". I then think to myself What on EARTH i would NEVER hurt a loved one or such.. (These are COMMON OCD intrusive thoughts) And they come in all crazy thoughts). The last one I had a couple of days ago was in a motel about me thinking I should jump off... No god dam way I would....

Its a really strange disorder...

But im positive there is some strain of weed out there that will make me feel relaxed within my body and not my head. Ive had a few tokes before I wrote all this and im feeling fine. The strain is unknown but all I can tell you is that is makes my muscles extremely heavy and tired. I like this! Its substituting for the 2 Valiums I would have had for this one bowl!



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Panic attacks induced by Anxiety are pure hell. I have been on Ativan for years. The severity of them has decreased drastically. I still get them but not as bad or as frequent. I do not use cannabis to treat it though. If im having a attack I dont grab for Cannabis I think thats the worst thing you could do.You either have to ride it out or have some benzo's to take. Cannabis will increase your hart rate and thats what you didn't want.


I had a PM that I had to delete because I cant store more than one PM for some reason.
Sorry I cant remember your username...

Reason for my quitting my SSRI drugs is that they raised my ADH hormone which put my potassium and sodium levels sky high. I was rushed to hospital for it with absooutly no symptoms apart from drinking too much and a blood test. I am okay now once I went off them. Theres no need to worry for all you guys on here that are on SSRIS. I was on one of the oldest SSRI'S known "prozac" and was taking them for far too long at such a young age. The side affect IS in the packet of having a ADH imbalance and is quite rare I have heard.


Panic attacks induced by Anxiety are pure hell. I have been on Ativan for years. The severity of them has decreased drastically. I still get them but not as bad or as frequent. I do not use cannabis to treat it though. If im having a attack I dont grab for Cannabis I think thats the worst thing you could do.You either have to ride it out or have some benzo's to take. Cannabis will increase your hart rate and thats what you didn't want.

Feeling like your "dieing" or "loosing your mind" is not fun.
I would like to experiment with sensi seeds hindu kush.
100% non hybridized indica landrace with a high cbd.
I would imagine it would be very similar to ativan/xanax/valium

Have you ever tried reaching for a strong strong indica toke instead of a ativan?..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The high CBD strains are for Anxiety. I have yet to try a 7% cbd strain. I will get one soon enough. I have tried to use cannabis Indica with very bad results. The CBD needs to be high 7% THC nees to be lower like 10%.. thsi is what we need to find


how would the indica make it worse if you wouldnt mind me asking? I havent tried weed when im having a panic attack. Id most likely give it ago if it was a full indica...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I used to get panic attacks. Do not now as I smoke pretty regular, like only a few weeks off at the most.

Having a bit of thc in the system, or having had the experience of being stoned within a few weeks of the anxiety crisis, seems to make it all just pass.

I have 2 strains that I currently smoke that do not cause anxiety at all. Maple Leaf Indica and Granddaddy Purple. I got a bad reaction to Peyote Purple which is strange, as it is just relaxing mentally and mostly indica. Maybe due to blood pressure lowering or something, but I felt almost ready to pass out.

You will have to try a bunch of strains and smoke them for some time, to really know what will help you. I disagree about not smoking if you have OCD or any other disorder. Pot can make things worse but also help imo. Finding the right strain and smoking the right amount are key.

The Hindu Kush I got from a dispensary did not relax me. I also got some AfPak which was supposed to be a pure landrace indica. Made my heart pound. I grew out some Mazar I Sharif landrace which gave me a very uncomfortable feeling when smoked. I got off the landrace kick after these experiences but will grow 1 out now and then to check if it is right for me.

I had to grow my own and go thru several strains to find relief. I researched the strains on the forums first and that helped me too.


Active member
You will want to find a strain, higher in CBD and especially smells and tastes in the purple/lavender or Lemon spectrums. The 'Linalool' and 'Limonene' terpinoids have an anti-axiety effect, especially when mixed with CBD... Some sativas may help balance it out with that reversing effect, but some sativas are very racy in their buzz profile and could make anxiety worse or have your brain racing a lot faster rather than at ease. Although, others sativas are definitely less racy and center your mind in a positive way. There seems to a be a wider range than just "a sativa"..

