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back and leg pain


Well-known member
710, I wish you the best on your journey to a pain free life free of sciatica. It is a challenge

I also have scar tissue buildup and constant pain from my lower back to my toes.

First and foremost you need to be in good weight to height proportion, your core is stressed with any additional weight on your body. I don't know your current status so that is why I mention it. Stretching and yoga will do wonders. Start as slow as you need and work up. Even if you don't want to do it, you need to.

The single most important factor is to keep moving. Bending, twisting, walking and carrying all in small amounts from the start build the core muscles back up and take pressure off the nerve.

As far as the cannabis aspect... I make canna pills with a mix of sativa hybrids to get me through the day. Cannatonic helps when flare up causes me to not sleep.

Do you also have Restless Leg Syndrome? Mine got significantly worse after the back injury and it took me quite a while to realize it.

Smoke a doob and go for a walk..



There are a lot of good therapeutic ideas in this thread that i really appreciate. Thanks for the input. I have chronic shoulder and neck pain.
Someone mentioned using Transdermal Magnisum Oil. I got a bottle and started using it. That stuff really burns but i love the detox . The burn can be intense, so intense i have to take a shower to wash it off. Other times it feels kinda good, like getting a tattoo. It has this stinging burn but cool feeling, hot and cold. I find its really giving me some amazing anti-anxiety relief.
I mixed a small bottle of it with some water to dilute it down ...until i can handle the full dose. I must be pretty toxic right now. It has some AMAZING quailities.
First my husband massaged some of the Pure Magnisum oil all over my back but because of the burn, I took a hot shower to wash it all off.
After a very hot shower He massaged my neck and shoulder with some warm Shea Body oil, vanilla with Vitamin D.
There was massive release in my bones'soft tissue and musces in that area. SO i highly recommend that recipe.
sciatica on other stuff

sciatica on other stuff

ok guys here it is.. me and 1 of my friends.. and 2 family members are all dealing with sciatica.. i had a surgery.. and it didnt do anything good for me. .

i have been growing for a bit.. but never any cbd shit.. i need cbd.. to try and see if i can beat this pain without the use of any CHEMICALS..


anyone experience NERVE PAIN. and did any illegal drugs work to help you get through it..

i keep seeing studies for Shrooms, MDMA, MDA, Ketamine. all showing serious possibilities of curing if not treating many of the problems we face in todays world..

please if anyone has a way to get this pain to go away.. ill try anything.. im seeing a holistic doctor to see if he can do a checkup since my insurance doesnt cover that i pay out of pocket i figure.. 3-400 to maybe get some relief for life.. ill try it.

I have lower back and neck pain. I have nerve and chronic sciatica pain. Cant take opioids and have tried all possible pain medication.

Now I have medical cannabis recipe for Bedrocan and Bediol. I use medical cannabis every day and dont need any other medication. Very satisfied now and able to work, and enjoy life.

Other medicines caused too many side effects and made me feel very bad.

I have pain all the time, but thanks to cannabis i can live pretty normal life.


Man tell me about it, i was is so much pain till i found this book(don't remember the name but i think the guys name was robert something), just reading the first 2 chapters cut my pain by 90%. once i realized it was all mental i am able to manage it better.
when i get stress i feel the pain start coming in...but i know what it is now and i woooosaaaa that shit away.

If reading a book takes your pain away, you dont have real pain. I have tried everything, acupunction, mindfullnes, meditation, painkillers, opioids and those epileptic shit that is supposed to help.... But cannabis is best and without any unwanted side effects.


ya my surgeon told me i have to see someone with atleast 20-25 years experience because a new chiro or massage therapist could fuck me up worse.. its sad.. early 30s and i wont be doing anything i love anymore!

Surgery often makes it just worse.

You should talk to physiotherapist who could show you few simple exercises to train your supporting muscels and deep abdominal muscels, it makes you have less pressure on your back. Stretching doesnt help and should be careful when stretching. Also too big belly is not good.

I have had sciatica pain for seven years now.

CBD and high thc strains combined helps me.


710 I feel ya ....been dealing w back problems for 20 years...opiates and massive amounts of anti inflammatory and muscle relaxers and back injections epidural steroids and pain killers and cortisone and on and on...
When I hit 44(3 years ago) all of a sudden my nerves got worse...fast...I'm old what can I say...

