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AZAMAX insecticide... ANYONE EVER USED IT???


Here's my experience after a few months of use, initially to cure / prevent powdery mildew and since to keep things pest and disease free - It works!

For about 2 months now I've been applying @ 10ml/l every 5 days and recently switched to a lower dose of 2ml/l Azamax + 2ml/l Neem every 10 days as a maintenance dose on a friend's recommendation. Haven't seen a spot of PM since I started and I still (thankfully) don't know the horrors of a spider mite infestation.

To other Azamax / Azatrol users out there - How seriously should I take the safety precautions in the bottle? I need to get me some rubber gloves if that's really anything more than boilerplate 'pesticide' legal mumbojumbo...
I have been using Azatrol for a couple years, it works great. I wear a respirator and rubber gloves!!!!!!! You wouldn't want to breathe or absorb any of that stuff!!!!!!!!


New member
Thats the question you need to be asking if you're growing outdoors. IS IT HAZARDOUS? Sorry, but that's what a lot of people who lead the witch hunts bring up first. I was just saying a minute ago the Hawaii cops were bitching about major chemical messes,which I hope aren't true. Gives them more ammo.
Thank you so much for your comment on root aphids. this is my first use of this site and you already solved the mystery of what the hell these "APHID LOKKING THINGS WERE"!
At what dilution do you use Azamax, and do you apply it in a Foliar fashion. My bottle's label is damaged and I know I could go on line, but i would rather have a true Medical Cannibis growers aplication recommendation any way. Thank you...


Azamax IS TOPNOTCH,,I put about a tablespoon to a gallon,,,,,NUKES the shit out of um...Check um under yer scope after application. "Hiroshima 4 Sure" :dance013:

Foiler and spray the crap out of them (ONLY WHEN GIRLS ARE SLEEPING)
Spray Every where~~~Tops~ Bottoms EVERYWHERE, and repeat in 3 days. Until Problem Solved.

If you ever get a problem into Bloom, it works great. "Recommend When You Take Your Tree Down, to hold um upside down, and whack the shit out of um with a heavy object.
You'll actually be able to dislodge much (not all) of the critter remnants.":biggrin:


Azamax is the shit! Literally just saved my life from a borg infest in late flower. Its the real deal and my guy tells me its killer to feed the plants in veg. Good luck!


Even in Arcadia I exist
Here's my experience after a few months of use, initially to cure / prevent powdery mildew and since to keep things pest and disease free - It works!

For about 2 months now I've been applying @ 10ml/l every 5 days and recently switched to a lower dose of 2ml/l Azamax + 2ml/l Neem every 10 days as a maintenance dose on a friend's recommendation. Haven't seen a spot of PM since I started and I still (thankfully) don't know the horrors of a spider mite infestation.

To other Azamax / Azatrol users out there - How seriously should I take the safety precautions in the bottle? I need to get me some rubber gloves if that's really anything more than boilerplate 'pesticide' legal mumbojumbo...

I have close friends who have had the same success . . . good shit.

Can't speak on the subject of safety, just thought I'd mention I keep some on hand as well because of their praise for it.

Good thread.


Active member
I've been uzing Azatrol/Azamax for a year now, and it absolutely works as advertised. 1.5 Tablespoons of Azatrol in 1 gallon of water as a soil drench killed my root aphids, thrips and fungus gnats. It took 2-3 applications and LOTS of sticky traps for the stragglers.. You want to hit them hard or they will develop a tolerance. i've found that 1.5 Tablespoons/1Gal or .06% is the way "safe" way to go for most high pressure pests. You can up to 2 Tablespoons on the 2nd application if your plants seem happy with the previous dose..

A word of caution, i stuck my hand/arm in a bucket of Azatrol mix and later that day i got bumps on my hands like "chicken pocks" and they felt like em too.. They disappeared after 12-24 hours or so... Not fun. Azamax/Azatrol definately caused a reaction, so wear gloves with that stuff. I've also had a few nice inhales of the vapors from it, and it makes the tip of your tounge tingle and feel kinda numb. So take it from someone who's exposed themselves to it, wear gloves and a mask to be safe, it is organic, but not healthy for humans.
Does anyone know how often you can use AzaMax? I just recently found out that I have a horrible broad mite infestation and gave them a 1.6 TBS does along with some gold penatrator. I know that azamax doesnt kill on contact and seeps into the plant but when I look I still see some broad mites moving around. Im really looking forward to the next time I can give them another foliar feeding so how long do you think I should wait?
just discovered the beginnings of a spider mite infestation. was about to get some einstein neem, but the hydro guy recommended azamax. foilar sprayed like no other. hope this works!


Azatrol at 2T/gal applied with a pump sprayer wiped out spider mites in flower for me (finished flowering without them coming back). I couldn't find anyone alive after the first app, but gave it a second in three days anyway. I had been using a lower dose with a hand sprayer and it wasn't getting them. I think the type of sprayer made a big difference - the hairs on the undersides of the leaves keep the liquid from penetrating - once I soaked them well enough they died immediately. Possibly a lower dose could be used with a pump sprayer as the coverage is so much better - you can really drench the plants. I kind of think I smothered them rather than having the aziradactrin act as a feed deterrent, as it seemed to be immediate.
I didn't see any problem with using it as a rapid repeat application - with mites I think you need to go every other day or so to break the egg cycle.


I use it as soil drench for mites and thrips. Its a great systematic killer. Totally eradicated mites and thrips for me in conjunction with a dunking of floramite.