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Avid Cloning


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Pretty sure the REI (Return entry interval) on Avid is 18 hours. I would wait at least that long unless you're handling the cuts with chemically resistant gloves. Shouldn't inhibit rooting though.
hey krunch I sprayed yesterday the moms should i spray again today to give them another shot? and also once I mix the avid how long is it good for


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
hey krunch I sprayed yesterday the moms should i spray again today to give them another shot? and also once I mix the avid how long is it good for

you can, although it most likely wont do anything else......

i think its 18 hours or so......

best thing is spray in another 7 days, to take care of what eggs hatched.....

or use avad, then floramite. floramite is an acid that kills mites in all growth stages including egg stage. avid only kills mites that are crawling around....
yes i used the floramite on them months ago before taking clones....did avid yesterday as the mites have just started to return I want to take clones should i floramite them first before that or?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
yes i used the floramite on them months ago before taking clones....did avid yesterday as the mites have just started to return I want to take clones should i floramite them first before that or?

think about it like this floramite is an acid that kills everything, but is not systemic.....

avid is a systemic based miteacide that kills mites that are in pupae, larve and adult stage.....

so, a floaramite soak or dunk, then a avid spray most likely will be the most effective way to get rid of mites in all stages....


Overkill is under-rated.
Just know that Avidis for ornamentals only, I really wish folks would stop using it on weed. use Floramite SC and alternate with Forbid4F, those are the best two products to use for mites.
oh great stupid move by me last night left the momma plant out and not under light so it went thru a whole night of darkness, am i ok to take clones or did i mess it up

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