Been smoking herb since the early eighties...but never thought it could help my pain once it started...
Bout a year ago I started making canna butter...without decarboxylation...so essentially...I guess...I was extracting thc a into the butter...well...I eat a half cookie three times a day..and after one to two weeks my pain levels were relented drastically...sciatica--gone...
Now...as soon as I started eating the cookies I discontinued my medication which wasn't working at All at that point...(NOTE- I despise when people suggest getting off doctor prescribed meds-so that is not what I'm doing...relaying my experience)
After a couple months I stopped eating the butter to see what would happen...I made it about 70 hours and started the cookies again...seemed to tKe longer for pain to go away that time...but it did...I would estimate 80% reduced...
Now...I'm not saying thc a is the ticket....thc and cbd might work just as well...but if I ate recreational cookies three times a day I might as well go back to opiates!
Try it...if you in as much pain as I was..you don't have much to lose

When treating pain, you need to use cannabis daily and enough to get rid of getting high. I vape 1-2g every day and dont get high anymore.

But, if i dont use for three day, pain starts to grow and grow... 1/3 cbd strain and 2/3 high thc strain works best for me.

In my profession i work six days a week and i have to be clear minded. I fking love cannabis, because it makes my life better and enjoyable. When i used opioids, it was worst period of my life.


Well-known member
If reading a book takes your pain away, you dont have real pain. I have tried everything, acupunction, mindfullnes, meditation, painkillers, opioids and those epileptic shit that is supposed to help.... But cannabis is best and without any unwanted side effects.

I can assure you that pain, as well as all other feelings is, 100% mental.

Your nerves are just sensors that do not have a means to deliver pain without the brain processing and creating said feeling of pain.

I have had numerous tests recording pain threshold levels since my injury. I had a very high tolerance level from the work I did at the time. Since then after deep meditation,yoga and general motion, my base pain tolerance has nearly doubled.

Sciatica is just simply a sensor that is being pushed on by scar tissue and surrounding muscle. If you don't have any disc issues or any other physical issues, you don't really have much else to harm.

I was lazy yesterday and did absolutely nothing. Just sitting here typing this feels like a spike is being driven down my femur from my hip/back... Yoga, a few bowls and I will be ready to do a roof tear off this afternoon. Pain is much better after a hard days work than a lazy day.


I can assure you that pain, as well as all other feelings is, 100% mental.

Your nerves are just sensors that do not have a means to deliver pain without the brain processing and creating said feeling of pain.

I have had numerous tests recording pain threshold levels since my injury. I had a very high tolerance level from the work I did at the time. Since then after deep meditation,yoga and general motion, my base pain tolerance has nearly doubled.

Sciatica is just simply a sensor that is being pushed on by scar tissue and surrounding muscle. If you don't have any disc issues or any other physical issues, you don't really have much else to harm.

I was lazy yesterday and did absolutely nothing. Just sitting here typing this feels like a spike is being driven down my femur from my hip/back... Yoga, a few bowls and I will be ready to do a roof tear off this afternoon. Pain is much better after a hard days work than a lazy day.

I have been in MRI and four - five discs in by lower back look black in the mri pic. Also one disc in my neck is black. Neck causes nerve pain in my spine and my arms. Back causes sciatis and other nerve pain down from my belt. I feel like tennis ball is pressin my spine among other symptoms. I can walk max one hour and after that my back starts to hurt too much. I also have very very bad headaches / migrane, which is so bad that i can only try rest, nothing else. Weed has also reduced the frequence of those headaches.

And not to mention other medical shit i have to go thru...

And i can assure you, that pain is real :) Constant chronic pain for years you dont get rid of by reading a book. But i believe that that attitude and stuff like that have huge affect how much pain affects you. So, i undersstand what you say and partly agree with you.

But walking and living active life helps, that true. I work a lot and try have all kind of activities... Staying in bed kills you faster :)

And we are all individuals, what helps me doesnt help somenone else.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Howdy kaappikapina! Sorry to hear about your pain issues.

I do agree entirely, keeping moving will keep you living longer.

My Mom gave up and stopped moving about, she was dead within a few years. Sad but true.

I hope to have learned from her lesson and keep as active as I possibly can... at the ripe old age of 63 :)

But cannabis does help with the mild pain, and certainly puts a smile on one's face :)

Hope you have no pain today!