A racy C99 or Soaring Haze high may be in the wrong direction, while a Platinum Bubba or certain OG Kush's might help with the anxiety.

As far as seed genetics go, I've had good anti-anxiety effects from Ice Cream by Paradise Seeds or a good indica Blueberry pheno. Even crosses of SFV or other OGs that aren't are balls-to-the-walls powerful as the original OG's can be very helpful with providing an OG buzz, with less overwhelming potential..


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I just have to tell you, I know its been said before, but meditation is what did the trick for me. Yeah I still get a little nervous now and then, but I don't feel like I'm going to die all the time anymore. It takes time and a lot of practice, but the key is to be able to learn how to relax yourself instantly when you feel it coming on. Know that it is only a panic attack. Try to breathe properly and enter your happy place. (mine is an awesome backyard garden with a fountain. I feel the sunshine on my head and it melts my fears away.)

Also, try not to rely on any object you must have with you to stop your panic attacks, because if you forget it, then that alone will cause you to panic. ( my helper used to be Altoids, before that it was a prescription medication. ) but you can't rely on any of that to truly help yourself. This also ties into OCD, if you can calm yourself down by other means, your urges to repeat things will go away.


Thanks for the replys guys....


Was the hindu kush you got from sensi seeds? There is alot of variants around from different breeders but I believe that sensi has the original landrace which is high in CBD...


Thanks for that information . That is very very helpful.... Would you know the original breeder of blueberry with the CBD?



Great to hear that your anxiety has almost disspeared.. IS there anywhere you found out how to meditate???

Thanks for that info. I will look into it.
I used some audio I found online (on the pirate bay ) search for "The Linden Method". It is specifically geared towards anxiety and ocd. It's exactly what I used and it works great. It teaches you how to meditate, taking you step by step.

Oh and if you don't want to buy it, or download it illegally, there are a ton of free tutorials on mediation, I just prefer the audio guidance.

Basic steps for me:

Find a relaxing chair, or lay in bed. (Make sure no one or thing will bother you )
Close your eyes.
Think of a moment in time that you were completely relaxed. ( think of that thought while you relax every muscle in your body, one by one, from your head to your toes. )
Once you are completely relaxed, you are going to breathe in and out deeply 10 times, and with each exhale you will be more relaxed than the time before.
Going deeper and deeper into relaxation. Once you are done breathing and are truly fully relaxed. Imagine yourself somewhere peaceful and relaxing.
Stay there as long as you want.


Thanks for the reply.. Could you explain more on anxiety vs ocd... I think it runs hand in hand with me.. I get lightheaded in public spaces. I hate elevators and stuff like that too. Is that general anxiety what I made the mistake of saying I had?. That kid of anxiety is not too concerning for me. Its these "CRAZY" thoughts I get. For instance.. Talking to my dad or brother and I think "wow It would be so easy to hit them right in the face right now". I then think to myself What on EARTH i would NEVER hurt a loved one or such.. (These are COMMON OCD intrusive thoughts) And they come in all crazy thoughts). The last one I had a couple of days ago was in a motel about me thinking I should jump off... No god dam way I would....

Its a really strange disorder...

But im positive there is some strain of weed out there that will make me feel relaxed within my body and not my head. Ive had a few tokes before I wrote all this and im feeling fine. The strain is unknown but all I can tell you is that is makes my muscles extremely heavy and tired. I like this! Its substituting for the 2 Valiums I would have had for this one bowl!


Unfortunately I know exactly what you are talking about.

My big one was what would happen if I jump out of the car while going 70 down the highway. Needless to say I did not take very many car trips where I was completely sober. I actually threw up midway on a car trip because of it. I have also had the punch in the face thing too. A lot actually.

Now that I am older, and live an extremely healthy lifestyle I don't have weird thoughts like that at all. Your anxiety seems to be a side product of your OCD. I was never diagnosed with OCD. I had to find out later in life on my own.

