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B10naryBuds Super Stealth Computer Grow Cab with LOWRYDER #2



Each plant needs as much space as possible. They get a bit crowded in SOG with 6" pots.

b10narybud said:
Also, how often should I be watering and how wet does properly watered soil look? I admit, in my last attemt....overwatering was a huge issue.

Stick your finger a couple inches into the soil. If you can feel moisture, don't water.

Good luck!


well, the other 2 popped today. I'm just waiting on the last seed to pop. The other 2 have been in soil since yesterday. Still nothing has popped the surface. god, these thgns are goin slow!!! ARG...hopefully the last seed will pop today. Looks like it's on the verge of it..its swollen and wrinkled...looks like its on the burst line....


BUT FUCK..i wanna see some sprouts damnit!


does hobby lobby sell plexiglass? or where should I go about looking for some? I"ve got a neat idea for a cool chamber for my lights.....but i need plexiglass or something of the such that is hard..and clear...which lets light through




Well guys and gals,
I've got 4 of the 5 seeds sprouted so far. Waiting on the last one to pop.

The others have been planted in small things of soil until the last one pops. Then i'll fill my container and plant over to the main container.

But, i was unhappy with my high temperatures, so I went to LOWES tonight and bought some scrap plexiglass.

What I did was cut plexiglass to fit, and then adhered it to the sides and made it fit just right. Moved a fan to the back of the power supply also.

Now, its pulling air out the back by the power supply right past all 5 bulbs, then at the front is a hole where the air can come down and pull from the flowering chamber, and then it comes in at the very bottom front of the computer. I"m really likeing this design. Now, i'll be able to have the plants practically touching the lights without it getting too hot.

I cant have 6 bulbs anymore with the new fan placement, but i bet i could fit bigger bulbs than what's in there right now without a problem. Especially when my new 80CFM fan comes...that'll go into the back where the small one is now...with a nice big carbon filter. Just waiting on USPS.

Now, i can run 5 cfl's at a lower temperature than I could previously run just 2. I'm LOVING THIS!

Oh, and my 1st seed to sprout still didnt pop the surface so i carefully checked what was going on. The fucker was trying to grow downwards. I got him turned around, and close the surface, He see's light now and should be greed and healthy by morning. Stupid Plant!

Heres some picture porn!



well, 2 are living and the others died. I'll get more info and pic updates this afernoon..

i've planted another 5 seeds ....4 of 5 has popped/cracked/germinated within 24 hours


Hey b10narybud, I grew out the original lowryder strain in my last grow, I had a real bad germination rate - 1/10. Luckily it was a female :) Anyhow, the breeders suggest precracking the seeds. You can check out the official lowryder website for more info highbred.net

Good luck and watch those temps.


Hey guys,
it's been a while since i've done an update.

well, i left on spring break, took my pc with me. Fucking power inverter wouldnt run in my car so it went through some huge fucked up light cycles and temp changes. Also, the place while iwas home didnt take as good of care of it for me. It dried out enough to kill the 3 small seadlings still under dirt. So, only 2 lived. I got back and imideatly planted 5 more seeds. I've gotten 3 to pop out of there so far that i know will live and planted them. 2 of htem are just popping surface today. The other in my shotglass i'm still waiting for.
the other 2 are growin slowly, but looking damn good considering what they went through last week. its good now. I've updated the case some closing it off somemore and am still tweaking things. When i figure it all out i'll let you know.

They have some weird lookin white dots allover them right now as it is. small but noticable. What are these.. What could these be? possibly :joint: :)?

I also have been taking video and have a small compressed file for all of you to watch of my grow in super fast time. this is from approxamatly 4pm till 11pm.



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here is the pics of the trichromes i'm talking about.. i'll get more pics of it all when my camera charges. I had to undo my webcam and take this pic with that so you could see it.


yup, only a week. Thats definalty not mold though. i'll poke my eye out with a popsickle if it is......it just aint mold.

but, i think they look like trichromes....denser in the middle...depleting farther torward tip.....

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