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Azamax caused deficiencies, or pH issue? Pics included





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Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Does look like pH stress. MSDS lists a pH of 7. I have no idea what a direct application of oil would do, and am curious how you pen works after a soak.

Azadiractins are mildy systemic. If you have poisoned them, it may continue to get worse until (if) if gets better.

Try Gnatrol in the future. More effective and less toxic.


Hey, this is my third run in DTW coco. I'm using the multifeed method. First two runs were completed with no issues. I'm using Mother Earth Coco and H&G Coco's nutrients @ around 7mL/gal, ph 5.8~. 250w HPS for veg

These plants were looking perfectly healthy until about a week or two ago. I have been battling gnats and had been doing soil drenches with Azamax, but was still seeing fliers. Then I did something pretty stupid. I applied pure Azamax around my drip stakes on the surface of the coco.

Ever since then the plants have been deteriorating. It is still growing but not as quickly as it should and are showing what seems to be numerous deficiencies. I've tried flushing nutrient solution through which hasn't seemed to help.

I've also had trouble with my keeping my pH in the res stable, have had to adjust it multiple times. Maybe my pH meter is on the fritz? It's a bluelab pen. I tried re-calibrating it but it was already pretty close to being right on. However the meter seems to be working slower, taking it longer to settle on the final number. I have cleaned it and am hydrating it in KCL storage solution right now.

As for the plants I'm seeing white tips, yellowing, rust spots, drooping leaves, purpling stems. Strains are C99 and Ayahuasca Purple. I went ahead and took clones tonight just incase I have to scrap this current batch.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hey man feel your pain photos aren't the best if you flushed them make sure what your ec is going into pots is coming out the same golden rule I flush with plain water some people use quater strength nutrient ,let your pots dry out untill you will see them perk up then go back to to your normal regime.


The pH pen didn't come into contact with Azamax, just to be clear. I do have some Gnatrol but hadn't applied it. I'll be switching to Smart Pots and top dressing with sand to stop the gnats once and for all.

Any advice on how to proceed?

You'll never get rid off the scarid flyes they will always come back because you are using coco and multiple feeds keeping your medium wet you can only keep them at bay
And if you over water and have a lot of them in your medium they can transmit pithium root rot.


@wazzer I haven't compared the conductivity/pH of the nutrient solution to the run off. I'll definitely do that tomorrow after my pH probe is finished soaking. And then maybe do a better flush. I guess that's all I can do. Bummer

Check the run off with the conductivity is your blue lab a combo and why are you soaking it get ph test kit from your hydro
Shop it's no more than ten bucks you fill the little test tube 3/4 full and one drop of the liquid compare the colour you will get a rough idea if your pen is really out.


You should get some yellow sticky traps
And put them on your pots the scarid flyes
Are attracted to it monitor to see how many stick to it the plants in those photos look like fungus gnat only way to be sure get some potato chop in half and put on top of
Your pots leave for a couple of days they will burrow into the potato,over here were I am down under we use a product what the mushroom farmers use Alsystin 480 SC Larvicide is an insect growth regulator it fucks them you should have some thing similar ring a up a farm supply store and say you growing mushrooms 😂.