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BACKCOUNTRY's 2010 pre-season preparation and workshop journal


The revolution will not be televised.....
Sad to hear! One of the true inspiring people I have followed on this site. Your grows and threads have been epic and to you I say RESPECT! Hope you still document your grows to! Long live the Guerilla Growin king!!


yeah backcountry very sad to hear that but you gotta do whats best for you and the family. Hope to still see you around giving out the great advice that has made everyone follow your guerrilla operations.


Active member
Don't fret, being able to do what you love legally is a good thing. I am sure you will provide great weed and your customer will be very happy.


Completely understandable. With a family priorities change.

When my kids started getting old enough to start snooping around I had to make adjustments too. I think its time to start thinking about a stealth cab. You can document that grow and keep the greenhouse to yourself.

Good luck.


thanks for all the teachings and knoledge you have shared with the community. Keep that oregon95 going and yeah cant wait to see what your skills do for you in a gh. im thinking at least a pound per plant! have a great season backcountry and hopefully we see you up and around here still from time to time.



New member
Backcountry you are a mastermind. I am very happy to hear that you got what all guerrilla grows dream of... a safe, legal place to grow.

I do not know if you remember me, but I used your Earth Hole last year and let me tell you if I hadn't I never would have been able to keep my plants alive. Although I had to move away before the crop was finished, my friend took over and was a very neglectful parent, the yield was still amazing considering the plants were under watered for the last month of their lives.

Sorry to hear about the lose of your dog. Hope the green house treats you well. You da king


Hi everyone,

I've been thinking about trying my turn at growing under the great halide in the sky this year. I've yet to do much scouting on the matter, well because it's the middle of winter here in the midwest, and not to mention, I'm freezing my balls off.

Anywho, I've browsed around the outdoor forums a bit tonight, and while there is tons of info, it's a lot to grasp for a 100 percent outdoor nub like myself.

Could anyone recommend a awesome thread that has great ideas for a newer grower from start to finish. I understand there is some preperation to go with outdoor growing, but I would like to make it as easy as possible my first go around, and all this information is spaced out a lot, like i said, it's hard to get a solid grasp on what I should do.

As far as the soil goes around here, it's some of the best in the country. I don't think the nutrient part of it will be any problem. I think the biggest problem for me would be the water, and the animals... (deer mostly).

Maybe a direct link to a grower in the midwest would be great. After searching a little, it's really hard to pin point like I said.

Any help is much appreciated as well as any comments. Feel free to PM me also.



Smoke weed and prosper
dear opt

you hijacked another person's thread in the outdoor forum. You could have made a new post and ask your questions there without hijacking someone else's great thread.
Why do i say "hijacked" - well... because you don't even acknowledge the person whose thread you are posting in, you say absolutely nothing about their grow or their thread and then you have the nerve to ask for information on a silver platter without even wondering what the search button does...

other than that, Wellcome to the great outdoors. If you are looking for information read BC's threads and you'll learn a lot.


As I said above, I did read the shit. But goto fucking hell Gantz, I don't want or need help from a self centered dickhead anyways.

If indeed Backcountry is upset, which I doubt he is, I'm sorry. But you my friend can goto hell.

This site is all about teaching people about the methods they use. I did read... A LOT, and like I said it's a lot of information to grasp. I simply wanted a summary or something of that sort that would help a brand new potential outdoor grower like myself. I didn't specifically ask Backcountry because I thought this was a community forum, where everyone responds and asks questions. (which BackCountry is involved in)

For the 5 years I've been reading this site, you are the biggest prick I've ever run across. I did nothing to you. If your mad at life, your wife, your job, whatever it is , do not take it out on me. I do not deserve it.



Smoke weed and prosper
Thanks for the great comment! I also read what you wrote about how you BROWSED and I must apologize for you having to endure my existence and my horrible writings. I also appreciate the nice flame bait you have at the end but you're barking up the wrong tree.
I might be a little over protective of friends and family members and for some reason i really didn't like an offtopic post in a friends thread. I really enjoy BC's threads and i'm still kicking myself for allowing this discussion to continue.
Again, if you are looking for that, as you put it, "awesome thread that has great idea", again: Read BC's Threads.

A good day to you too!


You will not be forgotten
i am very happy for you BC, i will miss living your venture through the woods to grow... but now that you have legal and available status to grow you can focus on the finer points of growing like you were saying... instead of just keeping them alive... i cant wait to see what you do with your own little growing haven :) peace brotha :joint:


Backcountry, I wish you the best man. Hope your new endevours pay out big dividends. I've learned alot from you over the years. You are, in my opinion, THE OUTDOOR GUY here on ICMAG. I'm young and have no family, but I really respect your decision. Pot is pot, family is everything. Good to see someone have their priorities straight, something some people lose sight of when they get to growing. Wish you all the best man.

To Backcountry, the Zen master of outdoor. We'll miss ya!

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