Active member
"Motion is the lotion," My orthopedist would say.

And I wanted to punch him every damned time I was in PT and it was hurting like hell.

Worse thing, he was right....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Pain management for my back problem is mostly based around using cannabis, sometimes, when the pain gets real bad I have to take something stronger in pill form, then hit the Gin and Tonics to find any relief...

It gets worse when I am inactive, and when in a lot of pain, the last thing I want to do is anything physical, that exacerbates my condition. So it's a kinda catch 22 situation. If I don't keep moving it gets worse, and if I move it hurts.

Once I get myself into a pool or the sea, the weight is off my back and I can freely exercise without much if any discomfort....So I would suggest going swimming to help try and stop the atrophy that takes place within your body, and strengthen that area at the same time. It works for me.

What with age, gravity and our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, no wonder so many people are having problems with the bodies main column of support----the spine.


Active member
710 I feel ya ....been dealing w back problems for 20 years...opiates and massive amounts of anti inflammatory and muscle relaxers and back injections epidural steroids and pain killers and cortisone and on and on...
When I hit 44(3 years ago) all of a sudden my nerves got worse...fast...I'm old what can I say...

Been smoking herb since the early eighties...but never thought it could help my pain once it started...
Bout a year ago I started making canna butter...without decarboxylation...so essentially...I guess...I was extracting thc a into the butter...well...I eat a half cookie three times a day..and after one to two weeks my pain levels were relented drastically...sciatica--gone...
Now...as soon as I started eating the cookies I discontinued my medication which wasn't working at All at that point...(NOTE- I despise when people suggest getting off doctor prescribed meds-so that is not what I'm doing...relaying my experience)
After a couple months I stopped eating the butter to see what would happen...I made it about 70 hours and started the cookies again...seemed to tKe longer for pain to go away that time...but it did...I would estimate 80% reduced...
Now...I'm not saying thc a is the ticket....thc and cbd might work just as well...but if I ate recreational cookies three times a day I might as well go back to opiates!
Try it...if you in as much pain as I was..you don't have much to lose

i tried everything.. the doctors threw at me.. the streets allowed me to buy the opiates i needed to not kill myself on some nights.. but nothing seems to work.. even got some high cbd tincture.. with little to no results..

tried. MDMA. MDA. Oxycodone.. Gabapentin.. and about 20 other doctor prescribed drugs.. nothing.. edibles seem to make it worse especially high thc at a time lol. like its crazy..

the stuff that works best so far has been benzo's xanax. lorazepam.. ativan. .seems to calm the nerves down more then anything else..

or like above stated a few up.. she said her husband a few oxys and beer.. ya that seems to really do the trick. but its not worth the poly drug addiction that MY RETARDED ASS would become within a few months. lol.

basically.. nothing has worked..

i got some mushrooms.. as i read nerve damage and pain and mushrooms = a good mix.. so fuck it . couple concerts coming up.. trip my sack off.. see if i can get some pain relief..


Active member
710, I wish you the best on your journey to a pain free life free of sciatica. It is a challenge

I also have scar tissue buildup and constant pain from my lower back to my toes.

First and foremost you need to be in good weight to height proportion, your core is stressed with any additional weight on your body. I don't know your current status so that is why I mention it. Stretching and yoga will do wonders. Start as slow as you need and work up. Even if you don't want to do it, you need to.

The single most important factor is to keep moving. Bending, twisting, walking and carrying all in small amounts from the start build the core muscles back up and take pressure off the nerve.

As far as the cannabis aspect... I make canna pills with a mix of sativa hybrids to get me through the day. Cannatonic helps when flare up causes me to not sleep.

Do you also have Restless Leg Syndrome? Mine got significantly worse after the back injury and it took me quite a while to realize it.

Smoke a doob and go for a walk..


i had RLS.. when on the meds they put me on.. but once i stopped all pills.. the RLS went away i was able to sleep once i fall asleep.. but i cant get more then 3-4 hours of sleep a night.. sucks dick . but im alive.. i get relief some days .. some days i feel great. but usually that is followed by 3-5 days of misery.. so its a trade off.. i keep active.. but when in tons of pain i cant do much of anything.. bone spurs keep me from twisting and turning as much as i should with the amount of bullshit involved in my back issues im not surprised by the pain. just trying to feel somewhat normal again


Active member
How is your mental health / life in general? For years I had chronic pain, and it was directly tied to my mental health / life satisfaction. I was on hydrocodone and tramadol for pain, xanax for anxiety and seroquel to sleep at night. If I went somewhere and forgot my meds, I would be in so much pain/anxiety I couldnt enjoy anything. I needed to take the tramadol and xanax every 4-5 hours. The doctor also had me taking ibuprofen, 600 mgs every 6 hours, regardless if I was in pain or not, more like a preventive!

