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Babba's '08

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Boink long time no see old friend :) Thanks for dropping by. Hope to see more of ya !!
Thanks everyone for dropping by our thread it really means alot to us.


Mrs.Babba said:
Olddrifter...I think they are, not sure where they even came from, I didnt buy that kind, so Im not really sure what they are, I bet they're hot tho, Ill let ya know hehe

We went and picked blackberries yesterday and made jam! ...ohh man its alot of work but soooo worth it!

Didnt take alot of pics but here are a few to get an idea of what we did :D

This first pic is for my twin, hes knows who he is!!! lol reeeeeefs baaabeyyy

jars cooling.....

Have a great week everyone!! ... :jump: :joint: :rasta:


Gone off line for a few weeks and what do I see when I get back! Nothing but tons of Blackberry Jam. Yummy. :) Always love watching your jam post. Wish you took some pictures outdoors, but understand. Save a jar for me, lolol
Take care,
berries rule, seriously. If it wasnt such a noxious weed and locally abundant in the wild I would plant some blackberry! Organic blackberries sound so good!


ICMag Donor
The gardens in a transition stage right now...some stuff is getting done, corn, green beans...some are still goin good, tomatoes and peppers...the girls are gearin up for flower time!!...getting mucho buds and smellin fine!!

Ive been canning tomatoes every chance I get....its a great way to have as close to fresh as we can in the winter! Have get a batch of salsa in there also!

Thanks everyone for the smiles :D

Green Beans...

The White....



This is a tater I picked yesterday, just to see how they are doing and it looks like more time is called for hhehe...



Well-known member
always an AMAZING show in the Babba's land ,it inspirers me to make my garden better
tanx so much for what you do


Mrs Babba

Glad to see someone else who puts up salsa. I have some variety in my chili peppers. Tabasco, yellow lantern and red Peter peppers.
This tabasco is the hottest pepper of any I've ever grown. Hot Peters.

I also use my red chili peppers (3 types) for jelly made with apple juice.

My favorite crop. And more pampered than any other!

And by the looks of yours, all the TLC they're getting will be rewarded back to you. What shade of green is that thumb of yours?

Good luck to everyone this season.

Politicians and diapers need to be changed often and both for the very same reason.


looking great, plants are flowering nicely.

do those veggies attract any extra unwanted bugs to the garden?


Active member
Mrs.Babba said:
Are those your toes? :chin:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Nam myoho renge kyo

Hey everyone thanks for stopping by :) Even if it was to check out my wifes feet :) We appreciate all the post and encouragement we get here! Just hanging out on a sunday. Made a little bit of fresh salsa and snapped a pic of a young deer in the yard. Took a ride in the woods yesterday ... took a pic of the creek we sat next to and smoked.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
Mugi Wasshin bro, Mugi Wasshin!.........hey, I do live in a cardboard box tho......LOL

I'm glad all over that you had a peaceful Sunday.......you two deserve it!

Much gratitude from Ann & I...........Desi!


Active member
Babbabud said:
...snapped a pic of a young deer in the yard.

Looks tasty! :D

I'd stalk and photograph the prey, too, before throwing them on the grill for dinner... :yummy:
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Babbabud said:
Hey everyone thanks for stopping by :) Even if it was to check out my wifes feet :) We appreciate all the post and encouragement we get here! Just hanging out on a sunday. Made a little bit of fresh salsa and snapped a pic of a young deer in the yard. Took a ride in the woods yesterday ... took a pic of the creek we sat next to and smoked.

What a lovely Lake must be it to shit and fish and smoke :jump: That letuce deer is cute too looks tasty :muahaha:


Active member

hey Mrs. Thats such a lovely pleace you got there!!!
Im talking about the garden and all around! ahmmm nice to see the buds pumping up! :smile::D

Best vibes for you and yours!:wave:

*bookmarked* :smile:


ICMag Donor
Hey everyone!! :wave:

Hope you all had a great weekend, pretty quiet around here, just chillin and smoking, it is what we do best right?? heheh

Getting another hot spell here, Im sure the plants will love it...have to think about a cover for the girls soon...

Since we dont have a dog anymore, we have had a deer family pretty much move in, a mamma and her 2 little babies, ohh soo cute!...I cant seem to get the babies together in a pic, but Im still tryin! they dont eat too much stuff, a few flowers and some of the potato plants, but havent hurt anything so they can stay for now :)

I took some close ups of the SFV and Chem...they are lookin awesome, the smell is heavenly when you walk out there!!

The SFV...


Our new family...



Active member
buds are comin along nicely!
lol i wish dear were that open around here, usually the only time you see a deer their darting across the yard 50 mph
awesome pics!
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