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breathe deep
Moved up to a 400w...

Afghan Star

Ballin looks great in here. Way to make use of the space you have. You should definitely notice a difference with the new 400, yah?

This picture is sweet. Love the symmetry. Also the dark Ghani greasy look to those plants. Thick dense-smoke looking beasts.

Dutchgrown taught me a photo tip, if you shade the plant from the HPS, it comes out as if the HPS is not even on. Helps with the definition. I don't always do it, cause its awkward as hell sometimes taking a shot with one hand, while holding up an awning over the plant with the other, but its a useful tip. More times than not i just turn the lights off when i take pictures, and then back on when i am done.

Real curious what you think of these gals after you get a chance to sample them. Keep us updated, Grindhouse Gear deserves display. Keep:artist:

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Well Im going to A'dam on the 6th so I had to harvest a little early.

I will say one thing, these Ancient Afghan have far exceeded my expectations. Trimming these was the nicest thing ever since every leaf had a thick stem to find and snip. I did a quick trim for the time being until it dried up some.

The smell on these is very unique, much different once it has dried(I have some from a couple of days ago). I can see where the chemmy stankness comes from in these afghans now, but is nothing like chemdawg. AA is Much stronger on the nostrils and more acrid, almost smells like rubbing alcohol but than has background aromas that vary from spice to candy. Its weird because not broken up this bud has a lychee undertone to it.

I underestimated this stuff very much. Steele, I give you props for bringing this to us, and the opportunity for me to test this for you. I'm sorry I had to chop early but I feel not much was compromised. These things stunk up my whole house which is pretty unusal since we have an ozone generator downstairs and carbon filter upstairs.


BB, glad you've dug 'em this far. Bummer you didn;t git to finish 'em out but hopefully you;ll take another shot. My Ancient Afghan hasn't seemed to turn many heads, but it's a real deal and tha reason why I married tha AA to tha ChemD. Tha offspring came out wonderful, in particular one specimen has full rose undertones, complex high and will be used in my program....

Have fun in tha 'Dam,

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
BB, glad you've dug 'em this far. Bummer you didn;t git to finish 'em out but hopefully you;ll take another shot. My Ancient Afghan hasn't seemed to turn many heads, but it's a real deal and tha reason why I married tha AA to tha ChemD. Tha offspring came out wonderful, in particular one specimen has full rose undertones, complex high and will be used in my program....

Have fun in tha 'Dam,

Steele, not to worry as I am revegging the 2 better plants. I'm gonna be buying more stock later regardless because I want more Ultra Sonja, AA, Mob Boss and Prophet. I totally forgot to take into account my trip when I had placed these plants in there, but nonetheless, they are still very unique. When I get back I will cut some clones and send them under the 400w(or maybe i'll set my ballast to 600w for my 3x3)

I totally understand your rose undertones, as those are similar to the lychee ones I mention! Lychee is known for its floral tones more than anything. I thought I was crazy when it reminded me of lychee, but mainly the floral tones.

AA are very stable, and show similar aroma profiles and growth. With more veg time, these girls can probably yield pretty heavy. These were my biggest nugs from an indoor grow so far.

That Chem x AA must be crazy since the blending of aroma profiles is very unique from ChemD's petrol-funk to the AA's green candy, burn your nose, rubbing alcohol sweetness.

I still think its crazy how the smell transforms when broken up. I was really expecting some sweet buds from how it was in the garden. But breaking this stuff up is like making an ISO extract.


Active member
Lookin tasty, too bad you didn't got to finish them. Miss some good mintpiny afghan, been eyein this for some time!


Snipe on 'em Quiet.... from tha sound of what yer missing, Ancient Afghan just may, satisfy yer needs.

BB, hope yer trip is/went well.... Love tha AA myself and happy you found unexpected merit with 'em!


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