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awwwww shit.... Drug Test Help!!!


Wow .... I have to get urine and alchol tested tonight! Shiiiit... does anyone know what drugs they can find in urine testing, besides MJ? :yoinks:
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Active member
my girlfreind used synthetic piss from the smoke shop. it comes with a heat pack with rubber band and thermometer to heat it up to 98 degrees in about 45 minutes. works for guys and girls.


Active member
bobby87 said:
Wow, i had court today for 2 DUI'S, and now.... I have to get urine and alchol tested tonight!! Shiiiit... does anyone know what drugs they can find in urine testing, besides MJ? :yoinks:

generally, the drug tests that the courts give you test for thc, cocaine, morphine (which is what heroin shows up as), and amphetamine...

they could test for other things, but it ends up costing them too much, these drugs account for probobly 80% of all drugs used in a day in the u.s. anyway...

btw, everything but thc will generally be undetectable after 48 hours...

and, the worst that will happen is that you have to go to treatment...


Active member
use synthetic piss just be careful with the heat pad ive had some sketch experiences, first time i used it it heated it to like 102 and they wouldnt test my piss cause it was too hot, then the second time a different job i had to do it and same thing happened but i let it cool off beforei gave it to em this time lol


Active member
Ive passed drug tests on my own for years, even when i was in the military. You have to remember, nothing you can do or buy will truely "clean" you out.. The trick is masking it. First off, the less you can smoke before the test, the better...naturally. However, if you know the test is coming, you drink, drink and drink even more. Water. Eat light the night before, limit diet to fruits and clean light things, maybe like a salad. I like to go to bed on a bladder full of water. The kinda that makes you wake up and take 3 pisses that night. In the morning when you wake, hit the bottle again. You MUST piss at least 7 times before the test... At this point your kidneys are basically floating. I usually super binge on the water on the way to test, as much as a gallon... make sure you bring an extra bottle to piss in the car, it will be needed!!!... Its gonna burn, yove never in your life had to take a piss this bad!!! Ive done this numerous times. NO HELPERS or PRODUCTS, just WATER. LOTS! Oh, and take a vitamin B or any MULTI-vitamin to put color back into your urine. Usually a few hours before the test. Vitamin B works great. Youll be pissing straight water... The water has thinned out whatever pollutants are there to the point they cant be traced. Its a horribly uncomfortable ride to the clinic, but youll pass the test... good luck


cadillachydro said:
Ive passed drug tests on my own for years, even when i was in the military. You have to remember, nothing you can do or buy will truely "clean" you out.. The trick is masking it. First off, the less you can smoke before the test, the better...naturally. However, if you know the test is coming, you drink, drink and drink even more. Water. Eat light the night before, limit diet to fruits and clean light things, maybe like a salad. I like to go to bed on a bladder full of water. The kinda that makes you wake up and take 3 pisses that night. In the morning when you wake, hit the bottle again. You MUST piss at least 7 times before the test... At this point your kidneys are basically floating. I usually super binge on the water on the way to test, as much as a gallon... make sure you bring an extra bottle to piss in the car, it will be needed!!!... Its gonna burn, yove never in your life had to take a piss this bad!!! Ive done this numerous times. NO HELPERS or PRODUCTS, just WATER. LOTS! Oh, and take a vitamin B or any MULTI-vitamin to put color back into your urine. Usually a few hours before the test. Vitamin B works great. Youll be pissing straight water... The water has thinned out whatever pollutants are there to the point they cant be traced. Its a horribly uncomfortable ride to the clinic, but youll pass the test... good luck

awsome advice!!
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GoodbyeBlueSky said:
generally, the drug tests that the courts give you test for thc, cocaine, morphine (which is what heroin shows up as), and amphetamine...

they could test for other things, but it ends up costing them too much, these drugs account for probobly 80% of all drugs used in a day in the u.s. anyway...

btw, everything but thc will generally be undetectable after 48 hours...

and, the worst that will happen is that you have to go to treatment...

good info also... i recently had sugery and i had a morphine drip... so this is prolly gonna show up.


Actually at any half-way decent drug testing place, the simple chugging water method will not work. When you chug water you are just diluting your urine. Drug testers will check the creatinine levels in your urine to make sure you don't just chug massive amounts of water to get a false negative. There is an easy way to beat this though, take a few creatine capsules 3 times daily starting 2-3 days before your test to boost your creatinine levels. (Creatinine is a by-product of creatine.)
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420weed420 said:
Actually at any half-way decent drug testing place, the simple chugging water method will not work. When you chug water you are just diluting your urine. Drug testers will check the creatinine levels in your urine to make sure you don't just chug massive amounts of water to get a false negative. There is an easy way to beat this though, take a few creatine capsules 3 times daily starting 2-3 days before your test to boost your creatinine levels. (Creatinine is a by-product of creatine.)

fuckin true! i got denyed.... gonna have 2 go back tomarrow :confused:

Space Ghost

They also usually test for benzo's (xanax, ativan, klonipin, valium ect.) so if you've been abusing those be careful!


either use synthetic piss, or fail.

i have lots of experience.

many placebo's out there, as well as chugging water etc.. they may work for some people, but probably wont work for you.

post what you used and your end result please, s oothers will know.

best of luck, but without synthetic pee, youre fooked.
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Just stop doing heroin . fuck i do cocaine openly but come the fuck on . as long as erowid shows i wont die from my cali coke im good.