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Baby Blue Jay?


pine boy

As I look out my window I see my cat in a shit storm with Blue Jays.My cat got attacted by 4 big jays and dropped the baby from his mouth and ran off is all I saw.It seem a young bird was either learning to fly or fell out the nest.
What can we do for this little bird? It's smaller than a baseball and has a small amount of agility.I don't think it will be flying for week or so.
We have a ton of worms and can help nurse but I dont know how to help from here.
Can Anyone help?
:thank you:


pineboy. How young are we talking here? Are the eyes open? How many feathers? If you can get a photo that would be great. Wherever you live there's bound to be state licensed wildlife rehabbers around you. Caring for a baby bird isn't that difficult, but it can get tricky and they will often die without the proper care.

I can't advise on what to feed it until I know how old it is unfortunately. If it's too young it should be fed on a liquid meal(you can make it out of cat food and water, with usually a couple other things added) but if it's old enough to *eat eat* worms/seeds should be fine.

That said, give a look around for the wildlife rehabber in your area. They're almost always incredibly awesome people who love animals.

edit: It just occurred to me, do you know where the nest is? Take a look around and see if you can't find it. Putting it back in the nest might work.

pine boy

MrSterling,I am sorry to say Bridie didn't even make it through the night,My plan was Since we got him at dusk,was to let him go in the morning.
I did some research and kinda had a plan .
everyone in the niehborhood has cats and dogs...My cat caught hell again the next morning from pissed off Jays
I guess breading is a high risk activity around here.Sorry for a tragic outcome.R.I.P. lil Bridie