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Back in the saddle again....... Doing what I do best


Hello again IC Mag peeps! I took a bit of a hiatus on the growing, but here I am again doing what I enjoy the most, growing.
Here is the main flowering area of my new setup>

These aren't my usual good pics since they're from my phone, but it's what I got, lol
So, the new setup is like this> 5X9X8h Gorrila tent, 2 1k lights in raptor hoods, all filtered, air cooled, etc... The system is hydro of course. I have a 55 gal res feeding a large ebb/flow style controller bucket to auto feed the pant units which are 27 gallon heavy duty tubs. All this adds up to one gigantic and simple DWC system. The plants are only 6 days into flower so the stretch is just really getting under way. They're gonna be HUGE, hehehe.
This is pretty much just like what I ended with in my last setup. Even the strain is similar, Mazar Afghani X Great White Shark. I was pulling 16+ off the each in my last setup with straight Afghani, so I hope to get near the same in this one. This is the shake down run for the setup and for a new flowering mix I am trying out. Still using the PBP line, but I have added a couple unusual things to the flower mix to fill the gaps in what I thought were short comings in the normal PBP Bloom, Liquid Karma, Sweet, etc.. recipe I was using, with great success I might add. This new one just has a couple other bloom nutrients added into as a percentage of the full 1250ml total bloom nutes for the 50gal recipe. Right now I am not giving those two components up. Not until I see what happens. Have had some ph level issues with it at first, but got that under control now I think. We shall see.....
Anyway, enjoy the pics and have a great weekend!

Yes, I need a better camera for sure.


stone fool
I have used those tubs for years, they will last longer than I will, you are looking good.

Did you do a thread on crimping several years ago? If so, you have my thanks.



Coming along nicely

Coming along nicely

Yes Haps, I did do a thread on crimping several years ago. Geez, has it been that long? Oh how the time flies.....
I still use that method now, like on these 3 bushy girls.
I am a few weeks into flower now and the new formula is kicking ASS! This is the shake down run and I didn't know what these girls were gonna do stretch wise, and it was nowhere near what I was expecting. That's a good thing though. I am going to let them get really big before putting them in flower on the next round. Already have 3 lovely little ones prepping in 5gal lid net pots on the ebb&flo table now.
I ended up moving the rez out of the tent last week because there just wasn't room for it anymore. So now the 3 ladies have the entire 5X9 tent to themselves. And they are making good use of it, lol
Only time will tell how they come out of course.



Busy, busy, busy................. Just a little update. Got about 4 weeks left on the shake down run with this new setup and strain. Already have the next round ready to roll. Actually having to get another smaller tent in order to veg the next run because they out growing the grow box they're in. But that's what they are supposed to do right??
Staging a new strain is always interesting. The first time around it either ends where they aren't ready yet when you finish the current one or, like now, that they are going nuts and gonna be huge before you are ready for that, lol. Oh well, can't complain that they are growing too fast can you........