When I was young they tried to prozac me. That lasted 5 days because it made it so I could not cum during sex. They tried some other anti psychotic shit that I took 1 time because it made it so I could not stand up for about 10 hours. If I stood up I fell flat on my face.

I settled on Buspar for about 3 years. I took doses that far exceed any that my psychiatrist had prescribe in the past. It did help out, and it did not make me feel funny.

However once I started to think about what I was putting into my body(like meat and such) I wanted to get off of the pills. I would still be on them today if I would not have stopped myself. I wanted to just deal with this shit, and move the fuck on with my life.

So now I sit here 2 decades since I first realized something was off, and I enjoy life. I would not take any prescriptions ever again. I feel bad that I did 15-16 years ago.

What has done it for me is I do not drink alcohol, I do not smoke cigarettes, I don't eat meat, I don't eat Desserts, I only eat organic non-gmo food, I don't use fluoride, I don't drink out of plastic, I don't buy canned goods with bpa, I don't eat food coloring, I don't have a cell phone(that one was hard but the best thing I have ever done), I work out 5-7 days a week. I am sure there are more things that I don't do, but at this point the list is so long I always leave something out. Oh yeh no Caffeine, or sodas for 13 years.

My next thing is to go vegan. I have not eaten meat in 15 years, and to celebrate 20 years I am going to go vegan.

Keep in mind that I have stopped a lot of thing, but it was all 1 thing at a time. So pick the most damaging right now and stop doing it. then in a year or so pick another, and another, and another until a couple decades down the road you are extremely healthy, and happy.

My thing was, I am fucked up some how so what can I do to help myself out? I came to the conclusion that I need to live as clean a life as I possibly can. I already have some an issue with chemicals that my body is making so why should I put more chemicals in my body?

So as I progressively stopped putting different chemicals in my body I have felt so much better.

Truthfully I would lay off of the herb. I would get your house in order which could take 10 years or more, and then come back to it when you can enjoy it just because.

I could not imagine smoking when I was having weird ass thoughts. I might have just acted on them. And who the fuck wants to jump out of a car going 70?:)

Keep your chin up and read as much as possible about your shit. That is when I realized that it was not a death sentence. A lot of people have this shit, and you can get over it.

It would be much easier to handle if you had the OCD where you just cleaned all of the time instead of wanting to see what would happen if you killed the person in front of you wouldn't?

I look back and think about some of the shit that use to go through my head, and I am like what the fuck was I thinking?

I did actually act on it one time as a little kid. I was about 8 or 9 maybe and my friend had a giant rope swing hanging from a tree in the back yard. It was right above the 6' wooden fence. So we could stand on the fence and swing out and then you would end up back at the fence. Or you could get on the fence then on the rope, and then some one could grab the bottom of the rope and stretch it out real far. You would be about 10 or 12 foot off of the ground and right in front of the fence hanging form the rope. So I thought "what would happen if I let go and he smacked into the fence." Being young I had no self control so I did it.

Well it fucked him up pretty good, and I did not act on any more impulsive thoughts after that. So I guess you could consider it a lose-win situation.:)

Boy it's been a long strange trip, but I love where I am today.

Just to reiterate I would stay away form the herb for now. Get your shit together, maybe find a support group and get on with life. It is always good to see some one that is way more fucked up than you. It makes you realize that shit could always be worse. :)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I got the Hindu kush from a dispensary so it could be anything.

I am growing Northern Lights and Purple Humboldt from Classic Seeds, along with Black Domina. Have not tried these but they sounded good from reading.


High Grade Specialist
hey man Ive been having some problems with anxiety and depression for years and I started working with the book "feeling good" from Dr. Burns. I only just got into it and feel already a little bit better, I do believe he really has the key for mastering anxiety & depression, its a great book maybe you could benefit from it. Its only 8 bucks and is a no bullshit approach with scientific background, I tried alot of systems and this one seems to be really promising.

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