At the same time, I was not happy with my life. I couldnt easily grow cannabis because of girlfriend and apartment living, The girlfriend was cheating on me and I found out.... I also lost the only good job I ever had, or rather that I ever enjoyed and paid well.

8 years later now, I am nearly pain free. Well I should clarify, I still have days of pain, however it no longer dominates my life; I havent taken any RX's for it in 7 years. I take ibuprofen occasionally now when the pain is real bad and I actually feel it work.

You need to get into a place in your life where you can heal, both physically and mentally. THEN you need to get your muscles around your sore areas much stronger. This part I am still working on. If I was less lazy with this exercise, I would be completely pain free.

For reference, I had multiple MRI's and multiple herniated disc and one is dehydrated. The doctors wanted to give me cortisone shots or surgery, saying that was the only way for me to get better.... fuck those doctors.
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Anyone who thinks you can yoga, meditate or Madscientist your chronic pain away has never had chronic pain!!! After my motorcycle accident I was left with 3 broken vertebrae in my neck, 27 rib fractures a broken left shoulder and a traumatic head injury. I know what chronic pain is. The bottom 1/3 of my back is a stainless steal bridge I just had installed May 16th. Traditional meds apart from morphine don't work. GYPSY is dead on his assessment of limits. I have only been seriously growing for 8 years trying to find the perfect hybrid. For my nerve damage the Asian sativas have been the most promising so far. Ace's Oriental Express is my newest endeavor. I still work in the oilfield and pee in cups often. I sample very little of my own work. Friends and family with similar injuries give me feedback. For anyone with chronic continuous pain my prayers are with you. All the more reason we need passionate small home growers. The only thing I see out of big cannabis is bigger, faster cannabis plants. Peace


Active member
How is your mental health / life in general? For years I had chronic pain, and it was directly tied to my mental health / life satisfaction. I was on hydrocodone and tramadol for pain, xanax for anxiety and seroquel to sleep at night. If I went somewhere and forgot my meds, I would be in so much pain/anxiety I couldnt enjoy anything. I needed to take the tramadol and xanax every 4-5 hours. The doctor also had me taking ibuprofen, 600 mgs every 6 hours, regardless if I was in pain or not, more like a preventive!

At the same time, I was not happy with my life. I couldnt easily grow cannabis because of girlfriend and apartment living, The girlfriend was cheating on me and I found out.... I also lost the only good job I ever had, or rather that I ever enjoyed and paid well.

8 years later now, I am nearly pain free. Well I should clarify, I still have days of pain, however it no longer dominates my life; I havent taken any RX's for it in 7 years. I take ibuprofen occasionally now when the pain is real bad and I actually feel it work.

You need to get into a place in your life where you can heal, both physically and mentally. THEN you need to get your muscles around your sore areas much stronger. This part I am still working on. If I was less lazy with this exercise, I would be completely pain free.

For reference, I had multiple MRI's and multiple herniated disc and one is dehydrated. The doctors wanted to give me cortisone shots or surgery, saying that was the only way for me to get better.... fuck those doctors.

its not in my head.. because even when everything in life is going great.. and i have no real worries or stresses.. the pain is there sometimes even worse.. it gets worse the longer i stand.. the longer i walk. the longer i lay.. the more work i do. the less work i do.. like i cant find a happy medium is the problem.. no matter what i do .. my leg is literally feeling like its on fire.. 90% of the time.. and my back feels like there is sooo much pressure its retarded.

like even when out having a great time.. the pain still shows up and kills me but i try to push on stay positive and keep going .. with no change in the pain just in my attitude

my last appt. they said that i have nerve damage and scar tissue like a bitch.. so it looks like a few years of healing for nerve damage if it ever gets better.. but we shall see.


Active member
I always had this pain in my back even when i was a healthy teenager . It would come at the end of the shooting hoop all day , But the pain was above my Butt cheek not my Spine . As i got older the Nerve pain would shoot down my leg to my toes . Had to pull over get out and stand up a few times cause pain was so bad i couldn't hit the Gas peddle . After 25yrs of laying Flat on floors , One leg under me when sitting in chairs looking for a position it didn't hurt to be in , I finally cured it with a simple stretching technique . My Bar stool was in the corner so i put my leg on it with my Toe pointed up with gym shoes on . Maybe put towel over shoe so u wont dirty up the wall . Then u stretch toward your Toe like a ballet dancer trying to put your Forehead on your Knee and holding that position long as possible . Pisses me off to deal with that Pain all these years and such a easy fix . I'm 6 feet Bar stool back is 3 1/2 feet

The Revolution

Active member
I suffer from back and hip pain. Its a hereditary thing, which stems into degenerative bone/disc disease, arthritis, etc.. I can relate, and its frustrating being in constant pain. I once self medicated with opiates but found it only compounded issues when addiction reared its head.. Ive steered clear of opiates myself. Ive found a nice 50/50 Thc/Cbd oil to be one of the few things that help. Obviously I cannot take this everyday as its very strong. A friend of mine deals with nerve pain, this oil is the only thing that touches his nerve pain and gives him relief. You said you've tried cbd oil, but have you experimented with any combos of thc/cbd oil extracts consumed by mouth? I would recommend it highly as I an others have found relief in this route.


Well-known member
Premium user
Hey EastCoast710!

I DO have a SIMPLE Alternative therapy (FREE) that RID me of over 10 years of Severe Pain and Fatigue (Fibromyalgia)... but thats not all! After COMPLETELY overcoming Pain and Fatigue for Myself, I became Curious if it would work for other people, or was I just one of those people that CREATED my own PROBLEMS?

Well, I discovered that this Technique worked for 99% of the people that I taught.... and have NOT found a Chronic Pain that couldnt be reduced and/or ELIMINATED 100%. I have taught MANY people to overcome Sciatica Pain almost instantly (couple minutes!) I have helped SOoOooOoooOooOOoo many people reduce/eliminate THEIR Pain that... I DONT REALLY BELIEVE in CHRONIC PAIN! Sure, when I was Suffering, I BELIEVED in Pain! But NOW, I BELIEVE that Chronic Pain is More of Less something we CREATE NOW, and relief comes when you QUIT PRODUCING IT!

In a Nutshell, I believe Chronic Pain is a function of the SubConscious Mind. Because, if you can do a simple free excersize, and it reduces or disappears instantly... WAS IT REAL TO BEGIN WITH?

If you are Serious about TRYING ANYTHING, start HERE!


Then, hit the HOME link and start finding YOUR BEAUTIFUL LOVING DAY/LIFE!

I have found that the ONLY thing that can prevent you from healing YOURSELF.... is OUR OWN CRITICAL MIND. So approach with an OPEN MIND!


You haven't ever had a Sciatic Nerve problem obviously!

I have Sciatic nerve problems from an old back injury on the job where I fell 8 feel off the top of some scaffolding landed right on a boulder on my back. Seems a disc in my lower back is bad. In the winter I have a lot of pain especially when I sleep in the wrong position now. It will last for days on end with no relief other than a toke here and there. Hurts like hell. Indica's and hybrids are your friend. Some nice shatter will know you out too that stuff is amazing and has helped recently!


Active member
You haven't ever had a Sciatic Nerve problem obviously!

I have Sciatic nerve problems from an old back injury on the job where I fell 8 feel off the top of some scaffolding landed right on a boulder on my back. Seems a disc in my lower back is bad. In the winter I have a lot of pain especially when I sleep in the wrong position now. It will last for days on end with no relief other than a toke here and there. Hurts like hell. Indica's and hybrids are your friend. Some nice shatter will know you out too that stuff is amazing and has helped recently!

ya i was going ot say the same thing.. when someone says its mental. its like ya. yours WAS MENTAL.. mine might not be .. lol. ive read the books.. ive done the work.. ive even spoken to dr john e sarno on the phone myself as his family is close to a family friend of mine.. and he even said. trama and surgery can prevent someone from healing.. and so on and so forth..

my pain is not mental. believe me. if it was. why would getting super stoned or edibled out actually make the pain WORSE like to the point were i feel like going to the hospital lol. my head feels great and shit but my leg gets on fucking FIRE.

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